Dragon Tiger Initial Production


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Jan 14, 2015
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Very nice work indeed John, I think the pigment work and weathering are top notch;)

As far as wheel alignment is concerned, I can't notice any disparities. Remember when tanks are in the field they slop about in the muck and mire so you can't really go wrong

when dirtying them up. I myself being of the "work with what you got" type, find that actual "dirt" mixed with some white glue and thinned with a bit of water and slapped about looks quite convincing once dry and is after all "Au-natural" As far as "fixing Pigments" (whatever you use) "Testors Dull Coat" (spray) works great and seals and dries to a nice flat finish.

hope this helps a bit. Sometimes I even give a hint of a spray with a "satin" finish clear coat as this helps to highlight edges when taking pix.......Cheers...Jim:smiling3:


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Jan 18, 2012
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Great job John, that looks like a well-weathered Tiger, mission accomplished.

John Rixon

\ said:
Very nice work indeed John, I think the pigment work and weathering are top notch;)
As far as wheel alignment is concerned, I can't notice any disparities. Remember when tanks are in the field they slop about in the muck and mire so you can't really go wrong

when dirtying them up. I myself being of the "work with what you got" type, find that actual "dirt" mixed with some white glue and thinned with a bit of water and slapped about looks quite convincing once dry and is after all "Au-natural" As far as "fixing Pigments" (whatever you use) "Testors Dull Coat" (spray) works great and seals and dries to a nice flat finish.

hope this helps a bit. Sometimes I even give a hint of a spray with a "satin" finish clear coat as this helps to highlight edges when taking pix.......Cheers...Jim:smiling3:
You haven't seen the other side!!! ;)

Well, I'm being hyper critical here, but the other side does slightly show the problem I had. However, its a problem I won't have again with new-found hindsight. Much of it was caused by me trusting the fit too much. This is a new release, but contains many parts from a fairly long history of Tigers, so anyone wanting to build this particular version, really does need to take great care when putting this part of the kit together.

As for Testors Dullcoat, I'd love to get my mitts on some, but it seems as rare as rocking-horse s*** here, and my regular matt varnish just goes weird over pigments.

I'd like to take the opportunity here to give you some credit for my paint work. This was painted using mostly the same craft paints as you use*, and by brush. The only difference being rattle can primer, and a fine mist of blue filter to correct the colour. Once I had the main colour sorted, I used Abteilung oils to weather and dirty it up, and I feel that I could take this one stage further for the next build, and use ois exclusively for the weathering, only using a dusting of pigments over them to greate an earthy surface. I absolutely love painting in this fashion, so relaxing and cathartic!

Thanks for the kind comments!

*oh yeah, a drop of Vallejo mid sea grey too, but still brushed!
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John Rixon

\ said:
great looking early big cat John,,do like what and how your done it,
real like you dust/mud effect,and very suitable weathering,well done, ;)

thanks for showing the vid as well very interesting in what he i say, :D

will be going back to that,
Thanks for the comments Monica! That video makes for interesting viewing - it becomes clear that, whilst Dragon unarguably make great kits, they seem to take a lot of short-cuts to avoid re-making parts that, to be honest, need re-tooling. You have to remember that my good lady paid £59 (about $85 Aus) for this kit. Fine, if it was what was reviewed by Perth Military Modelling, but it wasn't . Dragon change the specs as, and when they choose. Frustrating when it didn't even come with engine grille PE:mad:.

I like the end result, which is, let's face it, the important thing, but I'll be on my guard when ordering another Dragon kit!


That is a very nice Tiger, John.

I really like the color since one doesn't see the grey used on Tigers much, and that particular batch of vehicles with the turret-side storage bins is really cool. Your weathering is very good, in my opinion.

And funny you mention the Sherman... that is the kit I will be starting next. It will also be my first use of pigments. I recently got a set and am champing at the bit to try them out.

John Rixon

\ said:
That is a very nice Tiger, John.
I really like the color since one doesn't see the grey used on Tigers much, and that particular batch of vehicles with the turret-side storage bins is really cool. Your weathering is very good, in my opinion.

And funny you mention the Sherman... that is the kit I will be starting next. It will also be my first use of pigments. I recently got a set and am champing at the bit to try them out.
Thank you Brett, as it happens, and by no coincidence, I too am building the same Sherman, it's the one we spoke about a while back, and is such a good kit. I spent hours today, with radio 3 on (BBC classical station) and was in building heaven! Painting is my main love, but a new-tool tamiya is always a real joy to put together (my recent Matilda was also awesome). I hope you enjoy the pigments, do wear a mask, they are easy to inhale, and don't be afraid to mix them as you would paint, it works beautifully, and gives a real range to play with!
Mar 2, 2015
First Name
I agree with all comments made on here John. This looks a very nice tiger and the weathering looks spot on ( from what little I know on tigers )

Really grand work on this



John Rixon

\ said:
I agree with all comments made on here John. This looks a very nice tiger and the weathering looks spot on ( from what little I know on tigers )
Really grand work on this


Thanks Robert!

It's funny yet heartening to hear these comments, as I've been agonising about a number of aspects of this build. However, it is sitting on the mantlepiece, in the "newly completed models" slot, and looking ok! I must remind myself, and others, that I spent a long time studying the box art for this, it's a proper good bit of painting, and I thought that replicating the surfaces of the box art in some way might look pretty decent. I'd love to know who does these, as I'm guessing that they're all old school, using brushes and wet mediums!
Oct 17, 2011
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Nice work, one of my favorite tigers with its double bins. I've yet to build this beast.

John Rixon

\ said:
Nice work, one of my favorite tigers with its double bins. I've yet to build this beast.
You ought to build it then, as, for the most part, it is a straightforward build, and I'm sure a more experienced modeller than me wouldn't have fallen headlong into that wheel alignment trap! It is pricey though, very pricey compare with the new tool Sherman I've just started, which is the equal, and superior, in some aspects, to the Dragon beast, and nearly 45% cheaper!