A couple of pics and a video



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You've hit a soft spot with the Lugger Magpie. I would love a model like that one day, just my sort of thing.

Lovely boats and a lovely spot to sail them. Strange to hear you talk of your Autum and we are in our Spring looking forward to the next Summer.


My skiboat is finished

I've just finished my Billings cruiser- skiboat conversion and given it it's first ski test!

I tested her at a pond near Cherry Lake today. It was too

rough on the main lake.

She pulls the skier well and I found the skier stands up and

rides at the right height if you don't drive her too fast. It

leans over on it's side over that speed. The boat isn't fast

without the skier, due to it having the original cruiser prop. I

could put a big pitch 2 blader on her, but then she'd have

trouble pulling the skier and would use much more power

so run for less time. She currently runs for 1/4 Hr or so.

I'm taking her to the club tomorrow and hope to get better

video there. The one linked below is a bit brief as I had little

room for her in the pond and mucked up most of what I

took. You’l notice the motor running a bit eratically too. I think the esc has problems but I could be wrong.




My skiboat is finished

I've just finished my Billings cruiser- skiboat conversion and given it it's first ski test!

I tested her at a pond near Cherry Lake today. It was too

rough on the main lake.

She pulls the skier well and I found the skier stands up and

rides at the right height if you don't drive her too fast. It

leans over on it's side over that speed. The boat isn't fast

without the skier, due to it having the original cruiser prop. I

could put a big pitch 2 blader on her, but then she'd have

trouble pulling the skier and would use much more power

so run for less time. She currently runs for 1/4 Hr or so.

I'm taking her to the club tomorrow and hope to get better

video there. The one linked below is a bit brief as I had little

room for her in the pond and mucked up most of what I

took. You’l notice the motor running a bit eratically too. I think the esc has problems but I could be wrong.


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