Advice wanted with latest project, Hurricain IIB 402 squadron, Warmwell, Nov 1941



Hi all,

Finally making progress with my latest project after my last build that I posted back in September after 23 years break

As I go along I am trying new techniques latest being dry brushing of the flight controls, scratch building a canopy so it can be posed open in addition to getting use to airbrushing, all of which I am really pleased about so far and hope will only get better.

As for the latest project I am not sure if I am convinced with the shade of grey cammo as I think I have possibly overdone the green when mixing, but thats probably me being picky, overall I am pleased with the look.

What I would really appreciate is if you could advise me with going about adding some weathering as to make the paint look washed out. I read something today about misting a lighter shade of the base coat over the model, the info was very limited so wonder if this technique would be useful for me this time round.

If so am I correct in the assumption being that the base coat would be that of the primer I used? If so this was white so do I spray thinned down quite considerably aiming to be almost transparent? If its not the primer colour is it the lighter of the two cammo?

Hope I make sence?

The other question would it be best if I put a Klear coat on first as I did in the last project before weathering?

The paints I currently use are Revell acrylic paints.

Any other tips and suggestions would be mostly appreciated



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SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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For that faded paint look you need to spray lightened shades of your camouflage colours. I would lighten the grey with white (just a couple of drops in the paint cup) and the green with yellow. You can do several different variations by adding more of the lighter colour as you go.I tend to spray the lighter shades into the centre of the various panels but there is no need to be religious about this. Others spray mottles and streaks more generally. Also think of the areas most likely to fade,the spine of the fuselage will catch more sun than the sides of the fin for example.

Spraying a very thin grey over the finished camouflage will reduce the contrast in the scheme but may not be neccessary with this type of RAF camouflage. I do it on Luftwaffe aircraft to tone the mottle. You really need to practice this as it can go very wrong indeed!

This is all part of the paint job so there is no need to apply Klear first. Your Klear coats will tend to diminish the effect you have achieved so don't be scared if it looks slightly overdone at first. I'm afraid that's a judgement you'll have to make for yourself.

Once you are happy with the paint apply your Klear,decals,Klear and then finally other weathering like washes or pastels.

Your Hurricane looks very nice but the toning of the camouflage will make the paint look less toy like and the model less "flat".

