Giant Scottish Tidasaurus!


noobee captain

Well Penguin, now you can take Norrie waterskiing! That should prove interesting when you try the bollard pull.

I think I know who will win the tug towing this year !!!



Its not actually that strong.... It has enough power to push her not inconsiderable weight about at something near scale speed, she can stop in her own almost her own length, but she does go for hours though.

The two channell am rec i planned to use in her, wasnt too happy so I had to sacrifice the 7ch FM from my tug towing build. Bought a replacement 6ch fm at little more than a 3ch Fm would have cost so Im going to have to dig out some servos and switches etc for other functions.

I planned to use a Maplins 'fogger' that runs on 24v to simulate steam, it worked fine on the bench in the tank made for it, but when I tried to feed it 24v from the batts, it just wouldnt look at it, it light the LED but the jet of water was feeble to say the least...any ideas troops?

Finally managed to get my sons Ohio Class sub up & running on Wednesday, he's still to get his head around the controls but its looking good so to follow! He's also bullying me to set up a Naval section on the website for warships & subs now.


Could you tell us a bit more about the fogger. If it is anything like the new Nebuliser from JJC Electronics I can give you some pointers but I don't know what the Maplins unit consists of.


Not having seen the latest JJC offering I cant comment, but Im sure it must be in the same ballpark.

Apparently it uses a ceramic membrane to convert standing water to a fine mist....too fine really for our uses as wee need to represent smoke/steam and not some witches cauldron.

As it comes out of the top of the unit, it sort of rolls down and across the table, but if you duct it up a pipe with a fan, it seems to 'chop' the mist into more like the the effect we try to get with burning oil.

The rig I made to work it was plastic drain pipe...a 'la under the kitchen sink, but after a few mins it wanted to burn through that, leaving a small bulge in the plastic. I've since slid an ally shield down it and that sorted it out.

The supplied tranny primary is 240v ac and secondary is 24 presuming DC? But when I hook up 2 12v's to give me 24v, the output is pitiful, you can see it come out, but at far less output than is required to agitate the water into the required vapour.

And yes....I did check to see that I had hooked up the batts to give 24v, checked with meter on that.

On the bench using the transformer, this unit is the pups sticky out bit and very inexpensive, both to buy and on its amps!


having a look at that link you left there penguin, the unit requires 24 v AC and not dc. which is where the problem will be i`m unsure of any convertors that would be suitable, maybe someone else has any suggestions ?

i`m hoping to get down to a mate`s house who has one of the jjc smoke units referred to , i`ll see if we can get some pics or even video in action of it, maybe twist his arm and see if he`ll do a short review ;)


Hi Blaze', just a thought (I dont know how much smog you need) but check out my tank thread. I stripped a 7.2v miniature smoke machine out of a crappy Heng Long tank. Seems to be reliable enough and kicks out loads of smog (pumped, so it comes out with just the right force). I've run the smoke machine in the tank for a little over two hours and no breakdowns. Also considering the Heng Long that it came from cost £50 (£45 of which i have got back through selling the rest of the bits off it). It works out really cheap.



Thats that idea dead son has one of those tanks, but I would be as dead as my idea if he caught me near it with tools in hand!

I could make an oil burning smoke generator, but the idea of that mist thing that used little amperage and no need to buy smoke oil appealed, guess its game over on that.

Theres going to be some other new stuff on the site over the next few months too, I should be getting the required bits to get my steam plant together for the Brooklyn Harbor Tug, with the monster TID out of the way I should be able to get some more done on my 'tug towing' tug "Dalriada".

With no tow bar on my current vehicle, some way of transporting the TID to shows etc will have to be sorted out. Im thinking roof bars with board attached, and four timber brackets fixed properly to that to enable me to tie the thing down securely. I want to take her across to the Edinburgh guys tug towing day, to Ellesmere Port maybe and to the tug towing days in the north of England definately.