Vellejo Primers


Lady Phoenix


Sorry if this is a daft question. Im about to pop down to my local shop and get some primer (White and Black). I would buy mail order (Sorry John) but I need them NOW!

My question is, do I thin them before I use them with an airbrush, or do I use them straight out of the bottle?

(Im not getting grey as a) Im painting warhammer figures and I want white for the good guys and black for the bad guys and b) I know I can get grey from Halfrauds for dirt cheap)


They are produced Penny for the primary use for airbrush work. But like all Vallejo products they are multi use paints.

Best is an airbrush for a paint film which is thin of equal thickness and good coverage overall. This will stop clogging of details on the model.

I use a first mist coat of 30% thinner to primer. Second coat 15% thinner primer. Leave at least 24 hours and if possible 48 before sanding etc.

Percentages are rough I just gauge and put into the cup first thinner then primer on top and use a paint brush to give a stir in the cup. Have a practice squirt to rid any residual thinner at the nozzle.

Bobs you uncle and these days Charlie could be your aunt.



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Jul 23, 2011
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Penny - I don't thin it and find it sprays perfectly with a 0.4 needle and if I remember correctly it is designed to spray uunthinned from a 0.35 needle as well. For a small needle I would thin but just a little.

Remember - as Laurie said the first coat should be a very thin mist coat then gradually build up the colour with more thin coats. Do not let the paint get too 'wet' switching to air only to dry down between coats.

Don't forget the golden rules:

1/ wash the model thoroughly first to get rid of grease, I do it with ipa

2/ make sure it is left to cure for at least 48 hours before sanding or it wont feather. Do not mask over it fpr at least 24 hours and de-tac slightly the masking tape.

Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
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Another out the bottle user here Penny. I also find that Vallejo is one of the few primers that you can go a bit crazy with. Take a look at some of the videos on Vallejo primers on You tube. They really throw it on the subject lol. Not that I would recommend it, but it shows how forgiving it can be. As it dries and cures it shrinks back and leaves off great.

Hmm black and White figures.....Making a chess set?

Ian M


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Nov 16, 2012
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I also use straight from the bottle with a 0.35mm nozzle.


\ said:
1/ wash the model thoroughly first to get rid of grease, I do it with ipa
Interesting Barry as I have recently resorted to IPA rather than washing and it cleans the surface perfectly.

I would be very interested to know why. If you put IPA on an object with grease on it. Say brush it on or dip it. Where does the grease go. Does it evaporate with the IPA. ?


Lady Phoenix

\ said:
I would be very interested to know why. If you put IPA on an object with grease on it. Say brush it on or dip it. Where does the grease go. Does it evaporate with the IPA. ?
Glad I looked up what IPA was as I was about to dunk all my sprues in a pint of ale

\ said:
Hmm black and White figures.....Making a chess set?

Ian M
No, Ive gone back over to painting warhammer figures. Im really struggling to do my aircraft kits. I rent a small room and my job as a live in carer means that Im living in other peoples homes on a temp basis (For example, Ive had 4 different work addresses in the last 2 months) and its just too much stuff to carry about. In addition, to be 100% honest, once Ive completed the cockpit I get bored and really have to force myself to complete the rest. Warhammer figures are just small highly detailed pieces that require basing, layering, highlighting etc etc...PLUS THEY HAVE A PHOENIX (happy happy dance). In short they tick all the boxes for me. There are also lots of techniques to learn that you just dont use with WW2 aircraft, for example, molen lava bases.

For those that dont know warhammer have a number of armies that are essentially split into two types of forces, the forces of order (aka the good guys) and the forces of destruction (aka the bad guys). I prime the good guys in white to give me a brighter finish and black for the bad guys. Ive bought the starter kit which has about £200 worth of figures in it for £61 so Im about to start high elves and skaven, but soon Ill restart my chaos army, which is my main true love.

Sneak preview - Did I mention the phoenix? Well, Im going to do a chaos version of the phoenix.

Completely off topic, check out this video on the citidel phoenix aka an airbrush masterclass



Should have ordered from John's Shop Penny

Ordered at 12:30 yesterday. Got it in Jersey over 400 miles by land plus 150 miles by sea at 12:30 today.


Michael Boyes

I spray it straight from the bottle not had many issues doing it that way. An odd time or two I may get a clog but its rare


I have a 0.2 needle, only recently got a 0.6, the 0.2 works oob but I think it needs a little extra thinning to work well and clog less. I'm Not an expert but I think it should be easy to get good results oob for 0.3 and up.

I look forward to trying it on 0.6 needle today hopefully

John Rixon

I have three colours of this stuff, green, sand and grey. The green and sand are fine, the grey is going in the bin. It is clearly a wrongun', clogs, then works fine, then clogs yada yada... The one thing I would add is keep the pressure up - I seem to have difficulty using this with 15psi, but once I raise above 20 it's fine (except the grey one, grrrrrrr).