Hanging figures



I've been reading Anthony Beevor's D-Day and it has given me an idea for a Diorama. During the german retreat after being mauled by the Allies in Normandy, the German Feldgendarmerie caught a large number of awol soldiers and hanged them from trees as a sign to others that this could be them if they tried to flee. I wanted to create a scene where troops are marching to the front and seeing on of these deserters hanging. Yes the subject is macabre but this did infact happen, on all fronts.

I've not seen any diorama to reflect this sort of scene, but i wanted to put this in a Diorama, more for education. A german soldier in half in uniform and half in civilian clothes perhaps..

Does any one know if you can get a figure for this? or would I need to attempt ( as I haven't ever been successful in scratch building a figure) this?


Paul P

you can get mannequin figures in various scales from michtoy in the states. but you will need to sculpt the clothing
