Binnacle Model Ship Kits



I discovered this plan for sale on Ebay. It immediately brought back a flood of forgotten memories which may have been corrupted by time.

I remember my Dad buying a couple of tiny model boat kits around 1958. I think that in each boat kit there were two models. The subject models were MTB's / ASRL's etc which were favourites of ours as we lived at RAF Felixstowe which had a Marine Craft Unit.

The basic hull structure was built up from cardboard which was then 'planked' with veneer which came in the kit. Crude celluloid turret transparencies were included where appropriate. We completed at least one as I have good recollections of painting (daubing !) the deck in yellow.

As I said, the models were tiny. They were definitely smaller than 1/72 which matches the Ebay advert which states 1/120.

Were these 'Binnacle' kits ? Does anyone have more accurate memories than me ? Is there anyone out there who collects these kits ?

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