Brush painting a 1/48 Bf109E-4 (Helmut Wick)


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May 26, 2009
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Thanks fellas for the great posts on this, it makes for excellent reading....

A special thanks to Steve for taking the time to post the history of Major Wick and his unique Bf109. I appreciate it and it finishes the tutorial off nicely.

Derek, it has been a pleasure to try and help anyone who still uses the brush or for that matter anyone else. As I wrote earlier, if this exercise has helped just one person improve his painting

skills, then I consider the whole thing has been worth while.

Don't forget I learnt something on the way too: The stippling!lol

It would be great to see other 'Brush 'ands' on here having a go at a similar project, then we could all compare notes and exchange ideas and methods for everyone to learn from......

Thanks again to everyone who read or contributed to this.



Lots of helpful advice in there for me, i really enjoyed reading through that thread.:terrific: By the way, you guys have way too many smilies to choose from!:confused:

I have a BF109E in my Airfix airfield set that has the mottled paint effect, i was terrified of attempting it but now after reading through the above i'm just scared...I can't tell you how much i've picked up the last two days from just reading through some of the threads.

I'm also learning loads as i go, which i believe is crucial in developing your own skills, in any form of hobby or job in life, i'm a panel beater and it's a job that takes a long time to perfect, something like ten years to be anything like good at it, i've done twenty seven years and i'm still learning stuff even now, i digress again,, yes i'm learning as i go. With the other airfield kit for example i've learned that the fine sctatches in the plastic where i've had to fill and then sand weren't sanded out enough before applying the paint, and the paint could have done with being thinned, and regular car bodyrepair masking tape isn't good enough, and i would be better off priming them before painting next time..and...

You get the idea...of course you've all been here before haven't you?

I suppose the biggest thing i'm going to have to learn is patience if i'm ever going to be able to achieve the same results as you guys. But it's not all about developing your skills to make and paint the kits either, i've also learned that just like with certain cars in my job jobs have to be undertaken in a different way compared to others. For example, in the Battlefront kit there's a Sherman tank and the instructions tell you to fit the three wheel assemblies each side before then assembling the rest of the tank body, but done this way i couldn't then get in to fill the gaps between the floor and two side parts, if i had put the tank body together first i could have filled the gaps and then fitted the wheel assemblies, such is life, i'll know next time.:biggthumpup:


Just pretty much echoing what others have said, thanks for the tutorial, it's gives us newbies something to think about and is truly awe inspiring.



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May 26, 2009
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Nice to see Major Wick's aircraft popping up again.

Thanks for the comments boys. I'm well chuffed you have found the thread useful, so don't despair brush 'ands, there is life in the old dog yet (Brushing, not me!)

But this tutorial is only a small part of what makes this such a great forum to be a part of. Folks are willing to share their triumphs, and yes, mistakes in order that we can all learn and hopefully improve our skills......

Thanks again,



What a great tutorial this is and a lovely finished model too.

Since I've read this thread and thanks to Stona's information regarding such an interesting slice of history and Ron's talent in constructing this kit I've gone out today and purchased my next project (after the Spitfire is finished).

I'm still a novice when it comes to scale modelling but love the look of this Me 109 and I'll give it a go. If it goes wrong? There's always Purisol and the tropical version.. lol.

To be honest the most confusing issue I have at the moment is recognizing the RLM numbering system! German efficency, just call it green, light blue and dark grey.:noidea:

I'm going to be airbrushing the kit, but when it comes to the stipple someone has given me a tip of using a piece of sponge. lightly loaded with the paint and lightly dabbing. I also read somewhere that a good stipple finish may be attained by using a stiff brush and dabbing the paint onto the surface. I'm going to have a go this weekend on some scrap plastic and see what happens.
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May 26, 2009
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Thanks for the nice comments Colin. This was my first go at stippling too!

I read you are thinking of using a piece of sponge for the stipple. I've just had a look at my model of Wick's 109 and the stipple in 1/48 is barely 1mm!! So I don't think a piece of sponge is anywhere near small enough to have a crack at it.

I used an old 000 size brush and even then I gave the end a crew cut! Luckily this worked.....Don't overload the brush, just put barely enough paint on. As you have said , try it on a bit of scrap first. To get your eye in, start on the tail section first. That way if you make a mistake it's easily painted over for a fresh start ( not that you will, of course! lol)

By far the worst part is when you hold the model and have the brush poised and ready to go....Like I did, just wait until your hand stops shaking and everything will be fine!!

I have taken the liberty of posting a better picture of the stipple and his 'kingfisher' emblem, to give you a clearer idea of the scale.

Steve (stona) is yer man for the colours. I'm sure he will be along soon...

I hope the above will be of some use to you.

Good luck,


View attachment 36758

Bf109E-4  Helmut Wick 026.jpg


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Jul 22, 2008
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\ said:
To be honest the most confusing issue I have at the moment is recognizing the RLM numbering system! German efficency, just call it green, light blue and dark grey.:noidea:
Is someone confused by the RLM colour system? Surely not! Join a very,very long line Colin.

Many people are confused by the system. The system was a numeric system. I'll just stick to the familiar coloured aircraft laquers for now or we'll all go mad. The RLM (that's simply the Reich Air Ministry) gave a number code to all these coloured laquers,the familiar RLM 02,RLM 66 etc. They NEVER gave a descriptive name,even in german.

Various aircraft manufacturers or even manufacturing plants did apply descriptive names but these of course were not always the same.What Messerschmitt called "grau violet" (grey/violet) another manufacturer might call "mittel grau" (mid grey) so it's always best to stick to the RLM number,in this case RLM 75.

Sometimes the same name was applied to two different colours,even by the same company. For example Dornier called both RLM 81 and RLM 82 "dunkelgrun" (dark green).

The colours were matched to sample chips and these have been reproduced by various modern authors,Ken Merrick's weighty "Luftwaffe camouflage and Markings 1933-1945" has a very good set in the back. Luckily many paint manufacturers have also matched the RLM colour with variable success.

Always remember that we are painting models,we don't have to match a 1940s paint chip,and no man from the ministry is going to reject our finished job. I once painted a Bf109 in what I considered a good match for "full scale" RLM 74 and RLM 75 and it looked awful,I could hardly tell the two greys apart!

Great stipple Ron,I'd forgotten just what a good job you'd made of it.




I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
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Sep 4, 2019
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Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this. A great build and great effect.

I'll reply to the PM when I have a bit more time.

