I want to get into modelling, but have no idea where to start.



I want to start building model boats from World War II, but I have no idea what are good beginner models or how to even build the models, although, what really scares me is the painting. Any tips on how to start off?


It's a modelling time!
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Jul 2, 2013
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Hello there, firstly welcome to the forum. Use the search menu for boats and painting and hopefully it will give you some ideas.

Here is a nice cheap 1/72 Vosper for starters: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/airfix-vosper-Model-Kit-1-72-Torpedo-Boat-/321963976095?hash=item4af68c659f:g:0v0AAOSwo3pWb1rp

Nice size and a good model.

Or, get a cheap aircraft kit, just for practising on, get a starter kit from airfix and you get the model, glue, paints and brush to get you going.


\ said:
Hello there, firstly welcome to the forum. Use the search menu for boats and painting and hopefully it will give you some ideas.
Here is a nice cheap 1/72 Vosper for starters: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/airfix-vosper-Model-Kit-1-72-Torpedo-Boat-/321963976095?hash=item4af68c659f:g:0v0AAOSwo3pWb1rp

Nice size and a good model.

Or, get a cheap aircraft kit, just for practising on, get a starter kit from airfix and you get the model, glue, paints and brush to get you going.
What paints would you recommend I purchase? Should I go to Games Workshop to find the paints there?


As Eddie said buy as starter kit from Airfix or Revell, just have some fun building and painting to start off with. Worry about paints, tools and so on later.

Oh yes welcome to the forum




It's a modelling time!
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Jul 2, 2013
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\ said:
What paints would you recommend I purchase? Should I go to Games Workshop to find the paints there?
As David points out paints etc are for later. Practice on some cheapo kits that come with glue and paints.

Buy a sharp craft knife, some modelling snips and some sanding sticks. This way you can cut the pieces off the sprues and sand down any rough edges prior to gluing. Then practise using the glue (sparingly, using a pin or toothpick) to stick your models together. Once dry you can then paint. The paints that come with the starter kits are rubbish, but for someone not used to modelling they are useful for getting to grips with brush painting etc. Once you feel competent you can buy other acrylic paints for brush painting or even upgrade into a airbrush kit.

First thing is to practise, getting the model to look good and not a glue bomb. I have seen many model starters get loads of gear and then get overwhelmed and pack it in. Just take your time and practise before jumping in with loads of gear and expense.


It's a modelling time!
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Jul 2, 2013
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These are the starter kits: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airfix-Mary-Rose-Model-Kit-Starter-Set-/311396066087?hash=item4880a6e327:g:QTIAAOSwHnFVmChE They do aircraft cars etc, cheap enough for you to practice on. If, you like doing models then you can buy bigger kits with more parts etc and go on from there.

I notice you're in NZ, so check out Ebay for stuff, also we have some members from NZ and OZ so they maybe can offer advice on where to get stuff in your neck of the woods.


It's a modelling time!
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Jul 2, 2013
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Just to add, painting even scares seasoned modellers :D You will not be the first, or the last, to worry about painting or the finish, we all had to learn and still are. It is just a case of relaxing and having a go and fun. Remember it is a hobby and for enjoyment.


\ said:
These are the starter kits: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airfix-Mary-Rose-Model-Kit-Starter-Set-/311396066087?hash=item4880a6e327:g:QTIAAOSwHnFVmChE They do aircraft cars etc, cheap enough for you to practice on. If, you like doing models then you can buy bigger kits with more parts etc and go on from there.
I notice you're in NZ, so check out Ebay for stuff, also we have some members from NZ and OZ so they maybe can offer advice on where to get stuff in your neck of the woods.
As it turns out, my little brother just came home with a couple of boxes of Airfix Aircraft starter kits. He wants to get into it too! We can learn together haha


It's a modelling time!
SMF Supporter
Jul 2, 2013
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\ said:
As it turns out, my little brother just came home with a couple of boxes of Airfix Aircraft starter kits. He wants to get into it too! We can learn together haha
Nice one, have fun and don't fret about making a mess, some of us still do...me for one :smiling3:


No Tears Please. It's a Waste of Good Suffering.
Apr 14, 2013
First Name
Hi Max...... and welcome to the forum. I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed this out mate, but don't use the glue in the tube. It's stringy and messy....... Try to get some liquid glue, Humbrol or RevelL Contacta are a good start. They are much easier to work with. anything you need to know on here, just ask....... There's always someone with an answer........ and this is probably the friendliest place on the net.

Enjoy your modelling mate........ That's the most important thing.

Deleted member 3568

Hi and welcome to the friendliest forum on the net. You've already made a good start by joining this forum as has been said don't go buying loads of paint and stuff, there is so much choice you will just get overwhelmed,just buy what you need as you need it, one tip the colours on the instructions can lead you to buy far more than you need,for instance it may tell you, you need red,black,yellow,blue,green,brown so on and so on, but you will find perhaps the only place the yellow is used is on one tiny little button which when the kit is assembled won't even be seen, yes when you get seriously into it you will want to paint that button. For starters though just have a quick scan through the painting instructions and only buy the basic paints you need (or else you will find the paints alone will cost you more than the model) with the starter kits you will only get the minimum paints to paint the model so won't get all the colours needed anyway, just enough so it makes a good representation, oh and good luck.


Welcome to the forum Max. I can only repeat what my learned friends have said above. However, don't set your sights too high. If you look around the internet you will see models that are the results of many years practice, learning and development on the part of the modeller.

If you expect to achieve even close to this with your first few models you will soon be disappointed and get downhearted. Modelling is, primarily, fun. If you don't have fun, what is the point. So no stressing out because the paint isn't quite right or you break bits off the model. We all have done that and some, like me, still do :oops:

The hobby is far too big to learn in one go, in fact modellers never stop learning. So take it a step at a time, learn from each kit and if you make a mess of it, so what? Learn from that and the next one will be better.

Above all, have fun and enjoy the many frustrations to come :smiling3:
Sep 25, 2013
First Name
Hi max, here's how I started...ordered a 1.600 airfix hms ark royal from eBay. Spent a couple of days studying the instructions until I felt comfortable it. Bought the precision liquid glue for assembly and about 5 tin let's of humbrol enamel, a brush and a bottle of white spirit for cleaning the brush. As you get going you'll soon find out what tools will make life easier.....sharp blade,tweezers, a bit of fine sandpaper, magnifying glass. Keep it simple max because the basics are the most important and skilled elements of modelling. Try and do a whole model without any help and critique it yourself when finished and remember....your second model will knock spots off it !

John Rixon

\ said:
Just to add, painting even scares seasoned modellers :D You will not be the first, or the last, to worry about painting or the finish, we all had to learn and still are. It is just a case of relaxing and having a go and fun. Remember it is a hobby and for enjoyment.
This advice ought to be pinned at the top of the forum!


Hi Max welcome to the forum you have made a great start by joining us as there is a wealth of knowledge here we all are different in our approach to the hobby and what tools we use and techniques

I like ships same as you but I only do 350 scale one good thing with ships is you won't need many colours a couple of greys a dark red and black and white that should cover all you need for now

What scale do you fancy

Also use tamiya thin liquid glue or an equivalent it's so much easier than tube stuff and a good sharp swan Morton scalpel all this is just my opinion anyway get something that really interests you and don't expect to turn out a show winner right from the start most of us don't want to anyway we just build coz we enjoy it all the best

Roger PS have a look at ships being built on this forum it will give you some ideas and never ever be afraid to ask any questions



Howdy from California, Max!

I second what everyone says above. The biggest tip I can give you is don't get bummed if your first kit doesn't turn out like the ones on the internet. It will come with time.

As far as what you need to get started, One of my first videos was a beginners guide to, what I believe is the minimum you need to build a kit and enjoy it, and believe me, you don't need much. Check it out if you like.



I too am new/returning from childhood and went to the factory shop/poundshop and got lots of everyday basics, I am however investing in an airbrush.... Not gonna spend a fortune but enough to get something good and enough that I will remove the chance of me throwing the towel in before I get going.

Spray primers are my next purchase and looking at the posts I'm off to the pound shop again to get a couple of cans.

John Rixon

\ said:
Howdy from California, Max!
I second what everyone says above. The biggest tip I can give you is don't get bummed if your first kit doesn't turn out like the ones on the internet. It will come with time.

As far as what you need to get started, One of my first videos was a beginners guide to, what I believe is the minimum you need to build a kit and enjoy it, and believe me, you don't need much. Check it out if you like.

Excellent video, also should be pinned!


Wow, John, that is quite a compliment. Thanks.

In the very near future I am going to do a follow up explaining my views on a secondary set of tools/supplies for those beginning to get comfortable with model building. Kind of a "next step" thing.

Deleted member 4203

Welcome to the forum Max ;) :smiling3: There are plenty of people on here to give advice, be sure to keep asking for help (if you need it) ;)