Summer 2010 Group Build 'Cross of Iron'



OK, Cross of Iron is a film about the Eastern Front in WWII. The Summer 2010 Group Build will be based on the Eastern Front and can depict any Aircraft, Vehicle, Armour, Artillery, Boat/Ship, Figures and/or Diorama of this vast ranging scenario.

Unlike the Spring 2010 Group Build which limited us to a single subject, the Summer GB will open up a vast amount of possibilities for any level of experience. The only members who should be stretched out of their comfort zone is the none military modeller.

As always, the idea of the GB is to present an opportunity to do something that you may not normally do. Given the scope of the subject matter in this GB, many people will be able to choose wether to stick to what they know or go that little bit further and build something different.

As this GB is covering a lot of the Summer time when we may be tempted by other things like Holidays, BBQs and other such nonsense, it will run for four months instead of three. It will begin on July 1st and end Oct 31st, Halloween. This does not mean that you have to start your build on the day the GB starts, just not before.

During the time of the GB anyone can build as many models as they want. All I would ask but not instruct is that if you start off with a Russian subject and then do another, try a German one. Not only will this add interest to the GB but will allow you to, possibly, then construct a diorama including both.

Can I ask John to set up a new GB forum prior to July first with the same format of GB Chat, Under Construction and Completed.

Chat can be used to discuss any aspect of the GB including questions about potential subject matter.

Under Construction is where you start a new thread for each build you do for the GB. Anyone can comment in your thread of your build but should refrain from posting pictures of their own build. However, if information is requested pictures that supply this information could be posted in someone else's thread but this would best be covered in Chat.

The GB is not a competition nor is it a race. Any scale can be built with the only real restriction being that the model/diorama should depict equipment, soldiers, terrain representative of the period covering the initial invasion of the USSR by German forces up to and including the Soviet forces entering Berlin to link up with the other Allied forces. The first posts in your 'Under Construction Thread' should be the box art and sprues of the model you are building. If you do more than one build then start a new thread for each. If you are planning a diorama that includes several models to be all built just for that diorama then they should all be included in one thread.

The amount of build details you put in your 'Under Construction' thread is up to you. If you need advice or help during a build, then feel free to ask. One of the gratifying outcomes of the Spring GB was the amount of information freely given to lots of questions making it very educational. A special mention has to go to Steve (Stona) for the amazing amount of research and detail he found for us to enable us all to vastly improve our builds. Thanks Steve.

One of the issues that arose from the Spring GB was that it 'took over' the forum resulting in it becoming a single subject forum for far too long. I hope that the range of available subjects in this GB will not be off putting to any new member or browser to the forum.

I think you will all agree (in principle) that this GB is far more open than the previous one and has been considered so as to be more relaxed and attractive to those who found a single subject too far out of their interest zone.

Can I also ask that although many will have stuff in their stash that they will want to enter, if you are considering something that you currently do not have, please consider using the Scale Models Forum Shop for materials as well as kits. If you want something that is not in the shop then please contact John to see if it is possible that he can get it for you. You may have to wait while he can order it in but there is four months for all of this.

Remember that although John runs the shop with some great prices, part of the reason for setting up the shop was to use what little profit he does make to help finance this forum. By buying from him, you are helping to keep the forum going with minimal distraction from advertising. Something I am sure we are all grateful for.

As usual, any comments/questions please post below. Hope you enjoy the Summer GB and if it is as successful as the spring one, I think we are going to see some very nice models and creative dioramas.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2004
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I have created a new Under Construction forum, I thought that chat and completed would be fine for all builds, as Graham said if anyone does want any kits pm me with what you are wanting and I will get you a price, I will be probably be putting my next order in w/c 21st so you should have it before the start date


SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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Graham, I hope you and fellow forummers don't think I'm trying to put a damper on things right from the off, but I consider this next build might be a bit too big and diverse.

You say non military modellers modellers will be out on a limb, nah, that what this is all about..having a go and learning, as we are all doing! They could build a normal 1940's car, stick it in a ditch and call the dio 'The retreat' so I would think no worries from that angle.

I'ts my view that perhaps the G/B should be narrowed down a bit to a more specific subject, say, the bridge / the confrontation / the ambush, summat along those lines.

Please understand I am in no way being critical of your fine efforts organising and answering questions re. the build, this is just my view and I look forward to a lively debate as a result........."Tin hats on, everyone!" ( Kenneth Moore, Battle of Britain )



Here are my humble thoughts on the summer 2010 GB.

1) I have never seen the film The Cross of Iron, however i have looked on line this morning and have ordered it as it looks bloody amazing and it recieved superb reviews.

2) As a newcomer to this forum i am very excited by this whole group build thing, its a fantastic concept and seeing how everyone percieves the subject matter is brilliant in its self.

3) Having never done any military modelling i am very much excited at the prospect of leaving my comfort zone of making civillian motorbikes, and taking on a completely new challange. Having looked through the forum, i now know i will get plenty of support and help with questions i may (will) have.

4) As for the GB subject "The Easternb Front" and "The Cross of Iron" while this might be a vast and diverse subject it should i believe make it possible for newbies to military modelling to enter the arena in as easy or difficult manner as they feel appropriate if you see what i mean? I personally like a challange and will therfore be willing to take on a more difficult project and really push myself, however if i were more reserved i could take on a less challanging kit/subject to gradually make the move over to military modelling. So by making it vast i do think most people will be able to give this GB a go.

Well there we go, just my now drawling at the mouth as this will be my first GB. I am very much looking forward to watching the Cross of Iron film, and i am looking forward to reaserching the subject to decide where i will go with the build and what subject i will build. One last point, by reaserching i will be learning history... a subject i now wish i had studied more at school especially the history of the two world wars.

Regards to all, Martin :smiling:


Ok here is my two cents my view is to stick with the cross of iron theme but narrow it down slightly to a sepecific operation undertaken e.g the battle of Kursk etc, now this was no small battle and it leaves the modeller to research and interpret in their own way so the theme is still being kept but it is being narrowed down considerably, What does everyone else think?


Richy C

I see where your coming from Scott but a lot of people may not have seen the film myself included , to narrow it down might put a few people off (ie- just in Kursk etc) in my opinion , especially for the new members who have shown an interest in the GB , tbh I`m happy with whatevers choosen , but I can`t see a problem if it was just anything from the Eastern Front , as said before with many different areas to follow the forum will grow , as much as the FW109 gb was great the forum did go a bit stale

You did ask mate - what does everyone else think ?



Staff member
Mar 4, 2004
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Rather than pinning it down to a film just make it Eastern front, everyone seems happy with that, then it's not getting too complicated and putting people off, I haven't seen the film either but I'm sure there's loads of info on the net if I wanted to do a detailed dio.


Sorry guys i wasnt making myself too clear there i used the battle of kursk only as an example but yes i did ask although i have to say iam inclined to go with an eastern front theme as john says that simplifies it somewhat, as you are correct richy some people may never have seen cross of iron.


OK, let me clarify a few points. To set is as a film specific at this stage would not work. As I said in my previous post, I am only using a film title as a name for the GB this time. I think to make it film specific is a great idea but full off pitfalls. One, everyone has to have seen the film or have access to it. I have never seen Cross of Iron, I picked it simply because it was a cool title. Another issue with film specific is how can you make it tie into the film unless you depict an actual scene from the film? The only different aspect would be to make M18s to look like Panthers as in some film we will not mention lol.

I do feel that the Film theme to a specific scene or scenario from the film is possible but I will be honest, I could not get my head round it with only two weeks left to get it sorted and the ensuing debate that would follow. I don't have a problem with the debate, I just felt that given the time scale, it would not be easy to resolve.

Yes, the Eastern Front, which is the real theme, is huge. However, I cannot see why that should be a problem. It does limit to some degree not only what equipment but the camo and finish of it. There are a lot of kits about depicting some of the stranger Soviet stuff that would make a nice change.

One of the criticisms when we looked at the Spring GB was that it was limited to a single type, although any variation of that type. This lead also to criticism that the forum had been turned into a FW190 forum for a couple of months at the detriment to those not taking part and the general image of the forum to browsers and potential new members who may have seen it as a single subject forum.

The poll that I set up had equal firsts voting for Military wheeled/tracked and a theme along the lines of Eastern front. To take this equal vote into account I believe that a the Eastern Front theme will encompass what most members voted for.

I have also taken into account the fact that in previous discussions, it was agreed that the Summer was a less active time for most modellers. By giving an open subject and by extending it by a month, I feel that this will help those to take part who may have preferred to have a BBQ rather than tackle something that was not at the top of their interest.

I personally cannot see why having a very open subject could cause difficulty? OK, it means that there is a vast range that can be done but it still has to fit the theme and from the superb way that a single subject in the Spring GB produced so much creative thinking that I am sure that this huge subject will appeal so much to the diorama builders just as much as it will the straight kit builders. It was my intention to try and make a relaxed GB for the Summer rather than the more intense subject matter that will come as the nights draw in and we once more snuggle up to our work benches to bask in the warmth of our modelling lamps.

Remember guys, the GBs on here are for fun and for a shared experience to allow swapping of information. I hope to keep it that way.


'Stashitis' victim
SMF Supporter
May 17, 2009
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Hi folks,

Just to add my 2p worth to this. I'm quite happy with the Eastern Front theme although I can see where a couple of you are coming from when you say it's maybe too vague. There's always going to be a balancing act when choosing themes for group builds. Some folks like nice tight boundaries while others like them a bit wider. Me, I like the freedom of choice you get with broader themes but that's just me.

If the theme stays as it is, I've picked my build and all I've got to do is check with Ron to make sure I've not pinched his idea again!



Fossil Raver
Jan 1, 2009
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Well i'm happy with the Eastern Front theme or should i sad "Cross of Iron GB", the only problem i have now is what to build as i have a few vehicles from that theater in my stash. All in 1:35 scale so expect a big theme, roll on 1st July.

Have fun, John


Just to confirm that the GB "Cross of Iron" starts July 1st and runs for four months. It is based on the Eastern front and will give plenty of scope for a nice relaxed summer build of anything you like from that whole chapter of WWII. I believe it will give terrific scope for Diorama builders and seeing the finished masterpiece of Joolz's great King Tiger Diorama and the amazing information supplied by Ron on how he builds his and all the great dioramas on this forum, I think there is a good chance of seeing some really good builds.

Remember. To enter into the GB, any kits that go into it must not be started prior to July 1st. If you intend to do more than one kit as separate builds then start a new thread in the Under Construction for each. If you intend to do a diorama with more than one kit then start just one thread for the diorama and include everything in that one thread.

To make it easy to identify, include your name in the thread title e.g. "Grahams Heros of the Soviet People (Dio)", bit of a clue there to what I will be doing lol.

Start each thread with box art and sprue shots of your kits, if multiple kits you can do a single image of each kits sprues rather than detailed, it is up to you. Anything that you later add to a diorama such as additional figures or oil drums etc, just add them no need to provide details. If you decide to add another kit at a later stage then include the Box art and sprue shots at the time you decide to add it.

Above all, have a fun Summer GB and I look forward to seeing what I know will be some great work. Any questions about the GB just ask me. Any questions about your particular model/dio/scenario, just post your question in your own thread. Please do not post pictures of your build in someone else's thread unless it is relevant to a question asked but feel free to post pictures of research and helpful information in other peoples threads if asked for or it would be of help to that person.

Good luck


Great post Graham...cant wait to see what people will be modelling...yours sounds interesting...just enough info to wet the appitite there it.

Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Probably just me being tired (or thick) is the GB on the film "cross of Iron" or just the Russian front in general?

Ian M


Just the Russian/Eastern Front no need to tie into the film unless you want to.

Ian M

Staff member
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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Thanks! Hey, hey, hey I have a plan!!!!

Ian M


Fossil Raver
Jan 1, 2009
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I'm really looking forward to the next GB, i've got a great idea for one of my builds and it involves another aircraft only this time it's 1:72 scale. It's all Tony's fault, when i seen his Yak i just had to get a Russian aircraft. So i got the IL-2 Sturmovik, cheers Tony lol.


Oh nice topic, looking forward to this!

Steiner and his men battling the Ruskies in the factory...the actual tanks used were T34/85 in the movie but reality they would of been T34/76 for that era of the war. So here is a quandry, do I replicate the movie or replicate history:thinking:



SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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Easy one Ade, do you're own thing and have fun doing it!!!!!!!!

