Zvezda 1/72 MI-24P Hind

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7181
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Deleted member 7181

Thanks for the support Si.

I'm in the process of masking the canopy as we speak. I've just put the magnifiers down for a minute to make a cuppa give my eyes a rest! :dizzy:

Deleted member 7181

Thanks Jim. Apart from the fit around the rotor head I think all the other issues are down to my lack of talent :smiling5:

Liquid mask......that’s all I’m saying....

I did get some but haven't quite got the hang of it yet. I seem to blob it everywhere except where I want it. A bit like glue....

Started off with some black Mr Surfacer over the canopy. Thinking behind this was if any of it can be seen from the inside it will match the black cockpit interior.


Then two thin but wet coats of grey Mr Surfacer 1000 over the whole thing to highlight any areas where my sanding wasn't good enough. Seemed OK from a quick glance apart from a couple of small details that need rescribing, but will check it over properly once dry.

Hung up precariously to dry :anguished:


Deleted member 7181

And a bit of blue on the underside, although against the brown cardboard it just looks grey :smiling5:

It's not turned out quite as light as I would have liked but it'll do. I've tried to modulate the colour a bit to prevent my previous "block of colour" attempts. Usual crappy picture just about shows it up.


Deleted member 7181

I wasn't happy with the blue for the lower half so repainted it. After drying overnight I started masking up for the main colour. The wings were tricky! Next time I'll leave the pylons off.



Then onto some green. I didn't have anything similar to the box art so mixed up some green from my A-10 with light gull grey. It all got a coat of that then I lightened it with more gull grey to highlight the centres of the panels, upper surfaces etc. Once again my poor camera skills have hidden this effect but it's noticeable in real life. Maybe I'm still being too subtle about it.

And excuse the terrible panel fit, they are just PVA'd in temporarily for paint.



Next up is the fiddly job of masking for the camo. Might fit the wings first, but undecided as yet.

Deleted member 7181

Lots of masking tape later....





A couple of touch ups to do but nothing I'm concerned about. Once it's got decals and weathering I doubt they'll be seen. Colours look different in every shot but the second one is probably the most accurate.

Not certain about the camo pattern but I've seen these done in so many colours and schemes that I just went with the flow and made it up as I went along!

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Whoa Andy,

That has turned out fantastic Sir!!! You definitely have mastered this modeling lark hands down. The camo looks great and very neatly done. I guess I am going to have to send you my Opel tankers to paint as it's way too hot (over 30°C) here in Germany. Do you use special tape for the masking? It looks like normal masking tape to me.....

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Way past the mad part
SMF Supporter
Apr 28, 2018
First Name
A couple of touch ups to do but nothing I'm concerned about. Once it's got decals and weathering I doubt they'll be seen.
There would likely be touchups on the real thing too, anyway. Not sure how easily the paint on these helicopters weathers, but look at some photos of US Navy jets for how bad it can get. Having to touch up the paint on your model and that remaining visible certainly isn’t a problem :smiling3:

Deleted member 7181

Haha, thanks Paul! I've seen your work so I know I've still got a long way to go, but I'm enjoying the learning process and getting more and more pleased with my results :smiling3:

Deleted member 7181

Thanks Paul.

Paints are all Mr Color, but colours are a bit of mix & match from the limited range I have. Probably spent a couple of hours just mixing and testing :nerd:

The lighter green is about 50/50 of Light Gull Grey ( C-11) and Field Green ( C-340) with a splash more gull grey and yellow ( C-4) for the highlights (which don't show up well in the pictures)

Darker green is Field Green with around 10% Light Gull Grey and a few drops of Dark Earth ( C-22), then again a bit more grey & yellow added for the highlights (I've run out of white lol)

The instructions call for Humbrol 31 State Grey and 149 Dark/Foliage Green, but these seemed too dark and intense for such a small model so I mixed lighter and more toned down versions with what I had.

Erm, not sure if that helps or not :smiling5: