Simulating Wood



Have to, using a plastic panel, simulate wood.

Any tips "wood" be welcome.

Thought of some but not excited about them. Scale is1/48. Looks as though it is a ply panel.

Thought of printing on matt paper a picture of wood then pasting on but think that will look a bit not real !



I've seen article writers do this in the following manner, looked very good.

Paint a base of a sandy colour, Tamiya desert yellow, deck tan etc.

Take some burnt sienna artist oil paint and a wide flat brush, place a drop of the oil paint onto a cardboard pallette, this soaks up some of the linseed oil leaving more pigment and allowing drying times to be quicker, (oils take a long drying time).

Load the tip of the brush, not too much then drag the brush along the length of the plank you're creating to make a grain pattern, repeat as required, for natural wood you can use a fine tipped brush to create knots and swirls but for ply the single brush and dragging method should do just fine.

Hope that helps and I take no responsibility as I haven't actually tried this personally, :D


SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
First Name
Try this Laurie:-

As it's 1/48 plywood you're simulating, it won't have big knots, if any, so this method is easy, simple and works a treat....

Get some plastic card (A4) I use the 0.75mm. John has some in the Scale Model Shop, but there are different thicknesses.

Cut the card to size, then with a small wire brush ( you could use fine sandpaper but the brush gives a far better effect) stroke the plastic card in one direction, with the grain of the wood, not across. This produces just the right amount of grain on the card.

If knots are required, before painting, just very gently scribe little circles in the grain with a safety pin.

Then with the colour you want, paint a thinned coat of black or Dk. Grey acrylic onto the card, then wipe off the excess. Rather like a pin wash. This shows up the 'Grain' of the ply to the right scale....If you try and scratch it on with a modelling knife, the grain of the wood will be too deep.

Let it dry then you can do what you like with it...Different shades and colours for instance. I have made this to look like it's made with wide boards simply by marking the boards a bit deep with my modelling knife.

I used this method on the barn door in my 'Flush 'im out' dio. for the Sniper G.B.

Below is a piece of card I have just done for you to illustrate the above....It took about 10mins. in total.

It's a bit rough and ready and I see it includes a small hair too, but it shows the method reasonably well.

I hope this is of some use to you, and I hope you don't mind me posting these pictures on your thread....



View attachment 43254

View attachment 43255

View attachment 43256

View attachment 43257

View attachment 43258

Rons how to do this and that 005.jpg

Rons how to do this and that 001.jpg

Rons how to do this and that 002.jpg

Rons how to do this and that 003.jpg

Rons how to do this and that 004.jpg
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Not at all Ron thanks for taking the time to explain your method.

Looks a though I will be busy tomorrow painting panels.

Like the hair ! Gives character.



SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
First Name
No probs. Laurie. Glad you like the Hair......

Trouble is, it looks Blonde, and me and the missus are dark haired, so I'm in shtook if she looks at that picture......!



That looks very effective, another top tip to file away for future reference, :smiling3:

Gomer Pyle

When I had to simulate wood I turned to this tutorial from IPMS-Stockholm. A few trails were needed for a good result but it was very forgiving when mistakes were made. I you, as an encouragement, want to see how my first and only attempt at this turned out, have a look at my SPAD build (still WIP I'm afraid).



Thanks Daniel another top tip. Hope I am up for this. Just shows human ingenuity I just like it. Always amazes me that we are all built the same but we are all weird to produce so many answers.

Ron : blond hairs & a hating for haggis I am just wondering about you !

Thanks for all your help. Have to say that prop. is something else Daniel. Does this chap know he is an artist.

Just shows the power of the internet that a persons achievements can be flashed around the globe. There may be dark sides to the internet but the good is just incredible.
