Motors and bow thruster



Hi Guys,

I hope you can help me out with some advice. My latest project is a ferry, length 51", displacement 34lbs. I am planning twin motor drive and bow thruster. Can anyone suggest motor and prop size and supplier.

I have very limited width for the bow thruster, approx 1 1/2", and was planning to put in a 20mm tube with a pair of thin pipes connected to a windscreen washer pump. Has anyone any experince with this, would it work, is there a better was of doing it? Finally, this ship has a bow rudder, should this be linked to the stern rudder or controlled seperately? If it is linked to the stern should it turn to the same side or opposite?

Thanks for any help you can give me.




Can't help with the prop size query but the question of bow rudders cropped up at our club meet last night. I am in the planning stages of building a paddle ferry and it too has a bow rudder. The general consensus of opinion was that the rudders should be linked and also turn to the same sideto improve the turning circle. I'll be watching with interest to get other opinion!



Thanks for that ajg, its pretty much what I thought... I'm still tempted to put the bow rudder on a seperate servo but that will depend on the radio I get.


portside II

Hi Scottie i had the idea of the 12v vauxhall astra estate (this type allows the the pump to be opperated in both directions as it has twin outlets)washer pump motor published in Model Boats Magazine last year not knowing if it was an original idea or not .Mine was fitted to a tug of 40"x12"and a weight of 50lb aprox scratch built.

The system does work but with the lenth of your project i would question the effect that it would have based on my design ,therefore i would opt for the new graupner paddle type ,i have just bought one from scoonies models at the Blackpool show, had a test in the tank and the performance is well above that of the propeller type available .

ok daz


Hi Scottie,

My model ferry has a bow rudder (30in model) that I fitted linked to rear rudder. On my model There was no discernible difference.
