Tamiya S.A.S Pink Panther


Mark P

I have some new neighbours who are lovely people and speaking to them yesterday I found out that Colin (my new neighbour) used to serve in the S.A.S and has dedicated a room for all his uniforms, medals, pictures and so on so I asked if I could have a look to which he invited me round! WOW what a room! Everything in there from the Iranian Embassy, Northern Ireland through to Iraq. There were stories he couldn't tell for obvious reasons so the stories he could had me spell bound. Anyway we got talking about the Pink Panther or as he called it "the pinkie" and I found out why it was pink! There was a country where a plane had gone done and the government needed to find it, it went don't in the sand dunes but they just couldn't find it so asked the British government to help! In the end it was found by foot patrol and the reason it couldn't be spotted from the air was because the sun and sand storms had stripped the paint and turned it pink, that is how the "Pinkie" got its colour! He went on to show me a picture of about 15 Pinkies all lined up against sand dunes and all you can really make out is the black tyres.

Steve Brodie

SMF Supporter
Sep 17, 2014
First Name
fascinating , thanks for that - makes sense really, surprised he owned up to his past though  xD

Mark P

He only opened up a little Steve and it was only because I saw a tattoo on his upper arm that showed he was a Royal Marine first ;)


Interesting story Mark! :smiling3:

No doubt when your new neighbour asks to borrow your lawnmower, you'll say "yes, keep it as long as you like" ;) :ph34r:

Mark P

Interesting story Mark! :smiling3:

No doubt when your new neighbour asks to borrow your lawnmower, you'll say "yes, keep it as long as you like" ;) :ph34r:

Its weird Patrick as you would think he looks hard as nails but he is such a lovely bloke and if you saw him in the street you would never think he was in the British elite forces! Just goes to show really that you never judge a book by its cover. 


Its weird Patrick as you would think he looks hard as nails but he is such a lovely bloke and if you saw him in the street you would never think he was in the British elite forces! Just goes to show really that you never judge a book by its cover. 

I can easily understand that. I guess when you've seen violence close up, he doesn't need to put some 'hard man' front on.

He'd be a good neighbourhood watch member though!