SONS of ORAR's Work in Progress



hi everyone, i'm Chris and i'm 17, i'm fairly new to the world of scale modeling, but i know quite a bit about painting and modeling in the Sci-Fi fantasy end of things...

i started off with airfix about 10 years ago (when i was 8) and at the time (as you may have expected) i wasn't very good, glue and paint were all over the place and most of the kits turned out a bit of a mess, though i persisted and have loved it ever since. when i was about 10 the lord of the rings came out and shortly after Games Workshop released a new lord of the rings range, as you can imagine i was hooked straight away. after a couple of years i went back to making various airfix and revell kits until some of my friends started collecting warhammer 40,000 (another Games workshop war-game)

shortly after this i really started taking my painting seriously. bellow are some pictures of my projects over the last 2 years.

space marine land raider feb 2009

space marine veteran may-june 2009

imperial guard Banewolf 2009

imperial guard thundebolt pilot november 2009

Space Marine Librarian Eldar farseer duel march-sept September 2010

Warhammer Empire Warrior priest (fantasy)

warhammer 40,000 sentinel (golden demon 2010 finalist)

2010 golden demon entries

Lufgt Huron WIP late 2010

in about November 2010 i decides to move back towards the real world side of modeling... i started with a verlinden 120mm Vietnam airborne GI. picture bellow and i'm now working on a Dragon Models British firefly diorama (pictures coming soon)

he was a bit of a rushed job (about 1 day in total) and there's still work to do but i'm pretty pleased with him.

anyway that's all for now, firefly pics coming soon :D

i look farward to hearing your comment's, tips, etc.

Cheers Chris


they are fantastic mate,you should be proud of yourself, a workmate of mine does warhammer stuff and sometimes brings some in to work on while the boss is off,it amazes me at the detail he paints much like your stuff.i think the weathering on your tanky thing in the first pic is amazing,dont think you need any tips lol

Sky Raider

Fantastic work. Faultless i would say also. Well done, a fine work and collection of art.


Richy C

Welcome to the forum Chris , your work looks great and must say the figures are 1st class , although ski-fy fantasy is not my thing a top class model is a top class model in anyones eyes

great work



Dragon Sherman firefly and more...

hi everyone... I just wrote a huge update over about an hour then my computer did something stupid and I lost it all so I’m starting again...

I’ve been working on this Dragon models firefly kit for some time now but progress is slow as the priority is revision for A level exams, the first of which is tomorrow.. I didn't take any pictures during construction but if you was to see the sprues etc. there are pictures of them all at: Dragon 9110 British Sherman Firefly Vc with British Paratroopers IIWW

anyway onto the pictures:

the base: the base is just plaster on wood... I’ve base coated it started on the foliage but there's still plenty to do... the small tree is a twig and I used moss for foliage... in the end there'll be loads of these trees/shrubs to make a sort of overgrown hedge...

the tank, base-coated but no decals.

decals all on and ready for the next stage...

tank and figures offered up into positions... the idea is for the tank to be parked up on the side of the road while a couple of British Para’s ask a passing French civilian for direction (centre figure will be holding a map)

a couple of detail shots.

I’ve just started on these tracks and they are incredibly fiddly and detailed... the section above took about 20 mins so if you have any tips with these sort of tracks I’d love to hear them!

German King tiger

these German paratroopers are to be sat on a king tiger in an Ardennes diorama, the tiger itself has yet to arrive...

this is the kit: Dragon 6232 Kingtiger Late Production w/New Pattern Track Ardennes 19443

I took a couple of pics of the 1/35 tiger painted for the eastern front... it’s a full interior detail kit I made when I was about 12 and has suffered a few knocks and bumps over the years...

the painting standard is a long way off my current level but I’m still pretty chuffed with my first proper 1 35 kit..

Thanks for looking, Chris :D


if you want to have a look at all my models go to: DakkaDakka - Gallery Search Results Page all the pictures are 5 to 8 mega-pixels and have the zoom facility :D

enjoy :P


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
First Name
There's some great stuff there Chris,you've obviously got a real talent for figure painting. It's something I've always shied away from!

