Conversion Chart



Hi Guys,

As I've said in some previous topics.. I need some paint!

I'm just soooo confused by the conversion chart. I have a Revell kit and some people are saying use other paints and convert them, so not sure what to do really. I want to ideally use Tamiya Spray paint for the fuselage and wings and tail as a base coat but obviously want to get the same Revell white but in a Tamiya spray can. Same goes with all the other paints but I have heard that Vallejo are very good.. or for my first proper model should I just go for Revell?

I don't know why this conversion chart is confusing me.. So many numbers, gaps, names. For Exammple.. Revell. Revell Aqua? RLM? 5 numbered Paint code numbers, One or 2 numbered paint code numbers. I just feel when I go possibly go into a shop looking for paint, I won't actually know what I want exactly!

A dummies guide to modelling paint would be appreciative!


Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
First Name
There are a couple of ways of tackling the problems of painting model.

Be totally hung up on getting the exact paint colour that the original was painted in as it left the factory. Then spend three times as long finding the colours in model paint.

Or you can go the other way. Find a colour that is close enough and get a result that is just as good in effect in half the time and with out all the grey hairs.

The best practical way is to find out what paints you can easily get hold of and find out if they have what you need. Some times you can not get all the colours from the same place. A pain in the behind.

These days where you can buy any paint from any where in the word at the click of a button things are looking up.

For ease and accuracy, you will probably find all the colours you need from one of the special brand makers. Hannants have their Xtra- range, Xtracrylix and xtracolour. The latter being enamels. These can be purchased either directly from them (Hannants) or better still, from John in the Scale Model Shop. (link at the top of the page).

White Ensign Models have their own range of paints and they to are very good. They are original colour chip matched enamel paints that both spray and brush really well. These can be gotten directly from their own web shop.

Vallejo acrylic paints have two ranges, Model Air and Model Color. The first are ready to use Airbrush paints, the second will spray well once thinned and brush well. The only down side with them are that the names given to the colours can be very misleading.

These are the three brands that I use the most, but I also use Humbrol enamels from time to time.

Right You have a kit, lets say that its a Revell. As they make paint as well, they quote their own paint colours. Unfortunatly they range is small and two or sometimes three paints will need to be mixed.

Here you need to find out what that mixed colour actually is.

If you go to the paint conversion chart on the WWW you can set a tick in the brands of paint you can get hold of, then type in the paint code from Revell in the search box. This should give you some results to help chose the paint you need. IT DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK THOUGH. Not every paint made by every manufacture has a match. Not all the matches are reported to the site so there will be gaps.

If you are into a particular army or Air force you troubles will be much smaller as you can build up a collection of thier colours.

I hope that this is some help to those that have been having paint match issues of late and the most important thing of all don't let your self get hung up on it.

Ian M


I'm In the same boat as you Tristan and I've just spent the last few evenings sourcing paints for a bunch of german plains. It can be confusing. I find buying revell tricky and I will be avoiding them. I feel as s newbie they're too much for me. On the other hand air fix can be much simpler as they have established paints. If you have smart phone you can download an app for the paint, very handy. And try and collect colour charts also handy.