Graham's Heros of the Soviet People GB Diorama



Graham mate i love the T34 it looks sooooo nice the paint job and weathering are spot onvery nice, kepp the pics coming.



this is a great tank, like paul said, the numbers and writing on the turret are so well done, it gives the tank such a real look. hope you get stuck into the rest and look forward to seeing the pics.

Richy C

Looking very nice Graham , 6 weeks to go you`ve got no problems mate, not even started my part 2 of the GB yet , like a lot of the lads and lasses I`m doing a 1/48 basic dio for the 1st time with a german tank , just like the 1/35 scale but the bits are a lot smaller if it comes out half as good as yours I will be well happy



Well, I promised myself to get going on the GB today and for once I stuck to it. Not a lot done really but it does emphasise the amount of work I have yet to do. I have assembled (minus the odd head or two) all the figures that will be going into this small diorama. It looks a lot, I thought it was 16 but it is 20..... There is a reason for this but if madness starts to creep in, I may not use all of them.

The Tamiya figures are OK, but as mentioned before, they are a tad under scale. The beige ones are the ICM figures and they are just stunning. They fit as though they are made of one piece and the detail is just spot on. Just hope I can do them justice. As these are the 'Officer Class' I don't mind them being bigger as they will be grouped together away from the 'horde'. I will concentrate more on these ICM figures for effect whereas the mass of crouching, sitting, sprinting infantry will be painted a little more basic as the mass of them will give the effect I want not the individual detail.

I did hope to get them primed up but I will let the glue dry overnight and try and get them primed and started tomorrow afternoon..... Let the madness begin.


Mmm, organised?? Me??? The letters on the sticks are the parts of the sprue for each figure as there are still parts on the sprue like heads and helmets, I just wanted to put the right head on the right body lol. Not a lot of difference but some of these heads are turned at quite acute angles and it will be a lot easier to use the right one. That is the theory anyway.

Going to try a different way of starting the figure painting. If it works it will speed things up. If it doesn't you will never know because I will never mention it again lol.


Looks like you have your work cut out with those figures. Are you like me in that a short while ago the thought of painting figures terrified me but now for some reason i actually like and enjoy painting them.( to the extent that every aircraft i made i deliberately left out the pilot).


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
First Name
You surely have got your work cut out for you! 20 - that is a lot of figures!!! The ICM ones look stunning and I'm looking forward to seeing them all, or perhaps the majority (whatever you decide), in the finished piece. Good luck with it all October's going to be a busy month!




OK, I have wished this decision would not have to be made, but it has.

After so many false starts at trying to get a half decent diorama base made up, I have to admit defeat and accept that dioramas are something I cannot do well enough as yet. I know you ill say it isn't that difficult but for me, I just cannot get a sense of realism that I want. On that, I have decided to declare that I am abandoning my build for the GB. OK, I have the vehicles and some of the figures all done bar the shouting but I will not be in a position to pull it all together.

Far to ambitious a plan for my ability but not an end to my ever doing a diorama, I just need to work on how to achieve what I want in a relaxed way and starting with something simpler to build on. One of the best things to come out of this is my sincerest admiration for those of you who have created some superb diorama masterpieces, as soon as I can get past the creative block that is stopping me getting it right, I will be running down the lane after you all in a bid to catch up.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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I know exactly how you feel! I'm feeling the pressure on this one and I have to say that I'm not enjoying as I should. That said I'm determined to finish my dio before the deadline.

I do hope you get to finish yours Graham when you've got yourself ready, I for one am looking forward to seeing it completed.

All the best



SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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Graham, I understand your frustration and possible annoyance at having to come to your decision.

The modelling lark is supposed to be fun and when any form of pressure creeps in it could be time to step back and consolidate.

However, there is still time enough to produce something. So why not just opt for one vehicle and a couple of figures?

The diorama doesn't have to be complicated, simple is sometimes best.

My friend, you say you can't get it right. To my way of thinking the only way to see where you can improve is to produce something, anything. Post it, and being the sound bunch we are, you will get all the help you could wish for.

It doesn't matter if in your eyes it's not good enough. We are not here to belittle folks work, only help.

We have all tried different aspects of modelling and been well 'Outside our comfort zone'...(Don't you hate that expression?!) so I say, simplify it, keep at it and finish it.....

'nuff said.



Graham I have seen your work, you are a damn fine builder, and Im sure if you get the mind set right, you will knock out some terrific dio's, maybe all of us that build dio's should do some tutorials and the like, to get creative juices flowing for others in a similar situation, after my Bf 110 is complete I intend to build some 1/48 buildings for it...hmmm maybe a tutorial in the making there.


I build my buildings brick by brick and slate by it could be, but the effect is great, especially with the mortar inbetween the bricks...yummy, but saying that I have never built 2 floor


Well if you can get some pics of the buildings, I think a dio tutorial for the Russian builders would be ideal, it might even get Grahams juices flowing.....Come on Graham you know you want