Question regarding my first car build



Hi guys.

I have a Tamiya Mini Cooper which I am about to embark on. So far the majority of my models have been simple aircraft which haven't required complicated paint jobs.

The instructions advise to paint the body shell in its entirety before commencing assembly. While I can see the benefits of doing this, and not just with cars, I do have a concern when it comes to attaching the exterior parts. As far as I can see, there are 4 options:

1) Attempt to glue the parts to the painted surfaces. Highly undesirable for obvious reasons and not the avenue I would wish to go down.

2) Mask off all surfaces to which parts are to be glued. This appears to be a mammoth task, especially considering how many holes, small areas and complicated shapes, for example the headlight areas, need to be paint free.

3) To assemble the entire model (excepting clear and chrome parts), then prime and paint them the whole car with the body colour, then overpaint the exterior parts with the correct colours.

4) To paint the shell and then remove paint from the areas to which glue needs to be applied.

On the face of it, option 4 would appear to be the best way to go. Considering that my painting technique involves multiple layers of primer, top coats and gloss coats, how easy would this be to remove and does anybody have any tips to make it easier and safer, or can you point me in the direction of a good tutorial....?




After browsing various sites I'm wondering if an alternative to poly cement would be the answer, superglue for instance? I'm surmising that this would allow me to glue painted parts together. Time for some more research..


I have built 4 of these now, counting the one I converted to a Basic Mini 850, have a look at my website, it should help you with the build.

Welcome - Geebee's Modelmaking




Thanks Geoff. I've had a look around your site. You did a cracking job on the Monte Carlo! I see you use a variety of paints and glues. It's been a long time since I was into the hobby and it's only now I'm older that I realise how many alternatives there are to poly cement and little pots of Humbrol enamel! Time to expand my horizons!


As you've undoubtedly discovered by now the best choice is alternative glues.

Prep paint etc the bodyshell first for attaching mirrors and the like carefully applied dots of superglue are fine, they won't hold as strongly as styrene cement but will be plenty strong enough.

Most important, post your wip on here as you go and ask for any help as you go.


Thanks m1ks. It's nice being part of a community where the members are so willingly helpful! I've invested a few £ in a small bottle of superglue. I'm going to use poly cement where I can, but the CA will be invaluable for those "hard-to-mask" areas.

I'm very much looking forward to this build; it will be my first 1/24 and I'm hoping, with the help of Alex Kustov's tutorial on his Italian Horses site, that I can give it the paint job it deserves. When it actually becomes a work in progress I'll put up some pics, but for now I'm still honing my assembly and airbrushing skills on cheap 1/72 aircraft and cars!

