Gluing sub-assemblies to the main deck


Ray Scheller

I'm just getting back into modeling and this is probably a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway, please forgive my ignorance. Back in the day (70's) if you wanted to glue two surfaces together they had to be clear of any paint or primer for the glue to adhere properly. With today's glues (I'm using Tamiya's extra thin cement) is this still a concern? I have the same question for.gluing down photo etch to primed or painted surfaces. Since I'm using CA glue for the PE I don't think it's a problem but I'd like to know from you seasoned folks before I start gluing these pieces down. Thanks.

Sep 25, 2013
First Name
tricky one there mate. the rule of thumb doesnt always work with sub assemblies. sometimes you have to glue paint to paint ie with tiny photo etch. always make sure you use the bare minimum of adhesive you can get away with because it will affect your paintwork. your final varnish will hide any hiccups. it will never be a 100 per cent bond but its the best way of keeping a tidy paint job.