Why do we choose the models we do?

Nov 20, 2015
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I've been modelling now for 42yrs and have went through the usual planes tanks, cars etc but in the last 5yrs after retirement I've concentrated on 1/35 German soft skins have only done a couple of tanks in that time. Still saving for a "Dora" that being a long term project



\ said:
Military vehicles of all types, though my last build was a Cat dozer which I enjoyed immensely, especially working with new colors [yellow:D] but I did have to tweak it a bit as 'Caterpillar Yellow'
was not available in the cheapie paints I use. Have a large stash of military stuff [mostly tanks] so don't see much of a change coming about.

Dioramas have been to the forefront of Late........God I need to sell some stuff:oops:...........Jim:smiling3:
Jim mind me asking about the cat dozer. Which maker is the kit? I'm really intersted to build one dozer. Thanks a bunch mate


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Mar 6, 2015
Over the years I have dabbled with ships & tanks, and 1/48 aircraft, but I've settled on the models I first made as a schoolboy; 1/72 aircraft, and mostly WW2. I suppose then, I'm one of the Airfix Generation

But another question is not just the kits, but why do we choose the hobbies we do?

Why modelling in the first place? And as I, and I'm sure many of you are asked, why not the flying ones?

I've made kits on & off since being a boy, and from being in the Scouts I moved on to backpacking and hillwalking

I used to be keen on photography when I took 35mm slides, but I cannot muster any enthusiasm for digital photography

Since retiring I've started knife making; and from that, leatherwork to make the sheaths. Why? I had an old knife I didn't like, then one thing led to another

As knife making is a bit unusual, you might be interested in this website & forum www.britishblades.com

I used to do car mechanics till I got too fat & old to lie on my back changing gearboxes

But I have friends who do bird watching, stone carving (which apparently is not the same as sculpting) wood turning, golf, coin collecting, fishing, minor antiques & 'collectables'; and coming back to models, afvs & soft skin vehicles, but only in 1/72

So why & how do we choose? Who knows?


Anything military in 1:35, mainly WW2 subjects from armour to soft skin vehicle's, although I have now started looking at modern armour and vehicle's, and I do have a few 1:32 aircraft.


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Jul 23, 2011
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I started as a child in the 60's and, naturally, my first model was the Airfix 1/72 Spitfire. I was a really prolific builder up to the mid 70's when I preferred Airfix for aircraft, Revell for ships (their Golden Hind being my favourite) and Tamiya for armour, though in the early years I built the Airfix 1/72 tanks.

In the late 70's I got into weathering which gave me a renewed interest in 1/48 and 1/32 aircraft (the latter being almost exclusively Revell) and 1/35 armour. But then marraige, career and kids took over only getting back into modelling a bit over 4 years ago after my divorce, now mainly 1/32 WW2 aircraft.

I have always had a deep interest in the military which fed my interest in models. I really have no interest at all in civilian subjects.

Why 1/32 WW2 aircraft now? Well when returning to the hobby I found some amazing advances in the way kits are being engineered, their quality and accuracy and it seemed to me that all the best new developments are in 1/32 scale aircraft.

I have simply been blown away by what is being produced in 1/32 by comp[anies like Tamiya and HK Models in particular. Thats not to say that I have not been impressed by much of what has happened in other scales and I have built some models in 1/48 and I loved the 1/24 Airfix Tiffy despite the poor manufacturing standards. Right now I am building a 1/48 Academy F4 Phantom as a complete 'non-WW2' change but, to be frank, progress is slow because my heart in not in the scale. I will finish it, then I will need to await the completion of the man-cave in my new home before I build any more and get down to work on my 1/32 sale stash. I just love the sheer size and impact of models in 1/32.

Alan 45

Plastic Abuser
Nov 29, 2012
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I got into the hobby from my elder brother , he built loads when I was small and he bought me my first model as usual it's the airfix spit , I built kits of various planes and tanks from WWII ( mostly airfix and matchbox 1/72 ) from the age of 6 until mid teens then football and girls came along and that took a back step and apart from a few over next 30 years I largely just collected pre built models ,

At the age of 42 I met an old chap down our local and I built him a ship for his birthday and that was it I got back into modelling again , over the years I've tried most genres in modelling until I realised I was best at armour and military vehicles, I have over the last 6 months or so built some large scale figures and if I progress the way I am I could see me doing these above all else

yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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Anything really as long as it takes my interest , i do have favoured themes such as soviet stuff but im easily distracted by other things , ooh look a squirrel.......

Mark P

Great reply's gents :smiling3: , its nice to read why we build what we build and also why we started

Deleted member 4539

Something that pushed towards figure modelling.

This was in the mid 90's

I used to make models when I was young planes, tanks.

Then due to illness becoming worse,I needed to occupy my mind.I went into the model shop and bought a couple of kits to do.these were finished, not to good, but I enjoyed doing them.Phil in the model shop told me about a club in Bebington.I went along with my finished model's and was absolutely slated.Then a nice bloke named Ron Mackenzie took me to one side and told me to ignore them,and proceded to show me a figure he had done and explained all about it.This really peaked my interest and Ron said that if I wanted to, he would help and guide me going down this route of modelling.He also said that there were two other blokes that did figures(Alan Ball and Ged Kincaid)and that they would help me also,which they did.So this is what started me figure modelling and I have never looked back.I still do other model's Planes,ship's car's etc as this keep's my mind busy.




I tend to go for world war two aircraft I've got 4 awaiting to be built plus the Boulton & Paul Defiant 1;48 that is due out shortly. My wife Collis did say when are you going to build something different. I think racing motor cycles could be the next ones to start stashing ready for build...


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Jan 14, 2015
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\ said:
Jim mind me asking about the cat dozer. Which maker is the kit? I'm really intersted to build one dozer. Thanks a bunch mate
No problem Leo, it's the AMT 1/25 Cat D8H, an old kit from 70s I thinkAMT-6670-2.jpg

this is my version which can be seen in "Heavy Metal" thread in completed civilian trucks, lorries ect.. forum100_5481-jpg.142728.jpg



A true Leeds Utd fan ............
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Feb 27, 2011
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my dad introduced me to modelling many years ago ... took it up again around 5 years ago. only interested in ww2 stuff .... when i joined here it was only aircraft but drew inspiration from modellers on here and now do dioramas, armour, figurines and 1/32 aircraft ....but only ever ww2. cant see myself moving away from this era ... still too much to build.

why ww2 .... i remember watching the movie, the battle of britain when i was a kid ... the spitfires, the hurricanes, the 109's and the heinkel 111's ......the dog fights etc etc ... the era has just stuck with me i suppose ......