Allen's Nebelwerfer 42 auf Maultier, started in the late? 90's

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
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Apr 27, 2018
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Evening all my fellow glue Sniffers Slingers,

First off, a big thank you to Peter for getting this GB going. It should be a lot of fun and maybe help clear the forgotten pile of started kits in the corner. I went through the stash and found I have 27 unfinished Works Of Art kits and projects. We won't talk about the really old kits from the last century as there are about 10 of those too......Enough Blah Blah....................

I picked this one out as I do have a thing for rockets and such and this fits the bill. This is the 1994 release and I really can't remember when I started it. I think it was in the latter half of the 90's or even in 2000. The kit,


I didn't get very much done on it before it went back in the box. I can't remember why I stopped building it, but here's what we have to work with,


Not too much has seen glue, other than the racks in the hull, the frame with workable steering and the motor halves. Two things need to be mentioned here. The rubber tires are a no-go and will be replaced with resin and the road wheels will also be replaced. The kit wheel, on the right, is not correct and my scratch jobs, in green, are not the best either. These will be replaced with a resin set from Royal Models. The sprues,


As you can see, there are still a whole bunch of stuff on them,


Here's a bunch too....I am debating on whether to use the kit tracks or give her a set Friuls. I'll decide when the time comes I guess. I don't plan on going crazy on it even though I have an Eduard etch set for it in the stash.....Ok maybe just a little. I will be using these to keep me on the straight and narrow,


Good references are a must...............(Oh Lawdy, what have I gotten myself into this time!!!!!!!!!!............................)

Building will commence shortly or this weekend latest, if I survive my check-up on Wednesday. Sucks to be old..................

Allen (Ret.)


Member of the Rabble and Pyromania Consultant
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May 26, 2015
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Evening all my fellow glue Sniffers Slingers,

First off, a big thank you to Peter for getting this GB going. It should be a lot of fun and maybe help clear the forgotten pile of started kits in the corner. I went through the stash and found I have 27 unfinished Works Of Art kits and projects. We won't talk about the really old kits from the last century as there are about 10 of those too......Enough Blah Blah....................

I picked this one out as I do have a thing for rockets and such and this fits the bill. This is the 1994 release and I really can't remember when I started it. I think it was in the latter half of the 90's or even in 2000. The kit,

View attachment 436020

I didn't get very much done on it before it went back in the box. I can't remember why I stopped building it, but here's what we have to work with,

View attachment 436021

Not too much has seen glue, other than the racks in the hull, the frame with workable steering and the motor halves. Two things need to be mentioned here. The rubber tires are a no-go and will be replaced with resin and the road wheels will also be replaced. The kit wheel, on the right, is not correct and my scratch jobs, in green, are not the best either. These will be replaced with a resin set from Royal Models. The sprues,

View attachment 436022

As you can see, there are still a whole bunch of stuff on them,

View attachment 436023

Here's a bunch too....I am debating on whether to use the kit tracks or give her a set Friuls. I'll decide when the time comes I guess. I don't plan on going crazy on it even though I have an Eduard etch set for it in the stash.....Ok maybe just a little. I will be using these to keep me on the straight and narrow,

View attachment 436026

Good references are a must...............(Oh Lawdy, what have I gotten myself into this time!!!!!!!!!!............................)

Building will commence shortly or this weekend latest, if I survive my check-up on Wednesday. Sucks to be old..................

Allen (Ret.)
This will be good Dude 1
An interesting point is that the vapour trail of the rockets gave the location away to the Russians,where as the fuel used in the Russian one didn't.
The Germans were determined to find out what it was , but by the time they did it was too late in the war.
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Steve Jones

Steve Jones Scale Modelling Site
Apr 27, 2018
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Some great reference material there Allen. Looking forward to seeing the brown spot camo scheme. Good luck


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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This will be good Dude 1
An interesting point is that the vapour trail of the rockets gave the location away to the Russians,where as the fuel used in the Russian one didn't.
The Germans were determined to find out what it was , but by the time they did it was too late .

You think they'd work on that from the outset, given how it was asking for retaliation of some sort......

"Dear Ivan, you know that rocket salvo I just deposited in your lap? Well, this is where I am currently located. I currently away your retribution in eager anticipation...."

Ok, so they could have moved fairly easily after a salvo, being in a motorised vehicle but then you've got the trouble of having to get your bearings and aiming points re-established.....

Thanks for the info John.


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Si Benson

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Hi Mr D,
Good to see you tackling some of the shelf queens :smiling4:
I don’t feel so guilty about my small amount of unfinished builds now:cool:

Hope the check up goes ok on Wednesday mate :thumb2:

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
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Apr 27, 2018
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Late afternoon good people,

This will be good Dude 1
An interesting point is that the vapour trail of the rockets gave the location away to the Russians,where as the fuel used in the Russian one didn't.
The Germans were determined to find out what it was , but by the time they did it was too late in the war.

Yes Sir Dude 2, Gonna be fun and thanks for the info. Please see below.........

Some great reference material there Allen. Looking forward to seeing the brown spot camo scheme. Good luck

Thanks Strevie! No luck and no brown spots until I figure out where it will be used.....................

Interesting little beast. Bring it on Allen.

I'm gonna try Tim. Only a bit over 300 with launchers built. The other 300+ were ammo carriers......................

You think they'd work on that from the outset, given how it was asking for retaliation of some sort......

"Dear Ivan, you know that rocket salvo I just deposited in your lap? Well, this is where I am currently located. I currently away your retribution in eager anticipation...."

Ok, so they could have moved fairly easily after a salvo, being in a motorised vehicle but then you've got the trouble of having to get your bearings and aiming points re-established.....

Thanks for the info John.

Hey Andrew, That's why they motorized these, Shoot and Scoot. See below too............

Hi Allen
Looks a nice kit. Deserves to be finished. Painting will be fun :rolling:

It is Jim and I haven't decided on a scheme yet. Don't let Stevie sway you.........................

Hi Mr D,
Good to see you tackling some of the shelf queens :smiling4:
I don’t feel so guilty about my small amount of unfinished builds now:cool:

Hope the check up goes ok on Wednesday mate :thumb2:

Hiya Mr. Benson! Great to see you buddy and I hope you and the family are well. Check up went ok and blood results in the morn. Should be good too??? Whatcha got working on the bench Si????

Allen Always like this one.

You and me both Lee and it's been hanging in the stash long enough. I hope all is well on your end my friend. How are you feeling these days???........

Now for a little background here before we all get crazy. These puppies were developed as a towed weapon/smoke unit like a small artillery piece. They were towed by a Sd. Kfz. 11/4, 3 ton half track. The first variant was a 150mm 6 barrel job with scissor legs and a foot in the front for stabilization. Then they made a 210mm 5 barrel job with the same undercarriage. These were problematic due to the fact they were towed and after firing a salvo, it took quite a while for the battery to bug out to a new location.(bring the half tracks up on line, hook the Nebelwerfer up and move out). The were very likely to be caught in retaliation fire by the enemy. The firing range of these was between 4000 - 6000 meters max. (useless info, One could load the top 3 barrels of the 150 or 2 of the top barrels on the 210 and fire on an advancing enemy at a bit over 100 meters. Pretty scary!)

The towed batteries had to be positioned with set azimuths and range bearings to be effective. These were designed to create smoke screens and saturated artillery barrages and not pin point specific like an artillery piece. With all this in mind, it was decided to make the Nebelwerfer more effective and efficient by mounting the launcher on a vehicle. Shoot a salvo, immediately move to a new location, Shoot another salvo and move again, before anyone had a chance to retaliate. There was no need for complicated set ups for azimuths or the like. After the tubes were loaded, it only took a few minutes to point and shoot the salvo as there were optics in the turret. The range for these was between 400 meters and 6900 meters.

These vehicles had good and bad sides though. With the tubes loaded, you only had one reload on board. Therefore, the battery had to have a constant re-supply of rockets. These were carried in the same type of maultier, but without the launcher on top. The ammo carrier could carry 30 rocket or enough for 3 salvos. Both of these vehicles were based on the Opel Blitz 3 ton Maultier and both carried an MG34 or 42 for self defence. Both were armored, but only against shrapnel and small arms fire. 8mm on the front and sides, 6mm on the roof and 10mm for the turret. Another downside was it's weight of 7,1 tons and that poor Opel 6 banger had to work real hard giving it a range of only 130 kms on the road and 80 kms off-road. These were manned with a 3 man crew.......

Ok, I could go on and on, but will stop now before you all fall asleep. I have made a little start with gluing things together, but nothing worth taking a pic of. I did dig out my accessoires,


But honestly, other than the resin set, there isn't too much of use in the Eduard etch set at all. A lot of the Eduard set pieces are for the interior and as I plan on having this with only the loading hatch open, it would never be seen with a body standing in the hatch......

I want to get going with this tomorrow and the weekend. Now, as to John and Andrew's comments, the Germans started developing their own werfer based on captured Katyusha's in 1941. Check out Vielfachwerfer for a bit more info..........

Thanks for looking and have a great evening all.................

Allen (Ret.)


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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Late afternoon good people,

Yes Sir Dude 2, Gonna be fun and thanks for the info. Please see below.........

Thanks Strevie! No luck and no brown spots until I figure out where it will be used.....................

I'm gonna try Tim. Only a bit over 300 with launchers built. The other 300+ were ammo carriers......................

Hey Andrew, That's why they motorized these, Shoot and Scoot. See below too............

It is Jim and I haven't decided on a scheme yet. Don't let Stevie sway you.........................

Hiya Mr. Benson! Great to see you buddy and I hope you and the family are well. Check up went ok and blood results in the morn. Should be good too??? Whatcha got working on the bench Si????

You and me both Lee and it's been hanging in the stash long enough. I hope all is well on your end my friend. How are you feeling these days???........

Now for a little background here before we all get crazy. These puppies were developed as a towed weapon/smoke unit like a small artillery piece. They were towed by a Sd. Kfz. 11/4, 3 ton half track. The first variant was a 150mm 6 barrel job with scissor legs and a foot in the front for stabilization. Then they made a 210mm 5 barrel job with the same undercarriage. These were problematic due to the fact they were towed and after firing a salvo, it took quite a while for the battery to bug out to a new location.(bring the half tracks up on line, hook the Nebelwerfer up and move out). The were very likely to be caught in retaliation fire by the enemy. The firing range of these was between 4000 - 6000 meters max. (useless info, One could load the top 3 barrels of the 150 or 2 of the top barrels on the 210 and fire on an advancing enemy at a bit over 100 meters. Pretty scary!)

The towed batteries had to be positioned with set azimuths and range bearings to be effective. These were designed to create smoke screens and saturated artillery barrages and not pin point specific like an artillery piece. With all this in mind, it was decided to make the Nebelwerfer more effective and efficient by mounting the launcher on a vehicle. Shoot a salvo, immediately move to a new location, Shoot another salvo and move again, before anyone had a chance to retaliate. There was no need for complicated set ups for azimuths or the like. After the tubes were loaded, it only took a few minutes to point and shoot the salvo as there were optics in the turret. The range for these was between 400 meters and 6900 meters.

These vehicles had good and bad sides though. With the tubes loaded, you only had one reload on board. Therefore, the battery had to have a constant re-supply of rockets. These were carried in the same type of maultier, but without the launcher on top. The ammo carrier could carry 30 rocket or enough for 3 salvos. Both of these vehicles were based on the Opel Blitz 3 ton Maultier and both carried an MG34 or 42 for self defence. Both were armored, but only against shrapnel and small arms fire. 8mm on the front and sides, 6mm on the roof and 10mm for the turret. Another downside was it's weight of 7,1 tons and that poor Opel 6 banger had to work real hard giving it a range of only 130 kms on the road and 80 kms off-road. These were manned with a 3 man crew.......

Ok, I could go on and on, but will stop now before you all fall asleep. I have made a little start with gluing things together, but nothing worth taking a pic of. I did dig out my accessoires,

View attachment 436112

But honestly, other than the resin set, there isn't too much of use in the Eduard etch set at all. A lot of the Eduard set pieces are for the interior and as I plan on having this with only the loading hatch open, it would never be seen with a body standing in the hatch......

I want to get going with this tomorrow and the weekend. Now, as to John and Andrew's comments, the Germans started developing their own werfer based on captured Katyusha's in 1941. Check out Vielfachwerfer for a bit more info..........

Thanks for looking and have a great evening all.................

Allen (Ret.)
Thanks for the background info!!! Not boring at all!!! Very informative!!!

Lee Drennen

Box Stock Builder with a Twist/ Rabble Member
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Apr 29, 2018
Wortham Mo
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Alan I’m doing well nice goodie you have there to add. I’ve almost bought this thing a couple times on Sleezbay I don’t recall seeing this box art. Seated in the back who knows what Dude 2 is going to do once the action begins.


SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Dude 2,
Nearly missed this. But I found it now and chair is pulled up. Good to see you at the bench again.

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Evening World,

Still alive, barely, but first........

Interesting stuff as always Allen. I love the history lesson as much as the modelling….

Thank you Tim. I try and give some info on my builds and some background data. It helps me to remember what I'm doing too!!!

Thanks for the background info!!! Not boring at all!!! Very informative!!!

You are most welcome Andrew and thank you for staying awake my friend. A lot of folks might not know about or have heard of some of the off-the-wall things I build (me included?)

Alan I’m doing well nice goodie you have there to add. I’ve almost bought this thing a couple times on Sleezbay I don’t recall seeing this box art. Seated in the back who knows what Dude 2 is going to do once the action begins.

Thanks Lee and the kit you see is probably the newest re-issue of this kit that came out a few years ago with different box art. Don't worry about Dude 2 as he is deeply involved in his own rockets now and also in his own garden at home. Winter's coming....

Dude 2,
Nearly missed this. But I found it now and chair is pulled up. Good to see you at the bench again.

Thank you my friend and it's great to be back. You haven't missed a whole lot really Paul. BTW I'm 1 and John is 2........

Unfortunately I don't have an update to share with you good people. A co-worker last week decided to share his cold with some of us at work and I got hammered really bad from it. Have spent most of the weekend sleeping and trying to get healthy again. Every time I wanted to play at the table and put on the optivisor, it turned on Niagara Falls. Out with the tissues and I learned, you can't stop the snot............

Hope to be back at the table in the next few days. Thanks so much for your comments and interest...And stay away from sick people at work if you can.........................

Allen (Ret.) feeling like :poop:.........


SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
First Name
Evening World,

Still alive, barely, but first........

Thank you Tim. I try and give some info on my builds and some background data. It helps me to remember what I'm doing too!!!

You are most welcome Andrew and thank you for staying awake my friend. A lot of folks might not know about or have heard of some of the off-the-wall things I build (me included?)

Thanks Lee and the kit you see is probably the newest re-issue of this kit that came out a few years ago with different box art. Don't worry about Dude 2 as he is deeply involved in his own rockets now and also in his own garden at home. Winter's coming....

Thank you my friend and it's great to be back. You haven't missed a whole lot really Paul. BTW I'm 1 and John is 2........

Unfortunately I don't have an update to share with you good people. A co-worker last week decided to share his cold with some of us at work and I got hammered really bad from it. Have spent most of the weekend sleeping and trying to get healthy again. Every time I wanted to play at the table and put on the optivisor, it turned on Niagara Falls. Out with the tissues and I learned, you can't stop the snot............

Hope to be back at the table in the next few days. Thanks so much for your comments and interest...And stay away from sick people at work if you can.........................

Allen (Ret.) feeling like :poop:.........
Apologies Dude 1 feel better soon mate.

Jim R

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Hi Allen
Quite a few people have been laid low with symptoms of a bad cold - sore throat, runny nose and feeling rotten. Hope you get better soon.
Enjoyed reading the historical background.


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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Hop one for a speedy recovery Jim.



Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
First Name
Afternoon World,

First and foremost, a huge apology for not answering you all in a timely manner. I am back to normal and to be honest, I had totally forgotten that I started this blog. Brain dead I guess and the funny thing is, I have been working on the Maultier all along. I'm sort of stressed out over this retirement waiting crap and work doesn't help either...........Anyway,

Thank you all for the get well wishes and for not falling asleep. I really do appreciate all the support as it keeps the Mojo going. So on to the build. I started with the launcher unit and found the first correction that was needed,


The tube sets had a plastic blob with the crater on them. These were the junction boxes for the firing cables and incorrect. I hacked off the blob (bottom tube set) and scratched a box and added the etch pieces (on the right). Then we had this,


At least it looks the part now. The tubes are also way too thick in diameter so I went about thinning them out,


Still too thick and need some more thinning.......I almost lost my mind and wanted to scratch new ones from tubing, but I want to finish this project and not take 6 months to do it...I moved on to cleaning up the resin and the rockets and painting the road wheels, tires and selecting some more etch for use as the kit parts don't cut it,


Next up was assembling the body. This was a surprise as the fit was actually real good. I painted a bit of the interior and the spare rocket tubes and glued the top and bottom together. The fit was great with just a bit of scraping and sanding. Then came the grill and the rear panel. Once again, a bit of fiddling and they fit damn near perfect too. The fenders/storage box pieces needed more scraping and sanding, but they went on good as well,



A little clean up on the joins is needed, but there was no need for filler/putty of any sort. I was surprised the fit was so good for this old kit. I moved on to the frame,


I hairy sticked the motor even though it won't be seen at all. I've since added the tow hitch and masked the frame contact points for the hissy stick. Now to some improvements on the body itself,


Folded up and glued the jerry can holders together and folded the side steps. They look a little wonky in the pic but will get fixed when they are attached. Still debating on the rear fender flaps. The kit part is kind of thick. The etch would be better, but on the left side there has to be the tail light and marker added. I'm not too good at sticking etch on top of etch. Oh hell, I'll give it a shot! I then found the biggest prob with the kit that needed to be definitely corrected. The kit gives you these,


The vision slits for the front and sides. They are a no-go and have these trenches molded around them. They should look like this,

For Discussion Purposes Only

A glaring error as even the boxtop art shows the correct ones. Out with the 0,020 plastic card, RP cutter, sharp pointed blade and a cold one to make these,


Not 100% perfect, but will fit the bill for this puppy!!! Oh, and the cold one was good too!!! That's about it for now. I can't fire up the hissy stick as our weather is crap rainy and cold. More to come...............

Sorry again for the brain cramp and thanks for looking in. All C, C and C is most welcome. Have a good one and enjoy your Sunday.......

Allen (almost Ret.)


Rabble & escape committee member
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Apr 27, 2018
Dayton, OH
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Looking good Allen. Late 251s used a similar vision block design.