Flying Scale Models Magazine



Well again my bookstore has let me down. I have a standing order for FSM and recently a total of four have not arrived. I asked the owner (it's a one man operation) to chase them up for me. He assured me that he had emailed the magazine to get the back issues but had not received a reply, eventually, after a couple of months, my patience wore thin with him and I fired off an email to the publishers and got a reply within 24 hours to say they would be in the post to me.

BUT because he had dicked me around for so long one was out of stock.

Does anyone have a copy of the April 06 FSM (has the Bristol Scout on the cover) that they could sell me?

Please PM me if you can help

I have all other issues from Vol1 No 1 and want to keep the set complete.

I have changed my supplier!


Sorry Kiwi, wish I could help. I don't get FSM regularly and I haven't got April's.

I wouls keep my eye on Ebay, I've just checked and nothing at the moment, and keep asking around. I am certain one will turn up as it isn't that old.