Autumn/Winter GB

Do you want an Autumn/Winter GB?

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Richy C

Don`t want to upset the apple cart but what about a duel gb ie- at rest and one of the others and then everyone is free to choose one or the other or both , to me the at rest gb leans to much to a dio and figures , suits me as I love dios & figures but looking at the bigger picture it might put a few of the guys off , on a personal note I would be happy to make a small at rest dio and then another build from the other stuff mentioned , this is not an objection Graham just another option to get everyone involved , then from 2011 have it set in stone that their will be 3 or 4 gbs ie-military , land, sea,air, bikes, cars, space stuff etc etc whatever you choose we will follow, but having maybe the choice of 2 options on any one gb may work ,

just another idea



'Stashitis' victim
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May 17, 2009
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Just thinkin' aloud guys, but could this 'At rest' GB include machinery that's not being used? Things like aircraft/tanks etc with covers on, or covered in snow? (Just another excuse for me to be able to use it to cover up my mistakes! lol)



Fossil Raver
Jan 1, 2009
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\ said:
Just thinkin' aloud guys, but could this 'At rest' GB include machinery that's not being used? Things like aircraft/tanks etc with covers on, or covered in snow? (Just another excuse for me to be able to use it to cover up my mistakes! lol)Gern
Can't see why not Dave, it'll still be at rest plus i'd love to see one of your's with the covers on mate.



\ said:
Don`t want to upset the apple cart but what about a duel gb ie- at rest and one of the others and then everyone is free to choose one or the other or both , to me the at rest gb leans to much to a dio and figures , suits me as I love dios & figures but looking at the bigger picture it might put a few of the guys off , on a personal note I would be happy to make a small at rest dio and then another build from the other stuff mentioned , this is not an objection Graham just another option to get everyone involved , then from 2011 have it set in stone that their will be 3 or 4 gbs ie-military , land, sea,air, bikes, cars, space stuff etc etc whatever you choose we will follow, but having maybe the choice of 2 options on any one gb may work ,just another idea

Richy, you're still thinking of it in terms of an objective approach. The whole idea of using a subjective topic is it gives you considerably more creativity in how you interpret it. "At rest" does not have to mean a figure, it can mean anything you want it to be, that's the whole idea, use the topic to your own advantage. It could be machinery of any sort when it's not in use isn't it at rest? That could be an aircraft on the ground or a motorcycle in a workshop. A diorama gives you more scope but it doesn't have to be. It might be nothing more than a simple base or you could even go fo a free standing model. It could be nothing more than two coffee stirrers stuck together as a cross in the ground with "RIP" written across it and a helmet stuck on top. Wouldn't that be "At Rest"?

Like I suggested use your imagination and "Think outside the box", rather than create another topic to keep you in your comfort zone.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Ok, I will upset the apple cart.

In my opinion 'At Rest' is just too vague a theme for a Group Build. By Richard's rationale 98% of the projects on this forum could be included - where's the group experience in that?

A group build should surely be about shared experiences on a single theme, if not what's the point in having a GB?

I've been involved in the last 2 GBs, even though I have no great interest in either the Eastern Front or the FW190, but as a result I've learned a lot about late war German aircraft fro people like Steve (Stona) and pushed my abilities with things such as figure alts. The GB shouldn't be a place where you can just model what the hell you like, there's a whole forum for that, if you want a real group experience than the theme should be restricted otherwise nobody's going to take anything away from it other than another model they could have built at any time.



I agree with what you are saying and can see your side of it although I think 98% is perhaps a bit creative.

All I'm doing is offerring a slightly different way of looking at a group build for a couple of reasons. One is that the emphasis shifts slightly to the creative side of the planning and away from the nuts and bolts of the modelling. This has the significant advantage of allowing more modellers to use models that they might have in thier stash rather than have to go out and buy a model specifically for the build. In our current economic climate this could be quite significant to some members who cannot afford to go and buy a model simply for the purposes of joining the build.

Another of course is that there will be a much wider range of modelling types so there are more things to learn for everyone. Doing a group build of a FW 190 will teach everyone the ins and outs of modelling WWII German Aircraft but it might not have a great attraction to a majority of the membership so a more subjective topic opens it up to more modellers.

The group experience is just as much sharing the modelling techniques as ever but with the added interest of seeing how everyone interprets the topic and how different the models could be.

Interesting to see all sides though, I'm just glad I'm not doing Graham's job having to decide what to do when you know that you can never please all the people all the time.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Hi Richard

I'm sorry but I can't agree with you. There's tutorial sections, techniques sections - dozens of areas where a person might find help on this site on a whole raft of subjects, to use this as a reason for the GB is nonsense. On the contrary, I think that having such a vague 'brief' will in fact have the adverse affect - dozens of individuals doing their own thing and not actually learning anything new. If I'd had this theme in the last GB I'd have simply delved into the stash and done whatever. Seems to me the goal posts are moving on this Group Build malarky...

In he end the majority will decide and that's absolutely fine but don't use the pretext of learning new things as a justification for this theme cos it's clearly not the case.

Just my opinion...



I have just been wondering about what would it have been like if during world war 2 the sides were reversed?. By which i mean if the Germans had the Spitfire, hurricanes ect and the allies had the 109's and 110's ect. Also the American and Japanese were reversed.

This could open up a large and varied range of subjects like colours, markings all of which would be to your own imagination.

Just a thought too consider .


SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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This is interesting stuff.

I see merit in both Richard and Paul's posts.

Paul is right, this up and coming G/B should be more restrictive, 'At rest' by all means but let's narrow it down somehow, or as he states it's too open and no different from the builds throughout the year. Therefore it might not get much interest.

I agree to an extent with Richard that opening up the topic might attract more members to join in. But to my way of thinking a Group Build is something away from the normal everyday modelling and should be seen as a challenge to come up with something different and yes difficult. If the task looks too daunting then I say at least try. People will never learn and improve if they have a soft option.

Richard's point about actually having to buy kits for the G/B doesn't hold with me for two reasons:- 1, it has months to run for anyone who has to save up and 2 from what I've seen on this forum regarding purchasing models there seems to be no problem or constrate whatsoever! (I mean that in the nicest way folks)

So, yes to the 'At Rest' theme but let's screw it down to specifics and make people really think hard what to do. I can hear people saying "But what about newcomers to modelling?" To newbies I say join in the G/B and do your best. The end result is immaterial, it's what you learn on the way that matters..

To sum up, at the moment I reckon it is too open. I, and no doubt everyone thinking of joining, has come up with dozens of ideas already, which brings us nicely back to Paul's post.

I will burn my soapbox tonight as Mrs. Ron is starting to feel the cold these nights, bless!




\ said:
Hi RichardI'm sorry but I can't agree with you. There's tutorial sections, techniques sections - dozens of areas where a person might find help on this site on a whole raft of subjects, to use this as a reason for the GB is nonsense. On the contrary, I think that having such a vague 'brief' will in fact have the adverse affect - dozens of individuals doing their own thing and not actually learning anything new. If I'd had this theme in the last GB I'd have simply delved into the stash and done whatever. Seems to me the goal posts are moving on this Group Build malarky...

In he end the majority will decide and that's absolutely fine but don't use the pretext of learning new things as a justification for this theme cos it's clearly not the case.

Just my opinion...

I'm afraid I am not in the habit of using pretexts as a justification, as I've suggested it is simply a different way of looking at something which members of the forum might like to consider.

You are right Paul, that is just your opinion and there are a lot of others out there, all of who deserve to be heard and valued just as equally.


Interesting points by all parties, If it was "at rest" i would do German as its my comfort zone, but I would like to be motivated into another area, so if it was "at rest" Vietnam for example, then I would still have a go, even though its not my subject. No matter what the outcome I will be doing something no matter what the subject is.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Hi Richard

Fair enough, just putting forward a counter point.


Ferrets Bueller

\ said:
I have just been wondering about what would it have been like if during world war 2 the sides were reversed?. By which i mean if the Germans had the Spitfire, hurricanes ect and the allies had the 109's and 110's ect. Also the American and Japanese were reversed.This could open up a large and varied range of subjects like colours, markings all of which would be to your own imagination.

Just a thought too consider .
Now that sounds interesting, we would get all manner of strange looking vehicles etc.

Ferrets Bueller

\ said:
Interesting points by all parties, If it was "at rest" i would do German as its my comfort zone, but I would like to be motivated into another area, so if it was "at rest" Vietnam for example, then I would still have a go, even though its not my subject. No matter what the outcome I will be doing something no matter what the subject is.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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\ said:
I have just been wondering about what would it have been like if during world war 2 the sides were reversed?. By which i mean if the Germans had the Spitfire, hurricanes ect and the allies had the 109's and 110's ect. Also the American and Japanese were reversed.This could open up a large and varied range of subjects like colours, markings all of which would be to your own imagination.

Just a thought too consider .
Hi Paul

If that kind of thing takes your fancy Steve (Stona) gave a really interesting situation where the Turks (during world war 2) actually operated Spitfire MkVs and FW190s together, not a 'what if' apparently that did happen!


Anyone fancy a GB based around the Falklands campaign? ........... My head hurts now.

Right, I am not going to be funny about this, I can see everyones point of view but for the sake of record. The whole point of a GB is to have a bit of fun and build something along a common theme, no matter how vague. It is impossible to suggest something that will please everyone as this thread is so amply showing.

I think if you look back to the beginning of the first GB when after pages of 'discussion' we ended up doing the FW190 although some said it was of no interest so they would not be joining in. That's OK, the GB is not compulsory. There will always be those who don't want to do it because it has nothing of interest to them and they are not going to invest in plastic to build something they do not like. That is fine, I totally understand that. There are those who do not join in simply because they do not have the time to commit to something when, what little modelling time they have, they want to commit to their preferred subject. That is fine to, as is the ones who do not finish for whatever reason like myself this time. It's OK, life is like that.

What is not a good thing is that the GB becomes divisive to the forums membership in any way shape or form. We are all mates on here and although we do different things, we support each other and everyone has a right to their opinion and long may that be. But it is a bit of fun guys so lets not get too over the top on this ;)

The difficulty I have with the GBs is that each time we try to set one, it gets a bit like a ping pong game, bouncing back and forth until a subject is thrashed out. I tried something a little different this time and set the Falklands Campaign as a subject. I did this after checking that there were plenty of kits about that were not specialist that would fit into it, trust me there are. OK, figures may be an issue but figures are not compulsory either although there are some really nice 1:48 metal ones at a reasonable price. However, it backfired with people not wanting to take part because it was too limited. There appeared to be a general feeling that it would just be loads of Harriers! Don't know why that should be but then again, what is wrong with that? It is a very nice aircraft, historically very important and some really good kits knocking about. Wouldn't have bothered me to see 75% of the GB doing a Harrier.

So, if every time we try to decide what the GB will be it gets a little long winded and heated then i have to say, is it worth it. Don't get me wrong, I am not throwing me dummy out the pram nor am I criticising anyone for voicing their opinion. EVERYONE has a right to their opinion on here and EVERYONE'S opinion is of equal value.

So, here is what will happen. We will have a month off to think about it. Most people want a GB, the poll has demonstrated that so it will continue but the next one will not start at the beginning of November. We will use November to take stock and decide what we want to do for GB's in 2011 and decide on the full years, either three or four for the year. Whether we start the first one at the beginning of December or wait until the new year, we will just have to see how it goes.

What I want you, the membership of this forum to do is to send me via PM your ideas for a subject, be it period, theme, theatre or whatever and I will view them all with the idea of setting, from your ideas, the GB calendar for 2011. Once this calendar has been set for 2011, that will be it. You can take part or not depending if the subject is to your liking, no one should feel bad about not taking part, it may not be your cup of tea or you may not have time, that's fine.

So, it is over to you guys now. Send me at least four ideas about what you want and we will see which four, or three GBs we have for next year.

I have now closed this thread, let's get back to modelling :smiling:
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