Hawker Hurricane Mk. IIC



Came across this model in a newsagent in a little village, and couldn’t resist it.

This is the Revell 1/72 Hawker Hurricane Mk. IIC in the colours of No. 336 (Greek) Squadron, Desert Air Force, RAF, Landing Group 8 Mersa Matruh, Egypt, 1944. There was the alternative provided for No.28 (Army Cooperation) Squadron RAF South East Asia Command , Dalbumghar, North East India, 1944

This is the only model I have built since returning to modelling where I did not have to use a single drop of filler. It is a little gem of a Model, with negligible flash on the mouldings.

It came as a set with three pots of acrylic paint which I used for the Camo, for the underside I used Tamiya Acrylic. The kit paint had a really thick paste consistency, and was thinned with Tamiya Acrylic thinner roughly 60/40 thinner to paint, it airbrushed well.

I made the Revell Tornado Gr. 1 which was also I highly detailed model, this and the Hurricane both had recessed panel lines and rivets. The Decals were excellent all readable, right down to the smallest size, Trumpeter could take a lesson from this as on many of their decals they only had a thick black line, which I find unacceptable on their expensive 1/32 kits.

Hope you enjoy viewing. Plan to build the Tamiya 1/48 F-15C Eagle next.

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yak face

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Jun 13, 2009
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hi derek, great looking hurricane! nice job. Isnt it brilliant when you get a real buzz out of a kit especially if it hasnt cost the earth. I know that a lot of people regard revell as not very good,poor fitting and detail etc. but personally i think the same as you ,ive had some fantastic revell kits,especially the newer releases.The detail is great and they fit well and as for the decals,youve got it spot on,their 1/72 decals puts many a larger kits to shame. if you fancy trying another great little revell kit ,get their lavochkin la 5fn, its a reboxing of the italeri kit but with revells excellent decals ,really good value for about £3-£4 ,looking forward to the eagle , cheers tony


Fossil Raver
Jan 1, 2009
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I do like a good Hurricane and this is great. Tropical too, love the weathering.



Hi Tony and John, Thanks for your comments. This was my first attempt at weathering, I sprayed the model with Klear before using Pro-Modeller black weathering wash. Before putting on the camo I sprayed the chipped areas with Citadel Silver metallic acrylic, and scraped the camo off the areas with the point of an exacto knife down to the Silver coat. The chipping seems to be more prominent in the photo than on the actual model. I should add I primed the model with Tamiya White Fine Surface Primer.

Tony, as you say I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Revell or Italeri kits, When I returned to modelling I built the old 1/72 model of the Handley Page Victor, and the then new release of the 1/72 Airfix Avro Vulcan. The Victor Kit won hands down for fit and quality. I was so disappointed with Airfix, I haven't bought another one since. This is probably an over reaction. All the best Derek
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Hi Derek, great looking model, in fact this is my next project after my first build after 22 years! I can only hope I can make such a success as you have. Can I ask did you put your decals on after the Klear application? I ask as when doing my first model recently I did notice when I put Klear over the decals there was a slight reaction but thankfully did not spoil.Best regards Rich


Hi Rich, Thanks for your comments, yes I applied the Decals on top of one coat of Klear. I use Micro Set to bed in the Decals, they molded into the Panel Lines great. I use Micro Flat over the Decals etc as a top coat, this goes on flat if you airbrush, but if you use a brush like I do for the small models it goes on with a sheen. On my larger models, the MIG 29M and Sukhoi SU-27B I use Humbrol Hobby Spray Varnish - Satin. If you are buying the Varnish, read the label as they make one type for the Acrylic and one for Enamel paint. Any more queries, just ask, hope you enjoy the Hurricane as much as I did Derek
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Hi Derek iam not a plane guy but thins looks fantastic, i do love the desert paint job keep up the good work



Scott, Thanks for your comments, been looking at your Tanks/Armoured Vehicles, always have total admiration for how you guys do your weathering, and figures. I usually leave off the Pilots in the aircraft as mine just looks like blobs of paint. Nice to hear from you Derek


Nice to see the real Hero of WWII getting some attention at last!

I'm a sucker for underdogs and have always admired the Hurricane for what it was, a workhorse!

Unlike it's showbiz, glamour pus, prettier sister the Spitfire, that grabbed all the headlines.


Nice model!


\ said:
Nice to see the real Hero of WWII getting some attention at last!I'm a sucker for underdogs and have always admired the Hurricane for what it was, a workhorse!

Unlike it's showbiz, glamour pus, prettier sister the Spitfire, that grabbed all the headlines.


Nice model!
HEAR HEAR, Responsible for 80% of the kills in WWII, beats my why it isn't given more attention. The forthcoming Hasegawa 1/48 looks a good model, see link below.

Hasegawa 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIC - HAJT51 - £16.14

Richard B

Sooooo can't wait for my Airfix Hurri to arrive in the post! Haven't built a kit in a long time (15 years and counting!!)

excellent work there on the Revell model! :clap:





My all time favourite WWII warbird, lovely looking plane. Followed by the BF109 and FW 190.

I could never understand everyone raving about the Spitfire models although I built a few when I was much younger, the Spit's a nice plane but the Hurricane will always be a favourite for me, If I ever had a big money win i'd have a Hurricane repro made to fly.

Along with a Wallis autogyro a la 'little nellie', and one of those funky little jet planes Roger Moore used at the start of Octopussy.

And of course a Blue Thunder and Airwolf repro too :smiling3:

Did I miss anything?


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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\ said:
HEAR HEAR, Responsible for 80% of the kills in WWII, beats my why it isn't given more attention.
I love the Hurricane but that was hardly the case. It had the majority of kills during the battle of Britain but then it equipped the majority of squadrons. It did it's job and was held in high esteem by it's pilots. In reality it was at the very end of a generation of aircraft harking back to the days of fabric covered tubular air frames whereas the Spitfire and Bf109 were the first of the next generation of stressed skin monocoque airframes. This meant that the Hurricane was incapable of being developed in the way the other two were. Both the Bf109 and Spitfire's later variants were considerably heavier and had more than double the power of the BOB versions. A late mark,Griffon powered Spitfire even looks like it's been at the steroids!

None of this makes the Hurricane a lesser machine but by late 1941 it had had its day in the European theatre as an air superiority fighter as far as the RAF was concerned. You wouldn't want to take on an Fw190 in a Hurricane. It still made a decent night fighter. The Russians still used them,more than 3000 were sent to them. It also had a successful career in the Far East and to a lesser extent the Mediterranean.

You are certainly correct to say it has been somewhat overlooked and has been forced into the shadow of the Spitfire for far too long.

A great fighter,though non-Brits never understand why we so rate it. The reason is simple, we'd have been properly b*ggered without it.



Richard B

mine's finally arrived in the post! spent all day looking at her and then bought paints, glue and a nice brush!




\ said:
mine's finally arrived in the post! spent all day looking at her and then bought paints, glue and a nice brush!cheers

Hi Rich, The Revell model is a little gem, you won't need any filler. Look forward to seeing some photos - enjoy. Cheers Derek

Richard B

Sorry derek mate but mines an Airfix job! Looks a nice new mould though so I think it should be ok. will be starting on her tomorrow eve so will try and stick some pics on here asap

