Airfix 1/72 Sea Harrier FRS1



Well, time to start another one...

While waiting for things like paint and tools to help finish off my builds, I am starting another. This will be the 4th on the production line but I am hoping to get something finished soon.

This is the Airfix 1/72 Sea Harrier from the Falklands set that my beloved got me at Christmas. Already started the Etendard but didn't take any pics as there is not a lot of internal detail.

However, this little Sea Harrier looks quite nice if a little flash bound in places. It is the first kit I have done where there are instrument panels on the decal sheet. Good job I spotted them as there is little or no mention in the instructions. This looks a better kit than the Harrier GR3 which is also included in the set, probably a newer kit although the flash around some of the fine detail edges is not good if it is new. Still, the old scalpel gets rid of it in a flash!!!!

Didn't bother with the sprue shots but here is the cockpit awaiting mounting in the nose. I didn't fill the ejector pin mark on the cockpit floor as, to be honest, I didn't spot it until too late. There were two on the seat though. Just added rough representations of a harness using Tamiya masking tape. It will not be seen much with the canopy on anyway so I didn't attempt buckles.

Progress so far....

I would welcome any comments from anyone who has done this kit, so far it appears to go together quite well (that has put a curse on it I know)


Mate thats ssssoooooo tiny ! Nice job though so far, I have a problem with the medication I am taking as it seems to make my hands shake ! I would have smashed that to bits by now !!:grinball2::grinball1:

I have been tempted to put the Mustang on the back burner and start another but was not sure if thats allowed ! With all the help I have had I feel compelled to finish it ! (Still waiting for some filler)

Can I have permission to start another :please:


I have started two while I wait for paint and stuff Hugh, no reason why you cannot have as many as you want on the go. Permission granted lol.

yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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looking great graham, keep it up!. Hugh , i always have two or three on the go at once, like graham says ,while ones drying /setting you can do something on one of the others. cheers chaps ,tony


Well, had quite a good day today.

Here is the Harrier primed up. Only a couple of problems. Disappointingly, after everything fitted together so well, the intake cowlings just don't seem to fit right, they are quite solid but appear to be slightly the wrong shape. Not sure if it is a filling issue as it is a heavily detailed area where the vents join the fuselage. Could be that leaving the gap may be least worst than trying to fill and re shape them.

The other thing is the cockpit cowling. The back of the rear part is not moulded correctly and will require some treatment to sort it out. The front one looks very nice including what looks like a wiper blade. However, again, it is not moulded correctly with frame detail missing and what looks like a rectangular panel on one side which I am certain should not be there as it looks odd and I have yet to find any picture showing it like that. I am hoping that by masking it off as it should be, it will not look too bad when it is painted up. We will see. Might get in touch with Airfix for a replacement to make sure it is a miss mould.

You cannot see it really well here but it is nicely surface detailed. I may make another of these when I get my airbrush as I am bound to spoil the nice surface detail with a brush.


Well. It is a mixed bag emotionally. Highs, it is my first model finished for far too any years and it feels good. Lows, it is rubbish. The painting fouled up worse than I expected. Although I sprayed a primer from a can and thinned the final paint down, the second coat has gone on too thick and lost the surface detail, much as expected.

I coated with Klear and put some of the decals on, I didn't bother with them all as it seemed a bit pointless given the finish. To get it matted down I used Vallejo Acrylic Matte Varnish which goes on white and dries a real matt, well worth investing in if you have not got a real matt varnish.

Need to get some of that pre and post decal treatments. Any recommendations?

Anyway, I don't care how bad it is, it is finished (broke the probe off the front which need replacing with wire) and I have learned so much from doing it. Glad I put the Mustang to one side as I can apply what I have learned to improve on that one (I hope)

For what it is......
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Graham, I would never say that it's rubbish! Don't be so hard on yourself! I can understand how you're feeling, it's never nice to go through a good build only to hit snags at the end. To hopefully lessen your pain, I'll share my 1st build grief-my Tiger went together really well until after painting it I realised that the glacis plate wasn't on correctly, I'd left off a big ventilator cap & lost the shovel! Then when I tried to seal it with matt varnish I suffered the dreaded white 'bloom' that never really went away. So we always hit problems! I think you've done very well & your Mustang will be all the better for doing this one. Keep the faith! Patrick


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Jul 22, 2008
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Not rubbish at all.I think that's a decent result,you say yourself that it's the first model that you've finished for years and you should be proud of it. You should see some of mine! It was as you say a learning experience and that can only augur well for your future models.

As far as decal solutions I'd recommend Microset and Microsol. It's a two stage process,you apply the decals onto Microset (blue bottle) which is basically vinegar. Once dry you can apply as many coats as you need of Microsol (red bottle). This is the one that really softens the decals and helps them to snuggle down into the detail. I find it to be of average strength,it has only ruined one set of Hasegawa decals! Always test on one you don't need. Most of the online hobby stores stock them as well as a few model shops.They really help to make decals look painted on.If you can't find specific instructions give us a shout and I'll talk you through the does and don'ts.

Keep up the good work.




Thanks for the comments guys. Oh I am not losing the faith, I really did not, and should not, have expected much from this really. I knew the paint was going wrong but had to carry on. I am not too disappointed really as I have learned so much from doing it.

Have to say that even with all the great help on here, reading and talking is only part of it. You have to get your hands dirty and get on with it and I am so glad I did as I know that the only way now is up (apart from when I make a pigs ear for not taking care, and I will lol)

I could have not posted it but in time to come when I hope to be be productively contributing to this forum, people will see where I have come from. One of the things I hate about some forums is the way that only totally perfect models are posted. Makes you wonder if they ever do make mistakes or get it wrong. I am sure they do but are not honest enough to share their mistakes.

Also, that little Harrier is sat on top of my printer about three feet away, every time I look across and see it, I smile. It may be an ugly duckling but it is MY ugly duckling and I love it.

Thanks for the tips re Microset and Microsol Steve, I will get some ordered.

Now then, time to move on and get the next one done :smiling:


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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\ said:
I could have not posted it but in time to come when I hope to be be productively contributing to this forum, people will see where I have come from. One of the things I hate about some forums is the way that only totally perfect models are posted. Makes you wonder if they ever do make mistakes or get it wrong. I am sure they do but are not honest enough to share their mistakes.

Good on you for posting it helps everybody. I don't know iif those guys only make perfect models or not... I've never made one! The proof is in the gallery.This whole lark is supposed to be fun and you've obviously enjoyed and still enjoy your little Harrier so I'd say job done!



yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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hi graham, the harrier looks ok ,dont beat yourself up. The final coat of paint might not have gone on like you wanted but youve only got to look at the pics of it before,when it was in primer, it looks great .The positive thing is that its all experience so next one youll know what to avoid when it comes to the final painting.Keep the faith and enjoy yourself no matter what, cheers tony

yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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Just bumping this to link up with grahams 'one year on' post


Cheers for that Tony (I think lol) I had not seen this for ages and to read post 10 is quite weird given what I have posted today. It does reinforce my point though, just look at the support I got for "My Ugly Duckling" that is what I meant.