Good Starter Kit for the Absolute Beginner?



Hello all. As stated I'm an absolute novice when it comes to modelling - I think I built a spitfire once when I was very young (and did a terrible job) but other than that scale modelling hadn't even entered my mind. That all changed when I stumbled into a Tamiya 1/350 Prince of Wales kit when I took the Mrs to Hobbycraft. I instantly became obsessed with the idea of building it and having a model battleship on display in the house and, much to her dismay, I spent £55 on the 'stupid plastic boat' (good job she doesn't know about the other £70 I spent on tools and paints). Anyway, more to the point, I seem to have underestimated what I've got myself into. After a bit of research it seems scale modelling is a massive hobby with people spending decades learning and improving skills and apparently taking months or years to complete one kit (I thought I'd bash it together in a weekend!). So the more I read into it the more I think I should perhaps start on something a bit simpler, something to learn my skills on and not necessarily worry about the finished product - bearing in mind for me simply gluing two plastic parts together would be considered a new 'skill'. To that end is there a good 'starter kit' for beginners like me, or a kit you think would be suitable for what I'm asking? Or should I just jump in at the deep end?

Just for the record I'm only interested in military ships. Aircraft, tanks or commercial ships like titanic simply don't spark my interest.

Thanks in advance for any replies.



Dazed and confused
Jun 13, 2013
First Name
try something with tamiya on the box

and welcome, be nice to see some floaty boaty things being built

Jens Andrée

Hello and welcome!

You've done your research and have come to the right conclusion to build one or a couple of "trainer" kits first. I learned this the hard way so you're a step ahead already ;)
Honestly it doesn't matter what you build because what you need is to get some practise building kits, what glue/cement to use and how to line things up so it looks correct - and most importantly how to recover when done something, let's say "less than perfect..."
I still make stupid mistakes but I've learned how to fix my errors and come out on top but it took more than a couple of kits before I knew what I was doing.

I have almost zero knowledge about ships and such so I'm no help there, but the general modelling techniques I've got more than a clue about and this myself and the rest in here can help you with when needed!
I'd say buy a couple cheap kits and put them together. The more errors you do, the faster you'll learn! These kits are then your paint trainers as well - and this is another big chapter too I'm afraid, but start with the plastics and worry about the paint later!

This will ensure that your Prince of Wales will come out much better than if it'd been your first kit! (my first couple of kits are in the bottom of a box and only come out when I want to try a new paint or something... They are horrible and badly built - but they all served a purpose!)

It doesn't take decades to learn modelling. In fact it only takes a weekend. Mastering it though is a different cookie and it's something I honestly think one never does?!
I learn something new all the time and that's what makes it so fun!
Modelling can be a demanding hobby depending on how you approach it, but regardless of how you do it it'll give you hours upon hours of fun - and you feel like a kid again :smiling3:

Good luck and welcome to an addictive hobby... ;)
Aug 23, 2012
Whatever you do don't try the Airfix HMS Victory 'starter' kit. Can't imagine how many newbies this will have put off modelling due to poor fit!


SMF Supporter
Aug 16, 2014
First Name
Welcome to the forum. When I started I built anything that was cheap in case I messed it up which I did. I'm now part way through Revells 1/400 centenary Titanic. I still build anything, no particular genre. I just like sticking bits of plastic together. Look out though it's addictive with no known cure!


SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
First Name
Welcome to the forum Barry.

I love building ships, so here is my advice gleaned from past builds:-

It doesn't matter what scale ship / boat you are contemplating for a first go, avoid those with rigging. Warships generally. They can destroy the best will in the world.

1/1200 - Although they can produce excellent results, it's a very small scale and very difficult to paint.

1/700 - Bigger and nicely detailed with plenty of choice, but there is still the rigging to contend with.

1/350 - Big scale, but that rigging again!

1/72 - Navy stuff is very limited. I have a U.Boat ready to build, but it's probably too big for a first crack at floaty things.

1/144 - There is now a Flower Class Corvette available in this scale, which makes up into a nice model, but you can't escape the rigging....

In my opinion your best bet is the Revell 1/48 Swift Boat. About 12" long, this is a cracking kit, very cleverly engineered detail. Resulting in a very easy boat to build and paint, with no rigging. You can add bits to your heart's content too. I loved building this and I heartily recommend it. ( There is one called a 'Pibber', also by Revell, which is along similar lines)

MM Vietnam build 001.jpg

MM Vietnam build 018.jpg

Some might lift their eyes at my inclusion of my model, but I'm only trying to help as best I can.

I'm sure other members will be along with more suggestions.



Thanks for the replies guys. I went with the general advice of buying anything cheap and bought a Revell 1/700 Kirov Class Battlecruiser, which I saw on offer at £15. Already making mistakes on it but making notes how to avoid the same ones in future. Enjoying it though. I'll post a pic of the finished article, so watch this space and I'm sure we'll all enjoy a good laugh