Files and abrasive papers when used with perspex.


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Apr 18, 2004
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Files are indispensible to plastic work,although it is possible to manage with just a few it is best to build up a selection including a few of those Swiss needle files,basiclly a round,half round,square,trianguler and two 8 inch flat files ( one smooth and one second cut ).

As a general rule,files for use with plastics should not be too fine and remember that files cut only in one direction and you must always push firmly in that cutting direction,then draw back so there is no pressure.

Files tend to clog easily when used with soft materials especially plastics,always have a wire brush at hand to remove the particles that have clogged the teeth,never use any trace of oil with plastics.

A lot of the final finishing will need to be done with abrasive papers after the file work is out of the way.

Simple sanding blocks can be made from cork or balsa blocks or even dowel with the abrasive paper wrapped and glued around the shape.

If the item is too small to sand easily consider attaching abrasive paper down to a piece of plate glass attaching with double sided tape at the edges,then carefully run the small part across the surface.