This is odd !



I wish I could get my body reboxed. :mad: It would make me very happy.



I know of Tamiya reboxings, just updated box art over the years, and I'm not sure if Dragon have been around for long enough as yet.

I also think it is important to remember that Airfix have picked themselves up from very nearly extinction to the point where they are producing kits to certainly match the orientals. They have to build up the company slowly to get to that point and refreshing old mouldings with new transfers, box art and additional sprues is a cost effective way to achieve that. If they started out by only producing new toolings they wouldn't have lasted five minutes.

This is exactly the same challenge Triumph was faced with when that company was brought back to life. The only way they could achieve this was by developing a single engine and then using it in exactly the same format across a number of different frames. Nowadays they have got the company to the point where they can compete with the Japanese on the sports bike arena, something that would have been scoffed at a few years ago.

I also think it is worth reminding people that Airfix put a lot of time effort and money into bringing modelling to the younger generation by attending shows and giving kits to youngsters as well as running build workshops and tutorials, all given freely. They also offer bulk numbers of simple kits such as 1/72nd Spitfires to groups to purchase very cheaply to enable youth groups, schools etc. to hold build competions. I don't remember ever seeing Tamiya or Dragon doing that.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for Airfix for getting themselves back to where they are today and they are probably already responsible for encouraging significant numbers of young modellers into the hobby, who we would not otherwise have seen. I agree no-one is perfect and all companies make mistakes and some don't even go about correcting them very well but overall, with everything being taken into consideration, I think Airfix do a very good job.

Alan 45

Plastic Abuser
Nov 29, 2012
First Name
I'll tell you what tamiya or any other kit maker don't do , they don't put new on a rebox !


This is an interesting read;


My final word on the matter & addressed to Richard as he has singled out my words in my previous posts.

A Tamiya rebox is as rare as hens teeth. I notice the one you found was of a little known or built Italian tank! And it really doesn't matter because irrespective of when they were made, Tamiya kits go together so well!

That's one of the reasons that Airfix got into trouble - their perceived quality didn't match the competition. Far Eastern manufacturers ate up big chunks of their market.

The fact that they've come back so well is to be applauded & celebrated. It can only be good for the industry & hobby.

As for Tamiya or Dragon not attending UK shows - do they need to? Their customer base worldwide is secure, unlike Airfix. And both companies, especially Tamiya have worked tirelessly to promote their products & modelling in general in their home countries - something we benefit from as greater sales allow for more investment. That's how well-run companies prosper, by using revenue to allow for inward investment - not by disappointing customers with old tired kits in fancy new boxes.

However, as I said before, it's just my opinion.


SMF Supporter
Jan 18, 2012
First Name
Actually, Tamiya are quite prolific in re-boxing Italeri kits of various genres. That tank is just one example. At the end of the day if you want to buy a kit do the research first, it is either new tool or it isn't; it will either meet your expectations or it won't. If you buy on a whim you run the risk. That is why these forums are so good, you can ask before committing. Or you can read the hundreds of reviews online to make an informed decision. Either way the original question has been answered in this thread.