Newbie help



Hi there

I'm having a bit of trouble with a few areas of my builds . I havnt done that many but will do many more but I just can't get my desired finishes and hoped all u more experienced modellers can help with some tips ..

First thing is my decals I can't seem to get them to stay down properly and they come off and also they don't curve round contours very well .. I have heard about some stuff than can make them more pliable and stick better but never used it.

Also I have a airbrush ... I bought it for the simple reason I like the finish and don't use as much paint but have seen a couple of models with some amazing shading and wondered if there is any tip on how to do this or is it a matter of just practice practice practice ??

And lastly .... (I think lol. If not I will b back ) is the matter of the airbrush again .. Clear coat .. More precisely thinning .. I seem to get a good finish with not thinning the tamiya acrylic clear coat ... It sprays ok but ppl seem to think it's best to thin it down ?? Would this not increase chance of runs ?? And enamels and acrylics ??? Pros cons coz all I see is enamels being a ball ache lol ... Sorry for the long list but would really b useful to know as I'm not happy with my models at mo .. Thanks


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
First Name
Well all I can give is my opinion!

Decals should be applied over a gloss coat,much less chance of silvering. Don't over wet them. I dip them in warm water for about 15 seconds and then place them,decal up,on a sheet of glass until the decal will slide. If you are in the UK the two step microset/microsol system is readily available. The microset is a setting solution which you apply to the model before the decal. Microsol is a softener which is applied later and will help the decals conform. All decals are different ,some may need several applications.

As far as shading with your airbrush it really is a matter of practice. If you are already spraying successfully you may find a few techniques to help on the forum. If you've got any specific questions I'm sure we'll be able to answer them for you.

If you are happy with your clear coat unthinned and it works for you why bother thinning? Stick with what works for you.

Enamels/acrylics is very much a personal choice. I use both though I mainly spray acrylics. I think enamels are more forgiving,particularly through an airbrush and they definitely brush better than most acrylics. The downside is the long drying times and of course the smell,both of the paints and thinners.

