Billings Boat Mary Ann





hi all

home again and straight back into the thick of it lol,been busy making the sail, side rollers the fishing net and other bits and will put up some pics later.

cheers steve


sorry not put any updates on lately but been ill so fallen behind with things but will try over the next couple of days to get things done


Well thats it thats this one completed and im quite pleased with the way its turned out to be honest there were a couple of times that i thought i was going to make a mess of this but thankfully i was wrong. I did have some more pics of the fittings being made and the sail but deleted them by mistake duh. The sail was cut from the cloth that is supplied in the kit and the plans just show it as a single piece but after cutting it out i decided to double up on it mainly because my sewing is not the best and i hand stitched the sail myself and scratch built a few of the extra fittings that just give the model a little bit more detail and i believe those things have made this kit for me really unique and more satisfying and enjoyable to build.

Considering that this is the first model i have built for over 30yrs and can see for myself how it has turned out has given me a renewed interest in the hobby and the confidence to have a go at another one, i have been looking at the deans marine model of the sisapon and that could possibly be my next choice and i would be interested in anybodys comments on that companies kits good/bad pros and cons.

Finally id like to say thanks to those of you who have taken the time to have a look/comment on the thread its been a pleasure and im sure i will be doing the same for my next one and hope you have enjoyed it as well.

Many thanks
