SD-KFZ 231(8RAD) Roden1/72.....StugIII AUFS G MiniArt 1/72....their gray not green

David Lovell

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Apr 27, 2018
Poole Dorset
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Following on from my mention on whats on the bench.......
The Roden 231 was a fleabay steal underw eight quid inc postage ,not a particularly popular manufacturer it seems with a lot of people but hey for that money im not going to criticise infact fit of parts was all good ,strange white and black plastic detail was a bit soft in place's and my pet hate moulded on tools but a nice little kit.
Yep mr slobby can you see the little pools of CA on the drill bit box
Nothing else to say I'm sure once primed up it won't look so strange/stupid in the white and black.

So is this the all dancing all singing kit we were all (well us tru scalers) hoping/ led to belive it would be. With a lot of the bigger manufacturers now pushing into the 72nd market trying to out do each other with their moulding technologies things are looking good ,but prices now pushing twenty pounds plus for 72nd stuff does a box of over engineered tiny parts make them any better or even value for money.
Now dont get me wrong whats in the box is as good as the rest so let's see if it stays as shiny as it looks.
Yep tru to the cad shots they've put the manufacturers name on the road wheel rubber
Outstanding stuff but honestly! would anybody notice if it wasn't pointed out ,as I said dont get me wrong some of it is worthy of a Oscar but does it make for a good kit no problems so far some of it won't suit thoes with tweeser phobia personally I prefer to stab with my steely knife
Detail is outstanding but you won't see 95% of this ,also I dont think much of the photo etch detail was ok but if this makes sense its like a bit of bling from a Christmas cracker.
So moving on KIDDIE ALLERT my pet hate after showing us how clever they were with the road wheels why on earth are they incapable of moulding a separate shovel and axe no lets reduce it to a kiddie toy it won't matter what you do or how good you are this will always look like molded on tools
My pet hate so my opinion, any way bashed on with the running gear quite fiddly trying to get the keyway to line up on the road wheels was it really necessary to even have this feature ,was it a feature of just down scaling parts from their 35stuff then to cap that off the holes weren't big enough to fit over the axel stubb thingy's not expected. So the link and length set ups are diffrent for each side I suppose in real life due to the torsion bars being off set so warning to anybody else going to build one stick to the instructions glad I did for once. As with all the tracks I build I always finish underneath much easier to join the ends and any cock up/butchery is easily hidden. I'd completed one side before I thought of some pics but heres my way of doing things.
I glue all the parts in one strip apart from the bottom length
Using TET i leave it to firm up you'd be surprised how long you can leave it
Once self supporting like this (I do the same if working 35th) I get them/it in position ready to wrap
Fitting bottom run last.
Probably me being thick but couldn't get my head around the commanders hatch ,I used some masking fluid on the vision slots/scopes thingy's as they were moulded in clear plastic(unusual in this scale)now I thought they were around the rim kind of thing with a hatch on top so you could look 360 so to speak without poking your noggin out but no the hatch lid is down inside but hey as per the instructions ,whilst building this hatch coupla thingy there was a sort of snowflake symbol checking the legend this it means if you want one build it yourself ,so they can mould manufacturers logos on road wheels but not a hatch handles


OK a bit small granted but to omit it and expect you if you want one to do it yourself with your own stuff not very impressive but hey also had to buid a handle for the inside of the MG shield ,not knick picking honest just telling how I found it ,some most of the spru gates were huge
Another pet hate how on earth do manufacturers think you can somehow fit/glue a aerial to these tiny mounts is honestly laughable
So guess what these are
Yep the end loops for the tow cables wich indecently surprise surprise aren't supplied ,so found a piece of brass rod that fitted the holes but looked stupid wouldn't have towed a escort off of your driveway let alone a tank so drilled out and used something a bit more beefy ,my feelings on this kit are a bit its a 35er cad/cam scale down things like the MG shield have two miniscule contact points to the casement roof
This picture taken as you can guess after being knocked off I'd have thought the airbrush would have knocked it off anyway ,this if you look at the built kit I cured with a little bit of rod you only know its there because I told you once the mg's fitted it'll dissappear anyway.
The KV turret is1/48 also my test crash dummy before taking paint to the real thing
Although not mentioned in the instructions I fitted the canvas gusset on the back of the mantlet ,talking of wich the way the whole gun assembly/ carriage was designed was probably ok in 35th but very weak in 72nd good job I dont lay on the carpet making brmm brmm pew pew noises it would have fallen off ive just glued it in permanent position.
So if this was a school report it would be a could have done better not that its bad its a good looking little kit now its got this far ,for all the pre release pictures its good but perhaps I was looking for something a bit special. Dave

Apparently I've filled my quota so see you when we've laid some primer down

David Lovell

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
Poole Dorset
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So got some primer down this morning ,have gone back to the one-shot ,after the airbrush problems a couple of months back not im sure anything to do with the mr hobby aqueous surfacer but you know how it is. Put the one-shot down straight out of the bottle as instructed on the lable as you can see no probs nice and smooth should hopefully get going with the gray tomorrow.20240425_181835.jpg

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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Looking very nice indeed under primer there Dave, although that scale isn't for me;),
That was an excellent review/update previously,a really good read:thumb2:,
I guess it's because I'm used to experiencing this with 1/35 stuff,( the often ridiculously miniscule/unnecessary etch and plastic parts supplied),that I completely concur with your comments on why,and HOW,some manufacturers expect you to actually use said parts?!! ..... I suspect that a lot of the time the philosophy is,"The more amount of parts,and the tinier they are,the better it makes the kit..... OBVIOUSLY!!"
Anyway I digress...... Excellent teeny weeny modelling there Dave, looking forward to the next installment.:tongue-out2:

David Lovell

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
Poole Dorset
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Looking very nice indeed under primer there Dave, although that scale isn't for me;),
That was an excellent review/update previously,a really good read:thumb2:,
I guess it's because I'm used to experiencing this with 1/35 stuff,( the often ridiculously miniscule/unnecessary etch and plastic parts supplied),that I completely concur with your comments on why,and HOW,some manufacturers expect you to actually use said parts?!! ..... I suspect that a lot of the time the philosophy is,"The more amount of parts,and the tinier they are,the better it makes the kit..... OBVIOUSLY!!"
Anyway I digress...... Excellent teeny weeny modelling there Dave, looking forward to the next installment.:tongue-out2:
Andy thanks for reading the whole thing bit of a monolith in fact I finished when I did because a little message popped up telling me that was enough ,it is a nice looking kit once built and as I said im not slagging it off(thats probably too strongly worded) just how I found it ,by the same token the little Roden 8rad primed up looks good. Panzer gray mmmmm havent done one for a long time thinking about it probably two the rest have all pretty much been green4BO one was a tiger 72nd and way back in the old MM days a sdkfzthing four wheel armour car with a square radio thingy in 35th have to try and find some pics ,once again thank you for your kind words should start that next installment tomorrow. Dave

David Lovell

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
Poole Dorset
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Oh dear ,blow it ,words to that effect ,so thought I'd get the new airbrush out for the first time ,grabbed this from the Scale Model Shop shop must have been at least a couple of months ago anyway armed with fifty shades of grey thought I'd get a feeling for it on the eight rad it being a nice little kit but not all that bothered if things went a bit astray so all was fine did a sort of pre shade and highlighting ready to blow it over with a couple if thin coats of panzer grey till I got where I wanted to be then for some unknown reason thought ive got a bottle of panzer gray ive never used had it since it was first released on the market ,mmmm acrylic lacquer whats that then isn't that the same as tamiya paint you know the XF stuff anyway without naming the brand its the shake and go fool proof stuff have to admit if you struggle or aren't very confident with the airbrush it does what it says on the bottle but was a bit too opaque one pass to many wiped out all my hard work then like a complete bum button set about the stug as well ,dont ask im still sat here shaking my head any way onwards so they say. As I said not that bothered if it went astray decided to see what could be done so with thoughts of it becoming a full time test crash dummy went for it ,gave the mudguards bottom hull panel and wheels down one side a filter coat of blue for panzer grey ,in possession of a choice of three went for the nearly empty one probably double figures age wise any way not really doing its supposed job just stayed on top of the acrylic lacquer drying out in a horrible chalky pale blue stain ,oh dear blow it that will have to go so loaded up a brush with some low odour white spirit (cheap)set about removing it ,now being a full on acrylic boy you'd be surprised at what you can throw at it none of that having to give it coats of varnish well the acrylic lacquer didn't take to kindly to being abused with the white spirit RESULT ,so after that a fiddle with some grey and blue oil paint dots then my favourite thing of all the best product ever sepia panel liner from tamiya ive never panel lined with it but its excellent for weathering your paint job. So ive ended up with a hairspray/ chipping fluid kinda thing ,as is the norm ive started to knock bits off but hey don't know about your view but test crash dummy or not I like it and shall continue my way around the whole kit see what you think
So the new airbrush did as expected nice solid piece of kit easy to clean slips the needle out the back dead easy without the trigger comming apart /collapsing slips back the other way as you can see does it thick thin and squigley won't recommend as this is just my findings of the tool plus I suppose its not a name that carries much cudos but as some find like golf clubs it doesn't mean a name will improve your game
20240426_190951.jpg as for the poor old stug depending on the eight rad outcome it could be a re prime/fresh paint job
Hoping you've read all this from the top to get the whole picture might not be a bad day after all. Dave


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Apr 27, 2018
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Dave ,
they are looking great mate. They may have been cheap but you have done an excellent job.