J&J Clear?


T. van Vuuren

Hi lads, hope you guys are not getting to cold, with the 2 feet of snow and all LOL!

I have someone comming to SA from the UK later next month and he will bring me some "clear" in.What is the correct name brand of this stuff (as to not make a mistake) ,how much is in a bottle and what does it cost in UK squidd?

How far can one get with a bottle? At an average of say 8 1/48 tipe planes a year if used for gloss coat ect???




The stuff we used to have in the UK was called Johnsons Klear but that is no longer manufactured. If you can get your hands on a bottle they come in 750 ml and go for about £10.00 to £20.00 on eBay

The replacement is now called Pledge Klear however the jury is still out on the fact that it is exactly the same stuff although I have seen reports on forums that it is the same stuff as the old Johnsons Klear. A 750 ml bottle of that can be bought on Amazon UK for £10.86 so shop around and you may get it cheaper.

If you are spraying it you can thin it down with isopropyl alcohol and a 750 ml bottle should last you for a few years.

Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Thin it down!?!?!!? Dude its like water thin already.

I use it neat, spray it rarely as I prefer to brush it on with a soft flat brush. I find it better to control that way.

Rumor has it that a single bottle will last for more kits than you can shake a stick at. However if its a thing you cant get hold of and some one it bringing some over to you two bottles will certainly be enough for a very very long time. Inless you spill it or the wife finds out how good it is to do the floors or the bathroom with!!!!

Pledge Multi-surface wax is the mark on the red and blue label. A white plastic bottle with a blue top!

I have forgotten just what it costs in the supermarket, because I had mine sent to me from England buy Ron.

Hope this is of some help.

Ian M


You can get the new stuff from Morrissons supermarket here in the UK it's about £3.50, don't waste your money on the robbing buggers flogging the old stock stuff on Amazon for £10+

I've still got some old stuff and some new, the new behaves in precisely the same manner, dissolves in itself, covers just the same and smells lovely, the only obvious difference is that it's milky rather than clear, I've noted it can dry a little milky if it pools on a part but a wipe over with a brush loaded with more sorts this, if you wick away excess on tissue paper before it dries, no problem.

It's water thin already so no need to thin, in fact if anything it could do with thickening to spray, the trick is to lay it on in thin coats and build up otherwise it will run and pool, (same for new and old which is why I tend to use Xtracrylix varnish now, sprays easier)

Anyhow, for the cost get your friend to grab a couple of bottles, store somewhere cool and dry, it'll last for years.

Bottle looks like this:


Also, read this link, it's likely you'll have an equivalent or same product near you with a different name:

The Complete Future


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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As above . Don't thin it. I'd brush it,being careful not to apply too much as a little goes a long way. I've had a bottle of the stuff on the go for several years and that's a lot of 1/32 aircraft. I haven't tried the new stuff on a model but I have dipped a canopy and it came out looking good. All the reports I've read and heard say the new formula works as the old stuff did.

