Decal mess...



[sorry if in wrong forum, pls move if need be.]

So my Microsol & set arrived this week, and had a chance to try them out for the first time this evening. Think something may have gone horribly wrong - see photo:

View attachment 64185

Wasn't expecting that white staining around the decal. Have I done something entirely numpty-ish?

Process was - acrylic paint, three thinnish (not thinned) layers of Humbrol Clear, left to dry entirely. Then used Microset, applied decal, dabbed away excess Microset, brushed over with Microsol, done.

View attachment 65401



Just wonder if those 3 layers of Humbrol Clear (assume this is acrylic) have not had time not only to dry but also cure.

Also perhaps the Micro stuff has been sloshed on.

I mostly use just water for decals & rarely use either of the Micros unless I am having problem. If I do use either the Sol or Set I use a brush & apply sparingly to the decal & after applying the decal using water only. Using water has worked for me I would guess 95% of the time & I have achieved the decal setting down & bedding into panel lines etc. A lot depends on the quality & thickness of the decal.



I would have thought so - the last of the Clear was applied on Sunday, and was finger-dry within a few hours, so I didn't have any worries about that.

The decals themselves have worked wonderfully, unlike on my prev (first) model which are all silvered and 'orrid. Just don't know what I'm going to do to get rid of those marks.

I suspect it's the setting solution that's left the marks - the instructions I read were to be generous with the stuff... perhaps I took that too literally! (And none of the instructions said it would smell like vinegar...)


I've been using Micro sol and set for years,it will on occasion cause acrylic varnish to cloud,the clouding normally clears after around 30mins.You should only apply a drop of Micro sol to the surface of a decal just enough to cover it, in fact applying to much can cause the decal to distort as it dries,the decal will crinkle after you apply Micro sol but after around an hour the crinkles flatten and disappear. If the clouding doesn’t disappear try over spraying the decal with the acrylic varnish you had laid down before decaling this should clear any clouding (I've had clouding occur on two occasions and this cleared it).By the way it's also good practise to seal decals after you have applied them as over time they can lift. If you want to see the benefit of using Micro-sol look in my gallery there is a Macchi 202 on which all the smoke rings are decals. When used correctly it does give a superior result.

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I rarely use micro set so I can't really be sure about that but I often flood a decal with micro sol when I've got big decals, and I do mean flood

My recent tigermeet Phantom was covered in approx 80% decals, that had 4 or 5 good soakings to get the decals down, never had a decal go wrong ...yet :yeahbaby:

I would guess the fogging was caused by micro set softening the clear coat and then getting damaged by the dabbing??


Alasdir. Why not email Micro Products & give them the problems as you have here.

Worth a go they may have a solution.

Before varnishing over the whole lot, you are then totally committed, try a small area with a small brush of varnish on the edge of the white marks & see if it works.

If it does not work I would mask up the black cross & do a refurbishing job.

Matter of interest has this happened on all the decals ?



No Tears Please. It's a Waste of Good Suffering.
Apr 14, 2013
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\ said:
I would have thought so - the last of the Clear was applied on Sunday, and was finger-dry within a few hours, so I didn't have any worries about that.The decals themselves have worked wonderfully, unlike on my prev (first) model which are all silvered and 'orrid. Just don't know what I'm going to do to get rid of those marks.

I suspect it's the setting solution that's left the marks - the instructions I read were to be generous with the stuff... perhaps I took that too literally! (And none of the instructions said it would smell like vinegar...)
I belive the vinegar smell is exactly what it is mostly ........ Very very overpriced vinegar and water. I think you'll find a "70/30" mix "Water/Vinegar" is pretty much the same, works just as well and is a lot cheaper.



Thanks all - most of the marking comes off with a bit of Microsol on a cotton bud... but it's stripping the Clear away too of course so I'll be resealing carefully - thanks for the advice there Malcolm (and now I have also learned there are member galleries - that Macchi must have been a nightmare to decal!).

Andy, wasn't dabbing very much, and the pattern of the staining (you can see it better on another decal that I didn't take photo of) suggested that it was happening where the Microset sat (e.g. dribbled down to bottom of fuselage & marked there as it pooled). Oh and... was that the sound of you tempting fate?!

Laurie - have emailed Microscale as you suggested, if they have a substantive reply I'll post it here. Will varnish over a test patch later on today (really must get to work!), do hope I can rescue it as it is all the decals I've put on so far.

Peter - aaaaaah. OK, chalked up to experience...! But I'm not putting this stuff on my chips...


\ said:
I belive the vinegar smell is exactly what it is mostly ........ Very very overpriced vinegar and water. I think you'll find a "70/30" mix "Water/Vinegar" is pretty much the same, works just as well and is a lot cheaper.Peter
If it works for you, go for it

Me, I'll carry on with the micro sol, it's not like it's costing me a fortune and like I said I've never had a problem


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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Microsol (not Microset which is the vinegary one) sometimes causes this dis-colouration with Klear as well. Usually it will disappear when another coat of varnish is applied.

Many decals will wrinkle when Microsol is applied. You have to leave them alone. I've only experienced a couple of occasions when they did not eventually settle down.

All decals are not the same and it is always worth doing a test with whichever softener you use on an unwanted decal from a sheet before sploshing the stuff all over your model. I have a 50/50 dilution of Microsol which I use on over sensitive decals :smiling3:

