New models, new skills...


John Rixon

After a sizeable break, brought on, in part, by ageing family issues and a new distraction (motorhome!!), I have, for some inexplicable reason, turned to aircraft. I guess I was hitting the "Groundghog Day" feeling with AFVs, and not feeling as challenged, if you will. I bought a 1/48 Tamiya P47D, which is an amazing kit, possibly the best kit I've come across, beautiful mouldings, excellent fit etc, which was the point I realised I'd need to airbrush it, to realise it's full potential. So I equipped myself with a top flight (arf!) airbrus half way through the build, by which time I'd cocked it up a bit, due to being a bit experimental with weathering approaches...
It came out okayish, but exposed a huge gap in my skills as a modeller - planning, in particular, but it served a great purpose in helping me realise how I was going to have to change my approach, which fuelled my enthusiasm. I shall build another one of these, down the line, as it's really worth getting it right!
I followed ths up with a 1/48 Bird Cage Corsair. Another beautiful kit, and all has gone pretty smoothly with this one. I'm just at the point of weathering and final coating:
f4 2.jpg
I've just cleaned this all off and given it a coat of Testor's dull coat - which was scary as hell, as it seemed to crackle the decals (EEEK!) but this seems to be settling down (aaand breathe)! The upshot of all this is I have placed an order for a 1/32 A6M 2 Zero, which is going to really challenge me, but I seem to be happiest when slightly out of my comfort zone.
I'll post the finished bird anon. Thanks for listening!


SMF Supporter
Jul 23, 2011
First Name
I look forward to your Zero build, a great kit.
That Corsair of your is coming along well too.... Are those the Flory clay washes? If so these are a really good way to start with washes as they are so easy to manipulate.

Doug Hughes

That's a great looking P-47, John, and your approach to learning new skills is an inspiration. Maybe I should do a tank...

John Rixon

I look forward to your Zero build, a great kit.
That Corsair of your is coming along well too.... Are those the Flory clay washes? If so these are a really good way to start with washes as they are so easy to manipulate.
They are indeed, Barry - I love them, as they are totally reversable in the event of a balls-up, of which I am prone! Thanks for the tip about two things, the EZ line (boy was I tense doing that) and the Aqua Gloss, which really is rather good.

John Rixon

That's a great looking P-47, John, and your approach to learning new skills is an inspiration. Maybe I should do a tank...
Thanks Doug, yes, I recommend it! Have to admit though, I was at that jaded stage, not helped by a lack of bench time for months, and this seemed like a good idea!


SMF Supporter
May 14, 2015
First Name
Hi John,
They both look fantastic, I've had a sizeable break and just came back but have stuck to WWII 1/48 aircraft as have some nice kits in the stash. Funnily enough I have heard such great things about the razorback and nearly got one myself, is it really that good a kit?
I also have tamiya 1/48 corsair but with the moto tug version. Looking forward to the larger zero.
Good work so far.

John Rixon

Hi John,
They both look fantastic, I've had a sizeable break and just came back but have stuck to WWII 1/48 aircraft as have some nice kits in the stash. Funnily enough I have heard such great things about the razorback and nearly got one myself, is it really that good a kit?
I also have tamiya 1/48 corsair but with the moto tug version. Looking forward to the larger zero.
Good work so far.
It's a cracker Phil, for a start, it's a huge 'plane, so at even 1/48, it's got booty, which makes it easier (to my old eye and fingers) to build, and the fit is spot on, with a good design process, making it a breeze. My only complaint is the decals, typical Tamiya- too thick - and if/ when I build the next one, I'll go for Techmod or XtraDecal, I didn't even try the Corsair decals, I ordered Techmod with the plane! Can't recommend this kit enough!