AK Interactive WW2 Paint sets


SMF Supporter
Jul 23, 2011
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I obtaimed, from John, http://www.scalemodelshop.co.uk/ak-interactive-raf-camouflage-colours-set-ak2010.html this RAF paint set.

AK have also released two Luftwaffe RLM WW2 sets as well.

As I have always had reservations about the Vallejo Model Air colours that Vallejo recommend and have never been satisfied with them I decided to try these out.

First of all, I am not sure why John classifies them as weathering sets as they are clearly paints but, hopefully, the range will be extended with individual colours being made available and then reclassified under paints.

The packaging is identical to Vallejo, the same eye dropper 17ml bottles and in many ways look like Vallejo except they have a 'viscocity' that seems somewhere between Model Air and Model Colour.

I firstly did a colour test, matching them against Model Ait colours and what is clear is that they are different in colour tone to the Model Air equivalents. The difference in some colours may be down to the allowance for 'scale effect' AK build in but that cnnot be the case for all colours. I have to say that I am vey happy with the colour tone, they look just right to me and I do not feel that by buying these colours that I have 'doubled up' on any colours despite having (almost) the full MA set.

I used a hairy stick, painting patches on plastic to do the colour test and found they went down well, excellent coverage with no brush marks.

The packaging suggests that they need some thinning for the airbrush but I read somewhere else that they did not. So I tried airbrushing some of the colours 'neat' and Azure in particular.

I used a 0.4 needle at about 20 psi and found they sprayed beautifully. With a smaller needle you may probably need to do some thinning but I could not fault the way they sprayed at all. Indeed I felt they were better than Vallejo MA.

I have not tried thinning but AK do a thinner and I would also expect Vallejo thinner to work well with them. I also think water would be OK as a fall back. They are odourless and, apart from the viscocity, seem identical in formula to Vallejo MA.

The weakness of these paints is not being able to buy colours individually, clearly you cannot keep buying sets when you run out of a single colour. Hopefully that will be resoplved soon with more sets and individual colours being released. They are more expensive than Vallejo but not as costly as Mr Colour (when worked out on a like for like basis).

My conclusion is very positive. I would certainly consider a wholesale switch from Vallejo as they release more colours/sets and in particular when they are avalable as individual colours.

I will get the two Luftwaffe sets in due course I am sure and will watch out for new releases.