A nice quiz for you people all different questions!!



In which country would you find both the rivers Oder and Vistula, which flow into the Baltic Sea?

What, in population terms, is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world?

Which famous person in history was Eva Braun married to for just one night before she commited suicide?

Which three different actors played Batman in the movies between 1989 and 1997?

What were the full titles of the two `Bill and Ted` movies?

Sarah Jessica Parker is famous for her role in `Sex and the City`, but who did she star alongside in the 1993 film `Striking Distance`?

In the film `The Life Of Brian`, what was Brian`s mother`s name?

How many times did Nigel Mansell win the British Grand Prix?

Which actor makes a cameo appearance in the film `Planes, Trains and Automobiles` where he races Steve Martin for a taxi in rush hour?

What item of food inspired the idea for the computer game pac man?

Vincent Furnier is the real name of which rock star?

How many birth days does the average person have?

What is the longest word in the English dictionary?

A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work. When he returns he takes the elevator to the 7th floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the 10th floor. He hates walking so why does he do it? Clue: on rainy days he goes up in the elevator to the tenth floor.

good luck guy and have fun even some of these are hard it took me a long time to think about these.
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10 hes a midget on rainy days he uses his umbrella to reach the higher buttons easy peasy char !!!!!!!


1.poland 2.brazil 3.hitler 4,keaton,clooney,kilmer 5. excellent adventure and bogus journey 6. bruce willis 7. Mandy 8. 4 times 9. kevin bacon 10. pizza 11. alice cooper 12. im guessing 1 (the day you was born) 13. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 14. midget (Cheers Pogo/Nige)


tigertc got 13

pogo you are right on the questions you wrote