help needed people! how to paint basic camouflage with paintbrush



hey guys, i have just finished my second tank, which is a German Panther...... but silly me i dont know how to put on the basic camouflage nicely.

can anyone out there please show me some guide on the technique to paint basic camouflage colour using paintbrush?

help is very much appreciated !!

p/s: hope everyone out there have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!


Howdy Iceman,

Here is a link to a site which I often pass out to people asking for information on techniques used in modeling.

Scale Modeling Links

If you will look on the left side of the page you will find "Techniques and tips". Click on that and you will find all sorts of links to various tips.

Masking tape has always worked well for me, be it cutting the tape into "odd angles" or "rounded edge shapes then masking and painting the model (depending on what you want the camo to look like). One note, masking tape will give you a "hard" line between the colors of the camo, however, with a little practice you can learn to "feather" the paint of one color over the edge of another using a method similar to "drybrushing" which is covered in the techniques and tips section of the above link.

I know this is pretty vague, but being christmas morning, I am somewhat pressed for time in my response (family coming to visit).

hope this helps out some, have a good day and a merry christmas,



hey, definitely will check out the site u recommended after xmas !

thanks a lot, im sure i will bother u pro in no time, lol, but cheers mate ! :peace:


Depending on the scale a lot of techniques you would use an airbrush for can be created with careful brush work, mostly by stippling with an almost dry brush. The base colour can easily be applied with a brush paying attention to the basic principles and ensuring that you are using good quality new paint and brushes and a technique that pays attentuion to the way in which yiou paint. Acrylics dry quickly so painting over an area done only a few minutes before could lead to an increase in opacity so pre planning of the painting order will be usefull. Have a practise, read up on it and then ask questions on here before you comit to the model.

I used only brushes for many years before I bought an airbrush and achieved some very good matt and gloss finishes in that time.