Coloured registration letters.


SMF Supporter
Apr 18, 2004
First Name
If you are ever faced with registration letters that need a special colour then try this-

Let us assume for this exercise that you want purple letters for your model and they do not exist ? simply spray the basic colour onto the wing surface and allow overnight to dry,next day place pressure sensitive letters (Letraset,Blic etc) onto the areas required,next spray the final surface colour lightly onto your model,say silver in this case,allow to dry and next take some adhesive tape and place it onto the surface where the letters are,now gently smooth the tape down and pull away,the purple letters will now appear as if by magic ! what has happened is that the pressure sensitive letters have formed an effective mask.

The modern acrylic sprays would appear to lend themselves to this technique,as they say try a small area first as different materials have varying efects.