
  1. F

    1/72 P-51D Mustang "Red Tail"

    Done P-51D Mustang "Red Tail" Academy 1/72. And this one, CNC engraving Aluminum plate will be put on the space behind the Willys MB jeep. Before this I design the title and print out then stick it somewhere on the diorama but this time...
  2. papa 695

    papa 695s Bf109E3 1/72 Airfix

    Well I've got this one completed a great little kit to put together All paints are Humbrol
  3. B

    Hasegawa 1/32: Fw 190 D-9 "Red 1"; Platzschutzstaffel JV44

    Ooouuh......another Fw 190 D-9.....again....booooooooring!!! ;) Here comes part 4 of my "Dora-Project". It shows the Fw 190 D-9 "Red 1", flown by Lieutenant Heinz Sachsenberg, leader of the famous "Sachsenbergschwarm", also known as "Parrot Squadron". As I said in my other Dora-Rollouts, the...
  4. J

    John's Tamiya 1:32 MOSQUITO

    Really should have started on something much easier, but congratulations to Tamiya for a very finely made kit. I did enjoy each of the 100 hours, promise :P M1 by John Dutfield, on Flickr M2 by John Dutfield, on Flickr M6 by John Dutfield, on Flickr M7 by John Dutfield, on Flickr...
  5. monica

    Panzer Kampfwagen 1v ;1.35 Academy ;

    calling this one done, maybe not my best work,the figures should :confused: real be a bit better,but may hand is still a little dodgy,and shaky, ;) was a very nice kit,and I did enjoy the build, well hope you like it, comments most welcome, ;)
  6. Pikeman

    1/35 mini art French barn

    As some of you know I am working on a new dio but this was one I did a long time ago. Any feed back would be appreciated
  7. T

    Ta152C 1/48 hobby Boss

    The Wulf builds continue with the V7 prototype werk nummer 110 007 Ta 152C-O/R11 . Powered with a DB603 E . I finished it in RLM 81/83/76 which may or may not be correct my research has failed to find anything very solid on colors but this seems to be the most accepted combo.If anyone has...
  8. peterairfix

    Pete's Tiny Titanic

    This one was done in two days it's the smallest ship I have done. It is the revell one at a scale of1\1200. I dare any one else to try one
  9. D

    trumpeter s100 class schnellboot

    Hi guys this trumpeter kit is to 350 scale so is very small it was built over three days and was brush painted using lifecolor acrylics the water was done using the same paints then a coat of epoxy glue was applied prior to the white water being done with silicone sealer applied with a tooth...
  10. B

    1 72 panzertriebwagen nr 16 dio

    Hi, latest rail related model dio, this is three resin kits a panzertriebwagen with two panzerjagerwagon both ends ariving at a fueling point somewhere in russia. Any questions,comments welcome. This was a armoured version of the wr550d14 diesel loco ( and it was huge)...
  11. C

    1/700 USS Zumwalt (Dragon)

    This is the first DDG Zumwalt class destroyer. It's a Dragon kit with extra PE kit of BigBlueBoy. [
  12. C

    1/200 Harbour tug Smit Frankrijk (Revell)

    This is the Smit Frankrijk, a harbour tug. I built this kit without any PE, but I made few "scratchs" parts, for example; the Fire Fighter boxes, the condensator of the air conditioner, the radar mast, the brackets of the hull, the Zinc anodes, the tow cable, anchor chains, fenders with real...
  13. C

    1700 USS Mount Whitney (Trumpeter)

    This is the USS Mount Whitney. It is a Blue Ridge class command ship of the US Navy. This is the Trumpeter kit, with some "extras"; the CH-46 chopper, some railings, lifebuoys, doors with PE, semi-rigid boat and the antennas in the port and starboard sides in the bridge.
  14. C

    Revell 1/144 Sea Shadow

    These images are from my 1/144 Sea Shadow form Revell. I installed some red leds in the cockpit and the other opened areas. [ [ [
  15. spanner570

    "Let's soak their washing!" Vietnam Swift Boat (PCF) Mekong Delta.

    Here is my finished Revell Swift Boat (PCF). The crew are having some fun trying to flick the boat's wash at some local's washing on a small river in the Mekong Delta..... Just a pity I was unable to find some 1/48 Marines to pose onboard. I'll keep looking. Just a handful of far too many...
  16. I

    British Cheiftain Mk.5 - my first build and paint for 30+ years

    well, here is is, my Cheiftain Mk.5 from Tamiya, built and finished - possibly one or two touch-ups left, but i`m quite pleased with the way it turned out. Not built any kits since i was in my mid-teens, now at the grand old age of 52, thought i`d try get back into the hobby. kit was nice, a...
  17. D

    WW1,Chevauxlegar (Bavaria)

    Hi Friend's. This is one I did a couple of years ago. Andrea Miniature's 54mm. Painted with oils and acrylics. All the best. Ralph.
  18. A

    Italieri, M4A3E8 Fury, scale 1/35

    I have been waiting for ssome time to put my hand on the proper Fury kit! Finally I got one. It is actually the old Italieri M4A3E8 kit but they completed with Fury's accessories and decals. You can build two tiles of E8 , there are two types of rubber tracks. Nothing for interior but verry...
  19. monica

    1/8 Elf & evil Fox,

    well got some time for me, after cutting my hand and doing late spring clean,:confused: I did real enjoy this one,as I do just love the foxs head,and the whole texture to him, ;) she was not with a few changers as well, there is always some think I,m not so happy with,but I do like this...
  20. N

    Trojan T28b

    Hi all I think iam calling this one complete, hope you like it and as always any and all comments are most welcome good or bad. Scott