Tyres and wheels



Hi all, new to this forum so i bet ive listed this in the wrong area. but ill carry on anyway.

I am currently working to make a scale model of a Triumph GT6 in 1/6th scale and ive

hit a wall when it came to the tyres. I have been looking on the internet to

find/research either premade or a method of making them and a process and materials

that will fulfil my requirements. I think im going to find the tyres the hardest to

get the right products, the rims will be a still a challenge but not too bad.

Sizes are roughtly 58mm rim diameter, 92mm outer diameter, and about 20mm wide.

If anyone can help or advise me on what process or product is best which i can use in a

mould (which i think will be best) and will dry/set black and very similar to a tyre,

and show similar properties to a fully size tyre. I would like to make it hollow and

no just a solid lump.


I take it you've tried browsing through the 1/6th scale RC market for something viable ??

A couple of friends used to scratch build 1/10 1/8 1/6 cars and they got their tyres and wheels from the local model shop from the RC dept.


Yeah, tried lots of internet searches, but its been hard going, in looking for rims that are 59mm diameter (or close) and tires which are 93mm (or as close to) width of about 20mm, thats if its all to scale. ive been searching and searching for anything close. and there is a few but usually big nobbily tyres for off road;s. but if anyone know of good site please let me know. Im pulling my hair out.

yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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Hi , i dont know if this will be of much use , but it might be worth a punt Monogram 1/8 scale E type Jaguar, cica 1976, incomplete | eBay I know the e-type had 15" wires and these are 1/8 scale but (which equals about 4.75 cm dia) and a 1/6 13" rim for the gt6 would be about a cm bigger but its a step in the right direction kind of.(?!) It might just be the nearest you can get, as you say all the search results come up with big knobbly R/C tyres. Hope this helps , cheers tony


Another thought ... how about the RC truck model market, you could possibly get something thats ok size wise and "wire" them yourself.

I would imagin you'd just have to drill holes through the rim and into the hub then slip a length of rod (wire, sprue) through, give it a nice paint job then pop the tyre back on ??? .... maybe a little vague there but can you follow my general weak idea :smiling3:


yeah, had though of that, but only ones ive found are really nobbly tyres, its a pain, hence i though id try making my own, or at least see whats involved and how much it will cost to try it.

thanks all for our advice.


Gerald Wingrove used to make his tyres from tinted silicon rubber in a silicon rubber mould. He conveniently glossed over the tread, but that would have been made by photo-etching wrapped round the pattern of the tyre case. I tried tinting silicon once and gave up after two weeks in which the rubber had set not one bit. Rubber suppliers like Tiranti might be able to advise on this. 1/6th is BIG. I once restored a Sunbeam Talbot 90 that had been built in steel at the factory and that was 1/5th scale with a working engine!

Yours in an interesting project. I've had four GT6s and my son currently has a Mk III.


