New World War Two modeller


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Mar 30, 2021
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Greetings Dan, good to see a new 'yoof' on the forum! Have fun, don't get too discouraged - I still do and I'm as old as Methuselah!

Andy the Sheep

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Apr 7, 2019
North Eastern Italy
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Welcome Dan. This is a very friendly place where to learn while enjoying a very nice group of modellers (they're so nice they even endure my English:tongue-out3:).



Bob, bob, bobing along!
SMF Supporter
Apr 28, 2018
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Morning Dan

A warm welcome from me, you will find this site THE best not just for modelling help, support and encouragement BUT the members are extremely kind and supportive outside of modelling as well, trust me I know!!

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Scale Modelling Site
Apr 27, 2018
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Also seen a lot of talk about primer and stuff for the tanks, Red Oxide I think it’s called. It had me abit confused as was looking at tank models which where primed grey etc.

Hi Dan

The world of armour modelling can be a daunting one and the key is to start off small and learn from each build. Then on your next build implement what you have learnt and over a period of time you will gain a lot of experience. We have all asked the basic of questions over our times as modellers and there will always be unjudgmental help on the forum for you. Above all enjoy the hobby.

Once you have built the tank the art of painting and weathering (making it look used and abused) the model offers a multitude of choices. Generally modellers will prime the model using primer paints that offer a range of colours. You can get grey, black and red oxide along with many other colours. Once done then you will look to apply a base coat to provide the colour of the tank that you want. You will need to decide if you want to paint your model using a brush or airbrush. You will also need to decide which manufacture of paints you wish to use. Your main priority is to build the model so there is plenty of time to look into these decisions through many media options including this forum. Its a lot easier to ask questions on the forum as so many of us have been there and done it and will support you along the way. You don't want to paint your tank orange if it should be yellow :smiling5: :smiling5: :cool: :thumb2:

Just to answer your question about red oxide primer. The majority of German armour was primed by the Germans in the factories with a red oxide primer. It was then painted in grey or yellow depending on the time of production and where the armour was going to be used. Don't get too into this at the moment as it can be a minefield of information. As and when you are ready to paint we can give you information on the colours you should use for Wittmans Last Tiger if needed.

One stage of the weathering process in modelling is chipping. This is where modellers try to replicate paint chips and wear and tear. Therefore modellers will use a red oxide primer and then add on a top acrylic grey coat (for example) and then "chip" this coat to reveal the red oxide primer and thus create a more realistic look. However other modellers don't want to "chip" their models or chip in a different way, and will use a grey or black primer instead. Hopefully that answers your question

Happy modelling my friend
Jun 27, 2022
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There are some great tutorials on you tube, I would search for some thing along the lines of easy tips for beginners, pick maybe one or two guys you like and stick with the technique, it's easy to become totally confused with all the different methods and materials available, information overload!!
Any specific questions you may have will more than likely be answered by someone on the forum, there's many here with excellent knowledge and are more than happy to share it.
Ok will do thanks for the advice therE sure is a lot of information out there these days lol
Jun 27, 2022
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He means holding the parts together as they will be glued, but without any glue. This will tell you if they fit correctly, or if you need to do things like scrape/file/sand the join a little so they fit better, or maybe it will show that a locating pin doesn’t fit in the hole that it should (so you would need to cut off the pin, thin down the pin or drill out the hole), or perhaps you find that one part fouls another, etc. Dry-fitting the parts without glue will avoid all kinds of minor problems like these.

For larger parts, or if you need to fit more than two or three together, using a few bits of tape, elastic bands, clothespins or similar will help hold them in position if it gets too complicated for two hands.
Thanks for the detailed information Jakko much appreciated
Jun 27, 2022
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welcome to the forum! Tips & advice? ask away - questions are free, and if they can save you from making errors that we have all made in the past, great. In case you hadn't noticed the forum caters for all genres of model making, take a look around, you might be inspired to try something different
Yes thanks Dave I will ask away cheers
Jun 27, 2022
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Hi Dan

The world of armour modelling can be a daunting one and the key is to start off small and learn from each build. Then on your next build implement what you have learnt and over a period of time you will gain a lot of experience. We have all asked the basic of questions over our times as modellers and there will always be unjudgmental help on the forum for you. Above all enjoy the hobby.

Once you have built the tank the art of painting and weathering (making it look used and abused) the model offers a multitude of choices. Generally modellers will prime the model using primer paints that offer a range of colours. You can get grey, black and red oxide along with many other colours. Once done then you will look to apply a base coat to provide the colour of the tank that you want. You will need to decide if you want to paint your model using a brush or airbrush. You will also need to decide which manufacture of paints you wish to use. Your main priority is to build the model so there is plenty of time to look into these decisions through many media options including this forum. Its a lot easier to ask questions on the forum as so many of us have been there and done it and will support you along the way. You don't want to paint your tank orange if it should be yellow :smiling5: :smiling5: :cool: :thumb2:

Just to answer your question about red oxide primer. The majority of German armour was primed by the Germans in the factories with a red oxide primer. It was then painted in grey or yellow depending on the time of production and where the armour was going to be used. Don't get too into this at the moment as it can be a minefield of information. As and when you are ready to paint we can give you information on the colours you should use for Wittmans Last Tiger if needed.

One stage of the weathering process in modelling is chipping. This is where modellers try to replicate paint chips and wear and tear. Therefore modellers will use a red oxide primer and then add on a top acrylic grey coat (for example) and then "chip" this coat to reveal the red oxide primer and thus create a more realistic look. However other modellers don't want to "chip" their models or chip in a different way, and will use a grey or black primer instead. Hopefully that answers your question

Happy modelling my friend
Wow thanks a lot Steve. Just read this after work and appreciate the time writing that. Yes I agree walk before you can run I need not worry about paints yet when the tank isn’t even built lol. But I shall ask all the questions when i decide to build it and if I need any quality advice from you guys I shall ask. Thanks again,
Jun 27, 2022
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HI Dan welcome to the best forum goin i think an i see you fly R/C PLANES do you have any mate's that you fly with as im out to buy a cam belt drive for eletric flight so do you know anyone that has one for sale as i use them in my ships made by MFA but they they dont make them any more so can you help me picture of the one i want it plastic an takes a 540 motor

View attachment 456486
Hi mate I usually fly with my brother. I’m not part of any clubs of any sort, self taught. I have a Hobbyzone Aeroscout, FMS Cessena and just ordered a Durafly warbird messcherschmitt.
HI Dan welcome to the best forum goin i think an i see you fly R/C PLANES do you have any mate's that you fly with as im out to buy a cam belt drive for eletric flight so do you know anyone that has one for sale as i use them in my ships made by MFA but they they dont make them any more so can you help me picture of the one i want it plastic an takes a 540 motor

View attachment 456486
hi i dont know anyone who is selling a cam belt. I usually fly with my brother I see the odd flyer down where I live but it’s rare usually, as I’m not part of any club i dont know too many people that fly tbh with you. I’m just about to move onto a warbird shortly but not yet as I don’t have much spare time to do all these hobbies these days I have to prioritise lol. What ships have you got?


SMF Supporter
Nov 8, 2018
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Hi mate I usually fly with my brother. I’m not part of any clubs of any sort, self taught. I have a Hobbyzone Aeroscout, FMS Cessena and just ordered a Durafly warbird messcherschmitt.

hi i dont know anyone who is selling a cam belt. I usually fly with my brother I see the odd flyer down where I live but it’s rare usually, as I’m not part of any club i dont know too many people that fly tbh with you. I’m just about to move onto a warbird shortly but not yet as I don’t have much spare time to do all these hobbies these days I have to prioritise lol. What ships have you got?
HI Dan what ships have i got ? well ive built an sail now a 6ft R/C model of HMS NORFOLK frigate P1020206.JPG
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Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Welcome. We have a few armour builders on here. Help will always be at hand.
And I would like to make you aware that you can quote many times within one reply, so no need to reply one at a time to posts.;)
May 27, 2022
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Hi just arrived I'm into World War one and two aircraft in 1/48 and anything else in i need a break from cockpits. Will try to look in as much as possible.
Jun 27, 2022
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Scot - im from wales mate south coast. Windy as hell lol.

Ian - lol yes thanks for letting me know I got the hang of it now. Also ian do I have to post in different threads say for instance if it’s for figures, planes or tanks if I was to ask a question. Cheers.

Boatman - fair play those ships look impressive and the size is great.