Wingnut Wings 1/32 Halberstadt Cl.II (late)

Tim Marlow

Little blokes aficionado
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Apr 27, 2018
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Wings of War — the card image is a link to the Boardgamegeek page abut it :smiling3: Very fun, quick to play and simple to learn, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. I’d definitely recommend it.
Yep, got it! It’s a travel version of wings of glory….played it at a number of conventions….got shot down every time ;) Wings of glory is a table wargame using aircraft models, if you haven’t come across it. Clever moving system, but the fire system is a bit simplistic….

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
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Apr 27, 2018
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Wow Guys, I really appreciate the interest in this build. I will try and do my best to keep it informative and fun at the same time. This is new territory for me, so please have a little patience as the real build start will take some time...

Well you got my attention. Front center for me please. (i know it is often the worse place to sit but this I want to see.

Those have to be some of the best instructions I've ever seen
Not a prob Boss. My apartment is small and every seat is a good one. I'll keep a handle on the rabble too. The instructions are very good, but one has to pay attention to them...

Joining the party early for once Allen!

Good luck with the build!!

Great to have you along Andrew. But please take care of your homework and your school first my friend...

I'm in for sure. Looking at the sprues, the choices and the instructions it's clear it's a quality kit.
It is Jim and that's why I got so interested in these kitsets. You know I'm really not a wing thingy builder, but I had to give them a go...

Looking forward to this. Agree with Ian ref instructions as well. One minor point Allen, is that a small moulding flaw on the tail part? Oh, and your on your own with those decals…..they are a little scary, but necessary for the fabric effect.
You're so right Tim. The decals do give a scare and I hope I don't screw them up too bad. The flaw in the tail wing is actually a spot of discoloration in the plastic and not a defect. You had me scared for a moment there, but I checked and it's smooth without any flaw...

I smelled wood, fabric and dopping varnish so squeezing in the front for this Allen. I think I saw a Halberstadt displayed at the AWM and watched a video made by Peter Jackson for the WW1 display. Could the design team at WN have studied this particular display to model it? Who knows. :thinking:

I can't say either who designed the kit Wabble. WnW also made an early version of this kit and I really don't know the difference between the two. I'll have to have a look into it...

OOOH Allen I am so IN!
Great to hear Neil, but please, let's not get too excited yet! When I finally start making progress, then you can let loose Sir...

Never seen one of these kits built so definitely in, good luck
Grab a seat Mick and join the party. I've never seen one of these built either. I guess I'm the guinea pig here...

Whats this ! A wingy thing , no even better - a stringy wingy thing !! I’ll be on the front row allen , possibly wearing a false beard and glasses , the Cosford museum are still looking for me after crashing their halberstadt.!
Looks a very comprehensive package , im sure this will give you no problems allen , if you can tackle those tiny resin bits on the reihenwerfer this should be as easy as blowing the froth off a cold one , - gotta go , just seen one of the curators from the museum sniffing around - you aint seen me right !:nerd:
Sorry Tony, but I couldn't resist that. No need to hide as most Police, Curators people give up trying to get to my apartment after the second set of stairs. You're safe my friend and I finally have all the last tiny tidbits CA'd on the Reihenwerfer. Just need to paint the damn thing, but with minus temps, it's too cold to have the window open..

Oh yes - I'll be lurking on this! It looks comprehensive! I've used the lozenge decals on 1/72 & 1/48 models, and they are nerve racking to apply!, so good luck with 1/32. Do you get any rigging material in the box?
They look rather daunting Dave, but I will just take my time and try not to muck them up. No, you don't get any rigging material in the kit, but I bought some to use. It's too thin though, so I'm looking out for something thicker. Infini or EZ line would do the trick, but hard to get here in the correct size...

Count me in my friend. Looks like a nice kit with clear instructions. My next build is a biplane a commission build. Not a wingy person and never done a biplane.
Great to have you Bro! I'm afraid if you are looking for any tips for your build, you won't learn anything here. Other than what not to do with a wing thingy...

That looks like a properly impressive kit … especially with those decals.

Oh, and if it doesn’t work out, you can always try this one instead:

View attachment 473082

You are so right there Jakko. There are 5 different schemes to choose from and they all have loads of decals for them. None from the Shlasta 23b though...

Well my friend I shall serve refreshments , most impressive instructions, with enough variations to confuse the like's of me.
Hope this goes well, and the Rabble behave.
Thanks Dude 2 and I have read them 5 times already and still get confused too. Oh, and don't take any crap from the rabble either. I've stocked the fridge and there is plenty of tea and coffee to around along with snacks. Please remember to give Jimbo and Neil a sandwich every couple of hours as they don't get enough to eat at home... Thanks Brother...

Short of the surrounding hype, never seen anything other than a WNW box. Not the plastic, paper, finished product…so will follow this with interest.
Nice to have you here too Jack. I've had this kit in the stash since July 2020 and have only looked in the box 2 times myself. The time is right for building it in 2023...

Hiding at the back, basking in the reflected glory...... Good luck Allen!

No need to hide in the back Buddy. The worst that can happen is I'll make a complete mess of it. Then it will become a crash scene with total destruction included...

..... what's this?....
.... Mr.Dewire doing a Wingy thing,after all the grief he gave Mr.Smythe?...
SURELY NOT...... I mean,that just be hypocritical ..... wouldn't it?!! ;)
No Cohan, I'm doing this out of respect for your great builds in 1/48 and the fine finishes you have achieved. Mr. Smiff really just sits back, watches you work and then takes a few pics to post along with some descriptions of your fine builds. Not hypocritical at all...

Blogging a massive, challenging build - that's bold! And it deserves attention - I'll be watching.
Thanks Paul and I only hope It doesn't go south. Definitely new waters for me Sir!...

Like I stated earlier, I've played around with the motor a bit. I have decided to go with the 180 HP DB.III for the version I'm doing. That's where the first hiccup came in the instructions. They would have you assemble the cylinder heads using parts E2 and E16,

The part E2, on the sprue, is for the 160 HP motor and looks different than pictured. I pulled up the instructions from the motor sprue you could buy separately and saw this,

132E0005 180hp Merc D.IIIa engine online instructions (2).jpg
The same part, but with the sprue part # E25 used instead. Ok, to a learned wing thingy builder, they would have known this. I didn't see it. Luckily, the glue hadn't dried completely so I could get the cylinders apart. The motor is quite detailed but doesn't have everything it should. Yesterday, I decided it needed some sprucing up and started with the magnetos and spark plug wires as no info is included. The motor has 2 of them and 12 spark plugs to make it run. With a 0.25mm drill and some stretched sprue, I let the madness begin,

I drilled out the magneto and glued the 1cm wires in place. Then I cut more sprue at 1.5cm for the spark plug wires that ran inside a pipe on both sides of the motor,

IMG_3469.JPGI also started wrapping the intake manifold in 1mm AV masking tape for the insulation used against vapor lock from the motor heat. It still needs a second wrapping to fill it out a bit more. Earlier tonight, I punched out a bunch of 0.7m hex pieces to be used for the base of the spark plugs on the cylinder heads. The plugs themselves will be 0.3 or 0.4 plastic rod and around 3mm long glued to them. More on this in the next update...

Thanks again for the great interest and I hope the next update won't be too far off. I still have a bit of hissy stick work and detailing to do on my other projects to finally get them done. Have a great week and keep on sniffing and nipping folks!!!...



SMF Supporter
Aug 13, 2019
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I will definitely be watching this build. Best of luck to you.


Way past the mad part
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Apr 28, 2018
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Yep, got it! It’s a travel version of wings of glory….
IIRC, it was a card game first, the model planes coming later.

Clever moving system, but the fire system is a bit simplistic….
But quick to learn and quick to play. You can teach it in minutes to people who never played games like this. My only real complaint is the secret damage system: too easy to cheat, IMHO.

Tim Marlow

Little blokes aficionado
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Apr 27, 2018
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IIRC, it was a card game first, the model planes coming later.

But quick to learn and quick to play. You can teach it in minutes to people who never played games like this. My only real complaint is the secret damage system: too easy to cheat, IMHO.
I’ve only ever seen the model version, but then I go to figure gaming expos, not board game expos, so it’s not surprising ;) . Agree it’s simple to play and very good for a pick up game at an exhibition. Never had anyone cheat, but then at expos I think the damage was kept on view rather than kept secret…..

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
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Apr 27, 2018
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Greetings from a wet and windy Bamberg. It rained all day, so that meant table time for me and an update (of sorts)...

Count me in on this one.
Welcome aboard Noah Garry! Plenty of room with food and drink available. Sorry, but it's too windy to fire up the barbie though...

Great stuff, already on the improvements!
Thanks Tim and there are a few things you can improve over the stock kit. Not a lot really...

I will definitely be watching this build. Best of luck to you.
Thank you John and glad to have you looking in. I need all the luck I can get here...

Well yours will be at least number 2.
Ok Colin, was there another WnWs kit built on here earlier or am I missing something?...

I really can't comment on games associated with WWI, but I do miss playing Red Baron on the computer. That was a fun game and I always lost anyway.........

As I said, the motor in the kit is detailed, but there are some things missing. I decided to add the spark plugs and wiring because the thingy wouldn't fly without them (in real life). Here's what I started with,

0.7mm hexes punched out of 0.2mm sheet plastic. The 0.3mm rod was left over from my Somua Riehenwerfer kit, so I cut it into 2mm bits with the RP Toolz chopper. The fun began when I went about trying to glue the bits onto the hexes with TET. It worked most of the time and I really wished I had three hands. Words flew and in the end I had these,

14 spark plugs!!! Ok, so I ain't Bosch or Champion, but they were done and almost looked the part. I let them dry for a while and in the meantime, I started painting some of the other things with the hairy stick. I found my AK aluminum paint was trash and my Tamiya aluminum wouldn't brush either (but we know that). I also needed a way to paint the hexes of the spark plugs silver and a brush wasn't going to work. I remembered I had a Molotow pen in chrome color. It has a 1mm tip, so I gave it a whirl. It worked, so a while later we had made some overall progress,

Hard to see the chrome bases of the (chunky) spark plugs on the left. the two others were the worst of the bunch and only to be used if one of the good ones pinged off into space. The magnetos were done in bakelite color and satin black with brass caps. I also did the rocker springs in alu and a wash of black. I have to say that whoever molded these WnW kits did a really great job. The plastic is not too hard or too soft either. A quick scrape with a hobby knife and any mold lines are gone without damaging the part. That is pretty impressive!!! Next up, was painting the cylinders so I could add the spark plugs on each side. AK's Satin Black is really nice for hairy stick work here. After it had dried, I went at it using MIGs slow dry CA to insure they would stay in place and keep them straight...What a beatch that was!!! Damn hands were shaking and the plugs were trying to stick to the tweezers, but in the end, I won the battle,

IMG_3477.JPG12 (chunky) spark plugs on the cylinders. Only one actually pinged off into oblivion and one got drowned in CA. I actually tried to shape the plugs to make the top sides thinner, but even with a small sanding stick, it was impossible to hold them in the tweezers. After I add the wires, the 3 meter rule will be in effect anyway. I need to make a paint order as I need some Vallejo metal color aluminum or some flat aluminum from MIG to finish up the motor. There are 4 (or more) decals that have to be added to it too...

That's all for now folks! Stammtisch tonight and off to the Nuremburg Toy Fair on Saturday to see what's new in our hobby. I'll take some pics to post too. Thanks for looking in and have good one!!! All C, C, and abuse greatly appreciated...


Tim Marlow

Little blokes aficionado
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Apr 27, 2018
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Lovely stuff. The icing on the cake that is! I remember playing red baron as well……..i always turned too tightly and pulled the top wing off the airplane.
Top tip….if you do that in a triplane it can still fly…..not very well, but it stays up there ;)

Jim R

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Apr 27, 2018
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Excellent stuff there Allen. For a kit of this quality it's worth going the extra miles. Spark plugs look the part, time well spent. Have fun at the fair.
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I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
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Sep 4, 2019
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Outstanding work.... Although for what they cost you think they would be supplied! ;)

yak face

Staff member
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Jun 13, 2009
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Superb scratchery allen , its little things like this that will lift an already superb kit to another level , cheers tony

Allen Dewire

Proud Rabble Member
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Apr 27, 2018
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Yes, I built a WnW Bristol F.2B fighter back in 2018. It was part of the WW1 group build.
Wow Colin, that was before I took the dive into wing thingy's in 2019. I went back and read through your build and finished item posts. Absolutely fantastic work Sir!!! As Tim said, it was masterclass. I can only hope I can do mine half as good as yours. Might I ask, if you remember, what size rigging line you used? I'm lucky as my plane has less rigging than yours did...

Lovely stuff. The icing on the cake that is! I remember playing red baron as well……..i always turned too tightly and pulled the top wing off the airplane.
Top tip….if you do that in a triplane it can still fly…..not very well, but it stays up there ;)
Worth looking up, it was a bit of a masterclass!
My best memory of Red Baron was when you pulled out of a dive, all the parts would creak and squeak before the wing broke off!!! The sound effects were great. For it's time, the game was so cool and I knew I could never be a good WWI pilot playing it. Taking off was a huge problem as the thick manual had nothing written in it about how to do it. I can't remember how many times I pushed the wrong button on my joystick, released a bomb, and blew myself up sitting on the runway...

Excellent stuff there Allen. For a kit of this quality it's worth going the extra miles. Spark plugs look the part, time well spent. Have fun at the fair.
Thanks Jim! It is a test of nerves and my skills to do the mods, but fun, all the same. The fair was great, but small compared to the last time I went. maybe next year it will be bigger...

A bit late but I'm not going to miss a WnW kit build.
You are never late Andrea and it's always a pleasure to have you joining the party...

Outstanding work.... Although for what they cost you think they would be supplied! ;)
True Andrew, but even for the price, a kit really can't include everything. Trying to mold them would have been a nightmare I think...

Superb scratchery allen , its little things like this that will lift an already superb kit to another level , cheers tony
Thanks Tony and I am going to give it my best (never went to) college try. If I mess up, I still have a few in the stash to attempt a better result. Colin set a pretty high bar with his build though...

I've ordered some paint and a set of resin turnbuckles from Gaspatch. I don't have enough sanity to do what Colin did on his and twist them up myself. I took the easy way out! I also ordered some Infini 0.13mm black elastic rigging. Hopefully, it's the right size and I'll get the 2 orders before the end of the week. I did do a bit more on the motor and wired the spark plugs,

One definitely needs three hands for this. The heavy brass block did make it easier with only two though. I wanted a good hold, so I used CA to attach them to the plug ends. One of those times the CA decided not to set quickly, like it should. I ended up using 3 different types before I got the job done. After the CA had dried thoroughly, I cut the rest of the sprue off each plug. Not having a warm and fuzzy over the strength of the attachment, I went back and applied a drop of CA on top on each plug. In the end and with a drop of black paint,

We had this. The wires are too long and a bit wonky in their bends, but none fell off and they do look like spark plugs. The other side,

None of these came undone either yet, so I guess I got lucky. I also don't think Bosch will be calling me to work for them any time soon!!! I'm still not decided what color to paint the cables. They could have been black, brown, tan, off yellow or maybe blue. I wasn't around back then, so maybe a little artistic license could be used. I like dark blue myself and it would be a nice color variation to the black of the cylinders...

I really can't do any more or assemble the motor, until my paint order comes. In between, I have been working on my Panther dio too. We still have temps below zero, so hissy stick work is out for time being. I thank you all again for your comments and interest in my Halberstadt. Till next time...



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Apr 27, 2018
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Thanks mate you could have started this before I started mine as yours is a 1000% better already and I cant steal ideas from you. :tongue-out2:
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