Which scale model...?



\ said:
I wouldn't hold your breath :smiling3:
HK did release the 1/32 scale B-17 and it looked pretty impressive. Some rich souls have built it already. Tamiya's Lancaster is 1/48 and is essentially a kit dating from the 1970s. It builds like one too. I wouldn't recommend it as a first aircraft when making a comeback, better to hone those rusty skills on something a bit more sympathetic!

There are plenty of larger scale options in aircraft, both 1/24 and 1/32, the latter is becoming ever more popular. Tamiya's 'uber kits', already mentioned by Barry W above are superb, but there are other, cheaper, options.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Dear Steve,

Much appreciate your kind good wishes, thanks. After much research and deliberation, I'm coming down more and more on the side of trying the 1/32 scale Tamiya Spitfire Mk. IXc, which I have had confirmed is available in my "local" model shop.

I'm now going to have to source an Iwata Eclipse CS airbrush (expensive!) and one of their compressors, probably the Power Jet Pro, but I'm unsure and it's all a lot of dosh !!

I mustn't get stuck sitting on this fence or I'll end up with splinters where I don't want 'em !

Thanks again for your much valued support.



Deleted member 3568

Hi and welcome to the friendliest forum on the net, I would suggest the Airfix 1/12 Bentley, as long as you build it straight out of the box and don't try to add any extra detail, the fit is good and it's a very impressive finished kit.


\ said:
Hi and welcome to the friendliest forum on the net, I would suggest the Airfix 1/12 Bentley, as long as you build it straight out of the box and don't try to add any extra detail, the fit is good and it's a very impressive finished kit.
Hello Ken,

I LOVE the idea of the 1/12 Bentley -- my Dad owned one for years before he got married ! I'll definitely give it a look... Airfix, eh? Are they good quality these days? I know nothing about this lark, as you perhaps can tell !

All the best for now, Ken.




It's a modelling time!
SMF Supporter
Jul 2, 2013
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This is a old version, not sure if the new version is new tool: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1970s-AIRFIX-1930-BENTLEY-41-2-LTR-SUPERCHARGED-MOTORISED-1-12-SCALE-MODEL-KIT-/221809397656?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item33a4decf98 cheapest I could find. But as Ken points out, does make it a nice model.


Deleted member 3568

No unfortunately it's not new tooling but it's an English kit with English instructions so no translation surprises, check out some of the builds on here, don't try for real wire wheels as I do not think the effort is worth it (trust me it will double the length of time it takes to build it) and for no real difference) and as I say it is an impressive car when done, the parts are all big and easy to handle if your hands are a bit shaky, go for it, the only draw back I see is the cost.
Last edited:


Hi Graham and a warm welcome to the forum. I think you've got plenty of ideas to be going on with so far but, as I now live in Lincolnshire very close to the Battle of Britain memorial flight base and get to see the Lancaster frequently, I do tend to be a bit biased towards them. If you could identify your Dad's particular aircraft wouldn't it be quite something if you could build an exact replica of it?

As for Airfix they have come a long way in recent years and thier latest offerrings such as the 1/24th Typhoon can even give Tamiya a run for thier money. You need to be aware though which kits are old reboxed ones and which ones are modern toolings. If in doubt don't hesitate to ask here.


\ said:
Hi Graham and a warm welcome to the forum. I think you've got plenty of ideas to be going on with so far but, as I now live in Lincolnshire very close to the Battle of Britain memorial flight base and get to see the Lancaster frequently, I do tend to be a bit biased towards them. If you could identify your Dad's particular aircraft wouldn't it be quite something if you could build an exact replica of it?
As for Airfix they have come a long way in recent years and thier latest offerrings such as the 1/24th Typhoon can even give Tamiya a run for thier money. You need to be aware though which kits are old reboxed ones and which ones are modern toolings. If in doubt don't hesitate to ask here.
Hello Richard,

Thanks for the nice welcome. This really IS the friendliest forum on the entire net !

Yup, I've got some wonderful help and quite a few good ideas, of which I like best Tamiya's 1/48 Lancaster (but maybe postpone this until later, after I've gained some necessary skills), their 1/32 Spitfire and the Airfix 1/12 Bentley. On the strength of some sound advice that I've received, I feel rather inclined to try the Bentley first...

It's a small world -- I too lived for a time during the late 50s/early 60s in Lincolnshire (RAF Scampton) AND in the early/mid 80s in Florida (Jupiter Tequesta)... I'm sure we could share a tale or two about both locations, n'est-ce pas?

In terms of having the right replica of my Dad's aircraft, sadly that would only be partially possible, since he tended to fly missions (contrary to orders!) as a roving pilot, being that squadron's CO !! But selecting any single aircraft of that squadron is a super idea and would be a fitting tribute to some very brave men. I think he was just 26 at the time -- I don't believe I could have done anything like that at that age, or later for that matter...

Anyway, I mustn't take up any more of your time. Thanks so much for getting in touch and for your kind good wishes.




SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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\ said:
In terms of having the right replica of my Dad's aircraft, sadly that would only be partially possible, since he tended to fly missions (contrary to orders!) as a roving pilot, being that squadron's CO !!
Blimey! Your dad wasn't Group Captain Stafford Coulson was he? I know he was at Scampton in the late '50s.




\ said:
Blimey! Your dad wasn't Group Captain Stafford Coulson was he? I know he was at Scampton in the late '50s.

Hi Steve,

Yes, the very same!

I'm sure he'll be keeping his ever exacting eye on my feeble model building attempts, especially anything to do with RAF aircraft... he was quite a tough task-master!

How do you come to know of him?

Stay cool in the heat today. It's going to reach 40°C here!

Best regards,



SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
First Name
Hi Graham

I'm a bit of a historian on the side, my model building led to an interest in the machines, men and events contemporary with the aircraft, models of which I was putting together. The model building is now almost secondary to my interest in the history and I always research my builds as much as I can.

Bomber Command has been a field of interest and research for me over the last two or three years, partly in response to a rather nasty revisionism I have seen creeping into some accounts of the combined offensive carried out with the USAAF. Your father joined that offensive as it reached its peak. His name must have popped up somewhere, probably in connection with the Path Finder Force, maybe as he flew as master bomber on some raids I was looking at. He was obviously a remarkable man, not just for his service with the RAF, and the type we were lucky to have on our side.

Luckily the forecast here is a little more within my design parameters! Temperatures in the low 20s forecast, however, I'm off to Germany tomorrow where it is predicted to be somewhat warmer :smiling3:




\ said:
welcome Graham I too love the gull wing but cant fid a decent size in 1 , I would like to do mine as so
Wow! Is that in your back yard? I'm green with envy...

That's a restoration project WELL worth the candle. A car like that properly done up could make a great deal of money.

Thanks for sharing it. It's a wonderful photograph.




\ said:
Hi Graham
I'm a bit of a historian on the side, my model building led to an interest in the machines, men and events contemporary with the aircraft, models of which I was putting together. The model building is now almost secondary to my interest in the history and I always research my builds as much as I can.

Bomber Command has been a field of interest and research for me over the last two or three years, partly in response to a rather nasty revisionism I have seen creeping into some accounts of the combined offensive carried out with the USAAF. Your father joined that offensive as it reached its peak. His name must have popped up somewhere, probably in connection with the Path Finder Force, maybe as he flew as master bomber on some raids I was looking at. He was obviously a remarkable man, not just for his service with the RAF, and the type we were lucky to have on our side.

Luckily the forecast here is a little more within my design parameters! Temperatures in the low 20s forecast, however, I'm off to Germany tomorrow where it is predicted to be somewhat warmer :smiling3:


You've got an amazing memory for names then!

Morning Steve,

It may have been the Dresden raids which I'm sure you will have researched where you came across his name. On the first (I think) of these, he fulfilled the role of Master Bomber and, needless to say, the aftereffects stayed with him for the rest of his life...

Can I ask you a modelling question? Presumably, just like anything else one paints, models require painting first with a primer coat? If so, what colour is ideal? A mid-grey?

I've ordered my Bentley locally, which should be with me in a couple of days. Can't wait!

Kind regards,
