Various Help Needed for relatively new modeller



And I thought I had asked all possible questions...:noidea:

I am going to apologize again (im not used to being part of a forum which is actually helpful)...

I am not preshading because I dont own an airbrush, and I am not even going down the road of handbrushing shading however I do want to apply a light wash and minor drybrushing to pick out some details. When it comes to the cockpit, I have assembled, then primed and then do I add a glosscote at this point to the entire cockpit prior to decals and adding the photoetch (I am going to add a coat of gloss to the rest of the model, so surely I do to the cockpit aswell right?). And then at what point would I apply a wash?

My overall plan is assemble-prime-paint-glosscote-decal-mattcote I just need an "insert wash and drybrush here"

I am planning on having an opened canopy hence my enthusiasm to pick out every cockpit detail possible, I understand everyone has different methods, but something in my head says i should only paint the cockpit and then wash it without even applying a glosscote/mattcote.

thanks and (sorry)


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
First Name
If you've got decals to apply inside the cockpit then that is best done over a gloss coat. Most washes work best over a gloss coat too. Dry brushing really doesn't want to be done over a gloss coat so you will either have to do it before the gloss,which I would suggest,or at the end once you have applied a matt varnish (not so good).

Here's a plan of attack.

Assemble-prime-paint-drybrush-gloss coat-decal-gloss coat-wash-matt coat.

If you don't have decals in the cockpit then

Assemble-prime-paint-dry brush-gloss coat-wash-matt coat.




Hopefully you will all be pleased to know that the cockpit is near enough put together and primed, just have to paint a few pieces before actually putting the rest of the cockpit together. All went relatively smoothly, had a few issues with the liquid cement, even the smallest amount seemed to leak out the seams and is too awkward to remove, however I have again washed everything prior to priming because I put it together a few times first before sticking.

Another thing, those damn photo etch pieces! now that was difficult for my clumsy hands, not perfect and I noticed my PE control panel doesnt match the decal, by that I mean the dials match but the decal is just slightly smaller meaning that a few of the dials will be off centre from the holes :sad:

Now the next thing is to make sure I get all the small details the right colour, I have looked at various reference photos and everything seems to be different, obviously some things are moulded into the model and others are not. After a nice coat of cockpit green I will try and interpret what needs to be what colour.

Photos will be added at some point tomorrow hopefully.


I thought I would just add a big thankyou to everyone who suggested the Halfords plastic primer, that stuff sits really nicely on the model if applied thinly and in my opinion just makes the details look better before even painting!


I need a bit of reference help, the frame in which the engine is mounted is quoted as x-11 which is chrome silver however I have seen many models which have the frame as cockpit green to match the rest of the cockpit framework.

Was there ever a period of time when the colours of the frame changed? I am building willie mcknights hurricane from 242 squadron.


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
First Name
Here's the BBMF Hurricane.

The one dragged out and under restoration on Malta is also interior green. That's how I do mine. As usual there is no 100% correct answer.There is another under restoration in Finland on which a lot of the tubing and engine bearers are painted in aluminium.




Well its been a while and I have been working on my model. Priming going well, painting going well and bonding not bad (although fiddily) however glosscote.....disaster, brushstrokes showing through like crazy and no apparent way to remove it....not sure what to do at this point.


Im going to update you all on this build and probably start a new thread soon on my next project, I have taken a few photos logging my hurricane build, so expect to them soon. I have been fortunate enough to get my hands on an airbrush this christmas, and thankfully thats prior to me applying the camo to my build (phew, i was dreading hand brushing the camo), my next build will be a very ambitious diorama of a vehicle so stay tuned, it may not go well but I am prepared to test myself fully. Thanks for all the advice given thus far.