Help needed with regards to a booth and natural light?


Deleted member 5496

Very, very true Laurie

All ours are from rescue centres and in many cases have had the most appalling treatment, so we love them, spoil them and show them HOW they should be treated and they love us back. When they leave it breaks my heart.

Every.time this happens we both say NO more as its too painful BUT everytime we go and give another beauty a chance, so watch out


So so true Bob . We live in a flat we would love a dog but it would not be fair. They need space ,a garden, to smell fresh air.

But two of our 4 children have dogs one 3 huskies. Another one of those dogs with very short legs. We believe it will need a roller skate under it stomach at some time. Those who have not had dogs do not realize how funny dogs are. My wife & I have a good laugh talking & reminiscing about those we have had. The day the GSD would not let the window cleaner down his ladder.

Another a Lab who blew her top when some one tried to pinch our car. As soon as I appeared in pajamas with a hammer she retired to her basket & left me to ward off the burglar. The day it snowed the GSD went mad running in circles trying to bite the snow. All so funny.



Bob, bob, bobing along!
SMF Supporter
Apr 28, 2018
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Excellent Laurie!! They bring so much joy!

Our moggs are too lazy but when we had the heavy snow, casper ( or stop that casper ) went through the cat flap at speed and vanished into a snow drift. I got him out and he repaid me by using me as a towel!!

Tim Marlow

Little blokes aficionado
SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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They do, even if they are certifiably insane. Our Calico cat Polly sits in the bath at four in the morning and howls to tell us how clever she is...if that’s not insane I don’t know what is!

Deleted member 5496

Cats we always had two. In charge. One of our dogs had permanent scar on the nose to prove it.

But our cats did no like me they perched themselves on my wife's lap. But not mine.

Then our last cat he was Siamese. Would not come near me. Then one day he was about 12 he jumped on my lap. From then if I came into the lounge to sit down he immediately left my wife's lap & took up my lap. That was very strange but very enjoyable. That look at you then closing the eyes for a good number of seconds that cats do contentment.