New build landrover AK


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Aug 22, 2023
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Ok .. i'm confused here .. this is a detailed build , full engine / gearbox parts but the bonnet .. you have the option of glued open or glued closed .. why go to the detail of building and painting the engine when i want the bonnet to be open or closed .. there is no option for this in the kit ? Do i have to try and fabricate very small bonnet hinges ? can i buy these ?

I want bonnet open or closed on a pivot to show off the work .

This is an AK kit .. very detailed and far above what i have attempted so far ..

First off .. the spruces need a dam good clean .. something i've not come across with Tamiya kits .. in short .. heavy oil contamination that ruined the primer base .

Basic chassis and partial engine build completed so far ..

I've been using the glue as a filler on the figures .. is there something that's better as the gaps are pretty small and glue seems to do the job ?

Once again .. my images are not the correct way upwards .. i'm doing something wrong here but am unsure on how to fix this .. i use my phone for these images .. i use paint to rotate , resize and yet they still show sideways .. sigh .

Thank you for your time .


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Jim R

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Nice looking kit Iain. I don't recall seeing an AK kit built before.
As for the photos. I think the site likes them to be "landscape". Try taking them or cropping them so that the horizontal measures more than the vertical.


SMF Supporter
Jul 2, 2022
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Aber do brass etch hinges R-22 and 35A-025. As this is basically the same kit as the Italeri ie a Land Rover, let me dig mine out of the stash and see if I can work something out. If I remember the hinges on the real thing were very basic. Will let you know tomorrow.


Way past the mad part
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Apr 28, 2018
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I want bonnet open or closed on a pivot to show off the work .
The problem is that working hinges in plastic will be too big to look good, or too thin to be strong enough, or even both. I think you would probably be better off leaving the bonnet loose and just posing it open when you want to show the engine. Though that is probably also difficult to do because there will be very little to support the open bonnet. Mike’s suggestion above is likely the only realistic one to have it workable, but etched-brass hinges can be rather tricky to assemble.


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Jul 2, 2022
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So went into the stash and brought out my unbuilt and unopened Land Rover, opened the bag and got all the parts out so that I could locate the bonnet - AND SOME THEIVIN' BARSTEWARD HAD NICKED IT...... can you believe it??? No wonder it was cheap on evilbay.
Anyway not to be outdone I did some google research and found pics of the hinges for the early LR's. I can knock you up a couple in metal and I will give you instructions on fitting them (drawing). They may be a little oversize but that will not really be noticable.
Let me know what you think.


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Apr 21, 2019
East Anglia
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Not sure how helpful this will be for you Iain, but after I've taken a load of pictures with either phone or tablet, I copy them onto a pc and edit them in Microsoft Photo Editor. If they're going to be uploaded onto this site then I crop and resize them as required.

Then when I first attach the pictures to a post, if they upload the wrong way round, I go back into the picture on the pc and turn it accordingly and resave then re-upload to the post so they then get turned the right way by the forum gubbins before inserting the image into my spiel...

Bit of a faff, but it works for me......



SMF Supporter
Aug 22, 2023
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Nice looking kit Iain. I don't recall seeing an AK kit built before.
As for the photos. I think the site likes them to be "landscape". Try taking them or cropping them so that the horizontal measures more than the vertical.
Aghhh yes .. i've been told that before .. opps .. trouble is i use my phone a lot at work taking pictures and it has to be set a certain way .. ill figure something out .. as you say .. i need to alter the dimensions .. new forum .. not used to it and all that lol .

So went into the stash and brought out my unbuilt and unopened Land Rover, opened the bag and got all the parts out so that I could locate the bonnet - AND SOME THEIVIN' BARSTEWARD HAD NICKED IT...... can you believe it??? No wonder it was cheap on evilbay.
Anyway not to be outdone I did some google research and found pics of the hinges for the early LR's. I can knock you up a couple in metal and I will give you instructions on fitting them (drawing). They may be a little oversize but that will not really be noticable.
Let me know what you think.

That's above and beyond and not what i expected .. Thank you ... i would appreciate a small drawing perhaps , i had a mess about with some solder wire at work today , flattened it and made a couple of curves .. it needs to be on a smaller scale but it would do the job .. not correct but as its so small it won't really stick out i feel . Images at the bottom .. I'll have a look .. perhaps an internal hinge / pivot might work .. more assembly is required though to get to that stage .

I also need to do something for the front screen as that needs to fold as well !! this model making lark can be trying at times lol .

I think mainly .. i'm surprised at a kit .. that has this much detail that nothing is done to allow it to be seen .. yes i get i could leave the bonnet loose .. @ Jakko .. i had considered that .. but for me .. there should be an option .. this was after all not a cheap purchase .. rant over !!

Yes .. i certainly expect the hinges to be a pain .. Thank you . The support here i must say is excellent , many very helpful replies .

I was also keen to know .. is there a supplier for this sort of thing .. small fabricated parts basically that i should know about or do you guys literally fabricat on the fly ? My hat off to scratch builders though .. i like most aspects of this hobby so far but building each item ??? naaa not for me .. i have enough of that at work with the older cars lol .

Not sure how helpful this will be for you Iain, but after I've taken a load of pictures with either phone or tablet, I copy them onto a pc and edit them in Microsoft Photo Editor. If they're going to be uploaded onto this site then I crop and resize them as required.

Then when I first attach the pictures to a post, if they upload the wrong way round, I go back into the picture on the pc and turn it accordingly and resave then re-upload to the post so they then get turned the right way by the forum gubbins before inserting the image into my spiel...

Bit of a faff, but it works for me......


Cheers Nick .. it's a new forum to me and so different ways of doing things .. i use Paint to resize , rotate etc .. i need to find the correct way is all ... it's frustrating .. i know my other car forum so well i instruct others .. to be back at the learning stage .. well .. yes .. sigh .


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SMF Supporter
Jul 2, 2022
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Aghhh yes .. i've been told that before .. opps .. trouble is i use my phone a lot at work taking pictures and it has to be set a certain way .. ill figure something out .. as you say .. i need to alter the dimensions .. new forum .. not used to it and all that lol .

That's above and beyond and not what i expected .. Thank you ... i would appreciate a small drawing perhaps , i had a mess about with some solder wire at work today , flattened it and made a couple of curves .. it needs to be on a smaller scale but it would do the job .. not correct but as its so small it won't really stick out i feel . Images at the bottom .. I'll have a look .. perhaps an internal hinge / pivot might work .. more assembly is required though to get to that stage .

I also need to do something for the front screen as that needs to fold as well !! this model making lark can be trying at times lol .

I think mainly .. i'm surprised at a kit .. that has this much detail that nothing is done to allow it to be seen .. yes i get i could leave the bonnet loose .. @ Jakko .. i had considered that .. but for me .. there should be an option .. this was after all not a cheap purchase .. rant over !!

Yes .. i certainly expect the hinges to be a pain .. Thank you . The support here i must say is excellent , many very helpful replies .

I was also keen to know .. is there a supplier for this sort of thing .. small fabricated parts basically that i should know about or do you guys literally fabricat on the fly ? My hat off to scratch builders though .. i like most aspects of this hobby so far but building each item ??? naaa not for me .. i have enough of that at work with the older cars lol .

Cheers Nick .. it's a new forum to me and so different ways of doing things .. i use Paint to resize , rotate etc .. i need to find the correct way is all ... it's frustrating .. i know my other car forum so well i instruct others .. to be back at the learning stage .. well .. yes .. sigh .
Not a problem, prototype hinges already made.
Try David J Parkins models, he produces some conversions for LR's and I have used his conversion for the WOMBAT LR. It comes with a really good etch brass set.
With the phone set it to not auto-rotate and then take the pic as if you are doing a landscape pic. Then when you attach it to your comment in the top left it will say 'Insert' click on that and then full image.


SMF Supporter
Aug 22, 2023
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Excellent .. thanks for the site recommendation .. i need to study what they supply !!

This is something i need to overcome but with assistance / guidance .. easy enough to ask someone to make the parts for you .. i'm not adverse to buying something but the kit has fallen a bit short i feel ,, to be fair though .. it's pretty detailed .. many small parts for the engine , box and transfer box that need to be assembled .. wish i didn't have mechanics hands/fingers lol .

Over all .. i would recommend an AK kit with the caveat .. it needs a dam good clean and plenty of perseverance as there are many small parts that need assembling and indeed sanding down .

Scratch build .. my hat off to you sir ... but a kit to assemble is at my limits let alone doing it from nothing .

I will say .. soldering wire / solder .. is easy to manipulate and strong enough to do something like this .. Photo etch .. perhaps not so .

I'm going to need advice on a railway bridge in the future , hopefully you can point me in the right direction for parts etc ..

Image below of something like a year long project i want to attempt ..


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SMF Supporter
Jul 2, 2022
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Excellent .. thanks for the site recommendation .. i need to study what they supply !!

This is something i need to overcome but with assistance / guidance .. easy enough to ask someone to make the parts for you .. i'm not adverse to buying something but the kit has fallen a bit short i feel ,, to be fair though .. it's pretty detailed .. many small parts for the engine , box and transfer box that need to be assembled .. wish i didn't have mechanics hands/fingers lol .

Over all .. i would recommend an AK kit with the caveat .. it needs a dam good clean and plenty of perseverance as there are many small parts that need assembling and indeed sanding down .

Scratch build .. my hat off to you sir ... but a kit to assemble is at my limits let alone doing it from nothing .

I will say .. soldering wire / solder .. is easy to manipulate and strong enough to do something like this .. Photo etch .. perhaps not so .

I'm going to need advice on a railway bridge in the future , hopefully you can point me in the right direction for parts etc ..

Image below of something like a year long project i want to attempt ..
There is a company that make bridges cast in plaster. let me look up their name - here we are, They do some really good diorama items.


SMF Supporter
Aug 22, 2023
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You Sir .. are a Star .. placed an order already .

This for me is merely a long term project .. way above my abilities but i have most of the parts now to at least make a start and see how i get on :smiling4:

Sorry for the delay .. been a hectic week so no Me time !