Authentic Paint Colours



Reading a book at the moment by Arthur Dickinson called Crash Dive. Mostly about HMS Safari & the Commander Ben Bryant.

Could not help smiling. Arthur Dickinson was a Telegraphist on board & has published his edited diaries of his time in the submarine service & a very good read all the details of life aboard.

They docked in Gibraltar after a patrol & are given a rest period. After a few days with nothing to do they decide to paint the inside of the boat. Presumably grey & as he details all the pipes which are different colours to distinguish one from the other.

Arthur decides he will paint his telegraphy office himself. He decides on a colour change from drab Admiralty grey (without permission from their Lordships) to dark green to dado height with cream dado to ceiling. I thought there goes authenticity. What is the betting that the man who replaced Arthur thought this was standard stuff in the Royal Navy for telegraphy offices. What happened in the Army & RAF to mislead us ?
