Colour Mixing Chart



Hi to all

I am a new member and this is my first attempt at asking a question, so please be gentle with me.

My question is, I am looking for a colour mixing chart, I know Humbrol used to have one on their site but it seems to have dissapeared since they were owned by airfix. Does anyone know of any other site or can you post a link to anywhere for me that would have a colour mixing chart or similar.

Many thanks and happy modelling. :>)

Stephen Hale

Hi There

Try this link its to a site in Sweden but it lists the Humbrol colours used

search for colour charts, there are all sorts of links off this site

tried posting the link but cant get it to load so just cut and paste


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Thanks to all. Some good sites there.

I have been modelling since I was about ten years old, but never have I made a diorama, I am now working on my first one. When it's finished it will be a Dunkirk sand dunes scene with Flak 8.8 gun and Flakscheinwerfer by AFV Club. Don't know quite how historically accurate it will be but it,s looking pretty damn good at the moment. It's nearly finished as it happens and as soon as I can commandeer the kitchen table again without upsetting her indoors I will endeavour to start putting the finishing touches together and put up a few posts to my gallery.

Thanks again
