Air Brushing Kit


SMF Supporter
Jan 4, 2020
Bramley, Hampshire
First Name
Before I buy an expensive, relatively anyway, compressor and airbrush I wouldn't mind trying it for a while. My intention is to see if I get on with it and focus on larger areas rather than ultra fine work. Looking at various videos and reading comments here as well as looking at products on Scale Model Shop I can see an attraction. Don't get me wrong I actually like brushing and that would probably still remain my go too method but the option would be nice. However is it is prohibitive for something I may only use now and then or even not at all. I dont want to buy a pile of rubbish but at the same time I don't want to pay retail just yet. Happy to do that if I go for it.
Not sure if its allowed to ask but if anyone has an airbrushing set gathering dust or are thinking of upgrading and would be prepared to sell their old gear I would be interested. Probably best by PM if thats OK. If I'm out of order please tell me and I'll delete the post. Shop has some quite cost effective kits and I may well go down route anyway and I can upgrade the Airbrush and keep the compressor I guess ? What have other people done ?

Normally i'd suggest a swap/sell section but theres not much resellable kit in the hobby I guess. Possibly people could sell their stash kit if they wanted ? I'll shut up now......bloody newbies....
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