My Challenger II - what next?



Hi all

It's been a while...modelling has taken a back seat over other interests.

My Challenger is almost complete...a few touches (sort the main gun out which I screwed up when my semi gloss seemed to turn into 200% gloss!). I'm debating the skirts.

Now - I was "toying" with the idea of changing the colour...what do people think? Clearly it's way too light (not enough yellow?). I wasn't (am not?) really into mixing colours - so always tended to go with as near as I could get out the pot. I don't particularly mind the colour as is.

The reason I was toying with changing the colour is because I just bought myself a spray gun and compressor and have stocked up on Tamiya acrylics. So I thought I could give it a prime, pre-shading, base coats, clear cover, markings, clear cover and then weather.

Obviously I'm new to ALL of that stuff (I've done some simple weathering with Flory weathering solution) - so could screw this up. Am I bothered? I don't know. On the one hand I'm pleased with my very first AFV build. On the other, it's not what it should be (missing a few bits, wrong colour etc).

Anyway I'd be interested in peoples opinions on these specifics...

1. Should I prime and repaint?

2. Regardless of yes or no, what stages are next? I'm guessing here...

a. Clear solution

b. Decals

c. Clear solution

d. Weathering

e. Clear solution

Thanks for the advice.